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Bruising after starting Pauling Therapy?

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 5:21 pm
by ofonorow
My mother had been taking 3 scoops of the cardio c morning and evening for about 10 days. She is developing bruising on her left side...her arm and her leg. I am wondering if this is a sign of anything we should be concerned about such as a possible reaction from some of her meds etc. Thank you for your time to advice me on this issue. God bless you.

Unusual. Perhaps a coincidence but I would lower the dosage, and see if the bruising goes away, and then build it back up.

Re: Bruising after starting Pauling Therapy?

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:01 am
by Johnwen
Is she taking any kind of anti-platelet (effient,plavix)?
Or any kind of blood thinner (warfarin,Pradaxa)?