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Dose High dosage of vitamin c and blood thinners

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 7:20 pm
by jpoww
My husband is up to 20,000mg of ascorbic acid. Does this high of a dosage interfere with his blood thinning medication? he is on 75mg of plavix right now but soon going to be on 10mg of effient which is stronger than plavix. I dont want bleeding to be an issue.

Re: Dose High dosage of vitamin c and blood thinners

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 12:40 pm
by ofonorow
I defer to johnwen, as we have answered this previously, but I believe that vitamin C cannot and will not interfere with blood "thinners." But there are always exceptions to every rule

Re: Dose High dosage of vitamin c and blood thinners

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:05 pm
by Johnwen
Plavix and effient are Anti-Platlets not blood thinners. Anti-platelets keep platelets from sticking together and causing clumps and blood thinners affect coagulation.(fibrogen)
Anti-platets and blood thinners are NOT affected by V-C.
Anti-Platelets are affect by Vitamin E at Higher then 200 iu's
Blood Thinners (warfarin) are affected by Vitamin K1

Re: Dose High dosage of vitamin c and blood thinners

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:20 pm
by jpoww
ok just checking because I was reading online that vitamin c thins the blood. Thanks for the info.