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Dosage of Vitamin K for Bad Heart Valves?

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 7:20 am
by ofonorow
Could this enquiry please be passed on to Owen.
I recently ordered Cardio-c and Ascorsine-9 for my husband and myself from the Tower Laboratories site. Afterwards I saw a testimonial on one of the Pauling Therapy sites from a man who had been told he needed a valve replacement at which point Owen suggested he take Vitamin K2. He did so and within months his problems were resolved. I wrote to the Tower site asking about type and dosage of K2 and Sally Jewell kindly replied but said she did
not know the amount other than that she thought it was small. Would Owen be able to clarify this for me. What is an optimum dose and should this be the M-7 orm-4 type of K2 or both? Any help on this would be much appreciated.
R. S.

We first learned of the research in Japan that shows vitamin K acts as a hormone to move calcium from soft tissue into bone from an article years ago at Life Extension. (LEF.ORG). They take calls and they may have a better handle on the dosage. Life Extension.

We usually recommend taking 1 Super-K tablet daily from Life Extension as it has various vitamin K compounds, including K2 - which we believe is a) the vitamin K that works for calcium and b) does not have any effect on blood clotting.