2 MI, 3 Stents, Double Bypass, 4 Strokes

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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2 MI, 3 Stents, Double Bypass, 4 Strokes

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:37 am

Hi Owen

I HAVE HAD TWO heart attacks. I have three stents in my heart I have had a double bypass. I had four strokes the last one was when I had my bypass and I no longer have any equalibrium and i use a cane or walker to get around.

I have been using ester C and LYSINE along with L-prowline and 0ne vitamin mk7vitamin k-2 or vitamin k-2 0ne per day. I take 1/2 tsp of prowline and 1/2 tsp of ester C and 1 tsp of lysine I was told that I should be taking L-ascorbic acid in place of ester C could you please tell me what I should be taking in place of what I am taking. please give me the measurements in tsp instead of grams. Thank you william Also could you please give me the best brands to use

Hi William,
I have posted your query anonymously and will attempt to answer your questions at the forum. (I also wrote the book Practicing Medicine Without A License, which answers these questions, and is now an Amazon best seller.)

When did you begin taking vitamin C and lysine? (If Pauling's theory is correct, with that history, you have not been supplementing vitamin C!)

If as I suspect, you have just started, then I would appreciate you making a video tape of yourself for the "record". Tell the story you just relayed. Make a record of your condition at the current time.

We don't recommend Ester C because it contains calcium, and calcium can be problematic at the high dosages of vitamin C Linus Pauling recommended.

There are premixed products, such as Cardio-C, Tower Heart Technology or Ascorsine-9, that contain good ingredients and the servings are measured by the scoop.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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