The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Help for Colitis after starting Pauling Therapy

Post by ofonorow » Sun May 12, 2013 10:13 am


Some basic background on me,,Male,No heart attack, and no Angina, stents 7 yrs ago in the LAD, was asymptomatic.; diagnosed via a CT Angiogram.,Thalium Stress was normal...,,Then Plavix for 3-4 subsequent yrs...
Still on 20mg Lipitor, Baby Aspirin, 160mg Diovan..I'm 6' 180lbs, in ok shape..
Cholest Profile as pf 3-1-2013..Total Chol: 165; Tri: 91; VLDL 18; LDL; 81; HDL 66 LP(a) 79
I am trying to get off the Lipitor...

I am concerned the "Little(a)" is way too high, so I started on "Cardio-Tech" from Tower Labs
A few weeks into it, I had a Colitis attack with some bleeding...I had not experienced this since I was put on Plavix 7 yrs ago..No problems in between..So I feel it was more than just a coincidence, so I stopped the oral Cardio-Tech Powder...
April 15th...Began taking 4gms Liposomal C from Mercola...1gm, 4 time daily...along with seperate doses of Lysine & Proline...1500mg each...and reduced the Lipitor to 10mg daily, down from 20mg 5 days a week(didnt take it on the weekends)
Do you think I can accomplish a reversal/halt to CAD with this regimen of Lipo C vrs Oral C? Your thoughts? Thanks!

My first reaction: It is surprising that it is accepted medical practice to insert stents without a diagnosis of serious heart disease. Spilled milk, but the arterial narrowing discovered by the angiogram can be handled, over time, with Pauling's therapy plus vitamin K.

If I had a reaction like you did to ordinary oral vitamin C, I probably would cut down on the oral vitamin C, and add a liposomal vitamin C. (However, I have no experience with Mercola's liposomal products, so please keep us informed. I have had nearly miraculous experiences with Lypo-c product.)

Also you cholesterol is too low. Not to mention the side effects of that statin.

Your Lp(a) would be high if a) measured and b) mg/dl. What are the units on the report?

Again, I don't understand how your total cholesterol can be 165, your LDL 81, and your Lp(a) is 79?

johnwen - and idea what is up with these numbers?
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Help for Colitis after starting Pauling Therapy

Post by Johnwen » Sun May 12, 2013 4:44 pm

johnwen - and idea what is up with these numbers?

Sure You mean other then killing his liver with the Statins Correct?

OK! Diovan is an ARB which is known to cause reduced Kidney function!
What bothers me is it's a 2nd teir drug in that it's down near the middle of the list on BP drugs to try to reduce BP and is mostly used Post MI or if suspected LV heart failure.
I would question why he would be on this med. If he didn't have a heart attack when there's so many others that would help without this reaction. I covered this on the other post about kidney problems and increased LP(a) and posted a calculator also so people can see if they in fact have some form of kidney failure. (Doctor advice may kill patient) is the post title.

Here's a study that gives a pretty good example of the LP(a) increase when kidneys start going down hill. ... 0990a.html

If he gets off the statins his stomach and the rest of him will be HAPPY!!!
How old is HE???
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Re: Help for Colitis after starting Pauling Therapy

Post by leshoward » Mon May 13, 2013 7:26 am

What BP drug do you have in mind other than Diovan? Can you possibly send me the link to the post you are referring to? Also I am 59 yrs old... Thanks!

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Re: Help for Colitis after starting Pauling Therapy

Post by Johnwen » Mon May 13, 2013 1:18 pm

I would start with a ACE Inhibitor like Enalapril Maleate probably 5Mg. AM 5Mg. PM to start then give it about 3 weeks useage and then adjust as needed. I would stay away from water pills at this point like furosemide or Hydrochlorothiazide till some testing on the kidneys is done to see if theres problems there for sure.
This is a call for your doc he knows you best and can give the proper advice for your needs but it's worth discissing it with him/her and tell him your concerns and what your seeing in your tests he might have some tricks up his sleeve that can get things right for you.
Be warned that most doc's don't see LP(a) as a problem because of the education influence of Big Pharma.

Heres that posting read the whole thing it may elighten you on your situation.

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Re: Help for Colitis after starting Pauling Therapy

Post by leshoward » Mon May 13, 2013 3:32 pm

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Re: Help for Colitis after starting Pauling Therapy

Post by ofonorow » Thu May 16, 2013 12:02 pm

I personally have no knowledge of olive leaf extract to lower blood pressure, but I think I know what non-toxic substances will lower blood pressure.

