New Member worried about high Lp(a), (But it is really?)

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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New Member worried about high Lp(a), (But it is really?)

Post by ofonorow » Sun Dec 03, 2023 8:21 am

Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: New Member worried about high Lp(a), (But it is really?)

Post by nt2295457 » Sun Dec 03, 2023 10:31 am

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Re: New Member worried about high Lp(a), (But it is really?)

Post by ofonorow » Sun Dec 03, 2023 5:17 pm

I am very glad you joined our forum. Welcome.

First, I am as far from a medical doctor as it is possible to be. These are my personal opinions (which usually parrots Linus Pauling, and lately these days, Anthony William (The Medical Medium).

You are new to me. Typically, we try to help people with real heart disease, those with intractable chest pain, who have trouble walking, in pain, etc.

In my opinion, you do not have heart disease, far from it, so let's see if we can understand what is going on now that the medical profession has been "turned on" to the "dangers of Lp(a) cholesterol."

The first step, for a great background, please read the late Bill Sardi's article on Lp(a)

Lets assume for a moment, that with all those good numbers, for some reason your Lp(a) is out of whack. Perhaps you have a genetic disposition? In that case, I think that your starting protocol (basic Lp(a) binding inhibitors, vitamin C, lysine and proline) are excellent, and exactly what IMO you should be doing. These substances, the Pauling/Rath invention, naturally bind to any excess Lp(a) in the blood and should protect and reverse any plaque that may form due to elevated Lp(a).

Having said this, there are tweeks and I am curious. Curious about the drug they recommend (and how much it costs.) I can't get it out of my mind that one of the "new" Lp(a) lowering drugs may be more than $10,000 per month.

The reason the say they switched units from mg/dl - measure of weight, to nmols/l, is because the number of particles is more important that the overall weight of Lp(a). And if fact, smaller particles are more prone to create the "plaster cast" plaques. So in reality, you might estimate, but there really isn't a way to compare mg/dl with nmols/l.

The good news is that we have all sort of empirical evidence, that unless you have that genetic disposition to very high Lp(a), any plaque that has formed can be reversed, even calcified arteriolosclerosis. (Thank you Dr. Sydney Bush!). Again, in that case, you came to the right place and taking vitamin C every day is something every human being should be doing as a matter of course.

Just in case, you might go to a hospital lab and get a mg/dl measurement. I'd be very curious, but its your money.

I commend you on your lifestyle of not taking any drugs. Taking statins, in my opinion, even aspirin, is not only unnecessary, it risks your health, if not shortening your life.

Everything these drugs are said or thought to do, vitamin C can do and does better. Now, if you had a GENE our ancestors lost, your liver would be making probably 8 grams of vitamin C, and we humans would be like all the other species and not have to supplement vitamin C. Since we are what we are, you might have to consume 10 or more grams daily to equate to that. Just a guess, but this is why Linus Pauling upped his intake to 18,000 mg (9,000 mg twice per day.)

But your health is so good I think 6000 mg may be close to optimal.

The protein intake is high (Medical Medium) and puts a load on the kidney for no real benefit in adults. Their recommendation is what you are light on - actual fruits and veggies, especially fruits. So start think fruit smoothies. DO NOT BE AFRAID OF THE GLUCOSE IN FRUITS. GLucose powers the body; the heart, the brain, the liver, all healing, etc. Best source of glucose is from fruits, which are also the world's best anti-cancer foods.

At age 44, I would adopt Linus Pauling's basic protocol, and especially not neglect vitamin E, also but include some B-complex, vitamin A, CoQ10 and a good multi/mineral to cover the bases.

I wish I knew what is going on telling people like you that your Lp(a) is a threat.

A thought, were you Covid vaccinated?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: New Member worried about high Lp(a), (But it is really?)

Post by nt2295457 » Mon Dec 04, 2023 8:56 am

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: New Member worried about high Lp(a), (But it is really?)

Post by ofonorow » Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:04 am

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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