Type 2 Diabetic, MI, Kidney Damage.

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Type 2 Diabetic, MI, Kidney Damage.

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jul 02, 2015 8:31 am


I am a type 2 diabetic who has had a heart attack (stent in place) and has stage 2 kidney damage. I am taking liposomal vitamin C 1000mg twice daily. I am wanting to know if this will help any of my medical problems or hopefully not, do me any harm? I have long thought I may be very short of Vitamin C and after reading on line that heart disease is actually scurvy I decided to take liposomal C. But I have read elsewhere it can increase the absorption of iron and cause heart failure? so I am now very confused.

Kind Regards


First off, we are interested in any report that vitamin C causes heart failure!? (If you can find the links, we would appreciate reviewing them.)

There are several recent studies illustrating the vitamin C can be beneficial to diabetics. However, the issue of kidney function understandably makes even doctors favorable to vitamin C therapy cautious. (The links are at the bottom of this post).

In our opinion, the statin cholesterol-lowering drugs have created the epidemic of heart failure by interferring with the body's own production of CoQ10. (Again links will be included below).

Regulation of iron is a good thing, by the way.


Researchers Stop Diabetes Damage with High Doses of Vitamin
Researchers at the Harold Hamm Oklahoma Diabetes Center have found a way to stop the damage caused by Type 1 diabetes with the combination of insulin and a common vitamin found in most medicine cabinets.

While neither therapy produced desired results when used alone, the combination of insulin to control blood sugar together with the use of Vitamin C, stopped blood vessel damage caused by the disease in patients with poor glucose control.

"We had tested this theory on research models, but this is the first time anyone has shown the therapy's effectiveness in people," said Michael Ihnat, Ph.D., principal investigator and a pharmacologist at the OU College of Medicine Department of Cell Biology.

2011: Study of 232,007 Find Significantly Lower Risk of Diabetes Associated with the Use of Vitamin C Supplements

Study: Vitamin C Shown to Help Type II Diabetics
http://www.foodconsumer.org/newsite/Nut ... 20750.html

Nutritional Supplements (Esp. Vitamin C) Key to Preventing Diabetic Retinopathy (DR)

Chinese make vitamin C Breakthrough that reportedly provides hope in preventing the onset of CVD and Type 2 diabetes.

Statins and Heart Failure:

CoQ10 and Statins: The Vitamin C Connection
"We are now in a position to witness the unfolding of the greatest medical tragedy of all time - never before in history has the medical establishment knowingly created a life threatening nutrient deficiency in millions of otherwise healthy people." - Peter H. Langsjoen, MD
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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