Numero one - magnesium. (I remember my brother consumed 3000 mg at one time - on the theory if some is good, more is better, and wound up on the floor, almost fainted.) So don't take that much, but a good absorbable magnesium is wonderful for heart patients (as is vitamin C, coq10, vitamin E, carnitine, etc.)

According to an article by Bill Sardi, Vitamin B6 apparently works better than many medications to lower blood pressure.

High dose arginine has been shown to lower blood pressure, perhaps by expanding arteries/veins.

Many people who adopt Linus Pauling's therapy for cardiovascular disease (vitamin C and lysine) report drops in elevated blood pressure.

First, I was taught that the reason medicine measures blood pressure is because a small narrowing in the arterial circumference causes and exponential rise in blood pressure, ergo, doctors are indirectly measuring heart disease and atherosclerotic plaque (arterial narrowing).

Two, high blood pressure under stress is normal (the fight-or-flight response) as the higher blood pressure helps push nutrients into cells. So having high blood pressure, say when visiting a doctor, may not be something to worry about, unless it is constant.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Post by leshoward » Thu May 30, 2013 3:09 pm

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Post by ofonorow » Fri May 31, 2013 7:26 am

Hi Les,
Merged your old post

Significant difference in total cholesterol. NMR has you at 160 - too low, but what mine has been after starting lysine/proline.

VAP has you near the perfect Pauling/Ginter score of 180.

So, it would be interesting to know what your Cholesterol levels settle to after weaning off statin drugs (drugs that inhibit coQ10 - leading to heart failure, cause memory lapses, can lead to loss of muscle tissue and pain in muscles, cataracts (when combined with certain antibiotics), and of course deplete your body of what it is trying to make to counter either heart disease or some toxicity - cholesterol!. Contrary to often repeated medical fiction, these drugs have never been shown to help heart patients in any meaningful way. Their use simply increases the wealth of cardiogists and heart surgeons.)

The Lp(a) score of 10 is probably high normal? More than 10 is problematic. This is a measured score (as the 79 number was probably "calculated") and it may have come down some since you started lysine/proline.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Post by leshoward » Fri May 31, 2013 7:44 am

Owen....Just a little more background...I reduced my Lipitor dose to 10mg daily on May 1, 2013....Prior to that , I was on 20mg Mon thru Fri only...So I went from 100mg/week, to 70mg/week, as of 5-1-2013....I am stopping the Lipitor completely as of June 1st...Also, since early April, I take 4Gms Mercola Liposomal V-C..And I have been trying to take 1500mg Lysine & 1500mg Proline in Pill form(Solgar)...Have been somewhat inconsistent with that...
I was on the Cardio Tech a few months back and experienced some possible Colitis issues...I plan to resume Cardio C at some point soon....My 5-23-2013 Blood results are really all over the map...VAP Total Chol shows 185, NMR TC is 159, and the Total Chol per the normal Lipid Panel shows 172.....Three tests all with different results...Any comment? Thanks!

Let me know what other figures you might need..

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Post by ofonorow » Fri May 31, 2013 8:15 am

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Post by ofonorow » Fri May 31, 2013 8:36 am

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Post by Johnwen » Fri May 31, 2013 9:49 am

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Post by ofonorow » Fri May 31, 2013 10:18 am

Thank you johnwen.
Here's a thought.

The next time you see your cardiologist, after saying you don't care much about statistics, ask him/her how many, ( any? ) of his patients have recovered, or even gotten better on statins?

Of course there will probably be some - those who found out about vitamin C/ lysine/proline on the Internet, and are taking Pauling's protocol behind his back!

Story from my book. My first cousin required an angioplasty a long time ago.

This cousin, in his sixties, is highly intelligent. He has absolute and implicit faith in his doctors, and after the angioplasty, he has followed his cardiologist's recommendations to the letter. (And he rarely gets a good nights sleep! sigh)

By the way, he also thinks I am crazy.

However, did I say that he was intelligent? He did add supplements, including vitamin C and CoQ10 - as insurance.

At one point, several years ago, we were at a family get together, and he told me that his cardiologist told him he was fabulous and that he had "graduated" from his program and did not require regular visits. The cardiologist then told him that he was the "only" one of his patient that had graduated from the program.

Think about that?

This anecdote provides a clue! If this doctor was not highly unusual (great reputation by the way), not many heart patients "graduate" from s Cardiologist's care on statins alone.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Post by leshoward » Fri May 31, 2013 10:55 am

Jonwen...Would I better off taking 10mg Lipitor every other day for a month to wean off? Or perhaps breaking the pill in half to take 5mg a day for a month..

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Post by Johnwen » Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:14 am

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