fighting LPA

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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fighting LPA

Post by blade » Mon Jun 22, 2015 1:28 am

Long post, I have numbered and bolded every question, so when you respond you just need to list a number and give your answer. Thank you for your help.

1. is there a way to search only the titles and not the text of posts?

2. Im curious does LPA have a positive role?
I assume it's role is all negative, hence a person needs to make it as low as possible since LPA is trying is to cause CAD and people who have low LPA don't have heart attacks/stokes.

and LPA is the stuff the body uses to patch up arteries and it is the stuff the causes plaques to start forming
if you had no LPA, you'd never have any plaques
as LPA is a risk factor for CAD, so lower LPA, lower risk for CAD

3. So how do you get LPA low?
so I thought to lower LPA you
take AA
take niacin
eat apples
take aspirin
if you are low on testosterone(below 500ng/dl) then hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has been shown to lower Lpa
eat proline/lysine(eggwhites are high in both, (4. I dont understand why limit 5g of proline)

I need to find ideal chewable AA for my dad to take,, he won't/can't swallow pills, I dont see Cameron's Chewables working, as the 250mg niacin is going to cause unwanted flushing and it says, "NO flushing", so I assume it contains unwanted, inositol hexanicotinate,
I need a suggestion for a different product; thank you

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