Telomere Extension is a Reality - Thank you David Schmidt (Lifewave)

Discussion of the 2009 Noble Prize in Medicine, focusing on substances that reduce telomere shortening by activating the human telomerase enzyme

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Telomere Extension is a Reality - Thank you David Schmidt (Lifewave)

Post by ofonorow » Thu Apr 11, 2024 1:46 pm

Life exists because DNA can make a copy of itself. A new cell forms around the "daughter" or copied DNA strand.

However, what is not widely known is that DNA can not copy itself end-to-end.

Telomeres are at the ends of the DNA (chromosomes) and must be of a certain length to support DNA duplication.

Telomeres are not duplicated, and shorten every time the cell divides. Thus we are mortal.

At some point, the telomeres become too short, cell division becomes impossible.

Telomerase is an enzyme that lengthens telomeres. Telomerase can make us immortal.

Telomerase was discovered (and theorized to exist) because we exist as a species, i.e., our reproductive cell's telomeres don't shorten.

There are numerous test tube studies that show human cells with added telomerase in culture can reproduce indefinitely. The cells become immortal.

Lifewave's Founder David Schmidt is probably the world expert on Telomere, Telomerase and human life extension.

He is in his sixties and maintains his own telomeres at the length of people age 30.

His company is about to introduce a product that their own clinical studies of 50 people show can lengthen telomeres by an average 8.5 biological years in six months. (One person became 18 years biologically younger in six months). They are awaiting FDA approval.

In the meantime, most Lifewave products are in some way connected with lengthening telomeres and rejuvenating the body with stem cells and other means.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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