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Pauling Therapy works for dying congressman Berk Bedell

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:31 pm
by ofonorow
Utter happenstance. I happened to be getting an IV early this year at my alt. docs when another patient informed me that former congressman Berkley Bedell was perhaps on his death bed - heart disease w/calcifications. So we sent him a "care" package

Congressman Bedell is a hero of alternative medicine. He, along with Senator Harkin, established the office of alternative medicine at the NIH, and Bedell is the head of the Foundation of Alternative and Integrative Medicine (, i.e. he is a great friend and benefactor of alternative medicine.

It makes me happy that someone who has done so much to promote alternative medicine in the government has benefited from the fruits of his labors.

I also remember that at about the same time, the father of my holistic dentist (Dianne Meyer) was in the hospital with heart failure. We gave her the same "care package" for her dad, and a few weeks later, when I was in her office, he came to see me. He looked completely well.

If you have a similar story, and might be interested in being filmed telling your story, please send me a PM. Thx