Relative had pacemaker put in

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Relative had pacemaker put in

Post by BaronZemo » Sun Oct 28, 2018 10:48 am

This week a relative had a pacemaker put in. She was feeling light headed tired, and had to crawl to bathroom to vomit. Day later went to doctor at hospital. Did variety of tests, had issue with pulse (not sure if too high or low) . Blood pressure was very low like 104 over 70. What they found was left artery completely blocked and smaller arteries were growing to let blood pass to heart. Part of heart is damaged as well. Heart stabilized but doctor wanted pacemaker put in to guarantee stabilization.

Here is what I gathered: 65 years old, retired 6 months ago, lives in semi rural area, outdoor work gardens, not overweight, slender. Has been taking blood pressure medicine for three years. After light headedness blood pressure dropped, currently not taking bp meds. Had to be given med to get heart to race because so low. At time of getting bp med prescribed, her cholesterol readings were well within range as well as triglycerides.
Smoker as well. She said she was taking 1000mg of C at time, also fish oil, olive oil, and coq10. Moderate drinker. I noticed her finger nails were brown and curled as well.

What I don't understand is that how can cholesterol levels be normal three years ago and then all of a sudden be clogged now? She also pondered if
taking blood pressure meds sooner as well as statins would have prevented this. She is also is taking a blood thinner now as well

Finally, her mother lived to age of 82, was obese, ate red meat took bp meds but never had heart attack. Her father died of heart attack at age 53. One brother had angioplasty, took bp eventually had stroke and is invalid, Other brother had heart disease, angioplasty, surgery, bp cholesterol etc. still alive . Her three other sisters had never had heart issues, but one died of cancer.

Thoughts overall?

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Re: Relative had pacemaker put in

Post by ofonorow » Mon Oct 29, 2018 7:56 am

She was feeling light headed tired, and had to crawl to bathroom to vomit. Day later went to doctor at hospital. Did variety of tests, had issue with pulse (not sure if too high or low) . Blood pressure was very low like 104 over 70.

These are classic symptoms of the adrenal glands not producing enough cortisol. I myself have been on the floor, unable to get up (after being perfectly fine the night before.) I have been admitted to the hospital from the ER for low blood pressure. The ER docs now routinely give me "steroids" (hydrocortisone or something stronger) and I quickly recover. The ER doctor tried to explain cortisol's role in kidney function and blood pressure. (For new readers, I am like an Addison-disease patient, in that my adrenals do not make cortisol. With the bioidentical hydrocortisone, I live a pretty normal life.)

If your relative gets through this, you might have them do a ZRT all-day cortisol saliva test. If she weren't making any, she'd be dead. But if she is below the normal throughout the day, that indicates that bioidentical hydrocortisol would be necessary. Then the problem is finding an MD who would prescribe. :evil: Good luck.

What they found was left artery completely blocked and smaller arteries were growing to let blood pass to heart. Part of heart is damaged as well. Heart stabilized but doctor wanted pacemaker put in to guarantee stabilization

What abut the "enzyme tests/EKG that showed she had a heart attack? Smells a little fishy, especially after the New York times reported a few years back that Kaiser was "faking" heart disease diagnosis - to increase earnings.
I don't know where you live, but maybe you can send the medical records for a second opinion? johnwen?

Assuming an accurate diagnosis, she sounds like a candidate for Pauling's therapy, e.g. at least 5 grams of vitamin C daily (with a like amount of daily lysine). Along with bioidentical cortisol.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Relative had pacemaker put in

Post by Johnwen » Mon Oct 29, 2018 11:15 am

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: Relative had pacemaker put in

Post by BaronZemo » Mon Oct 29, 2018 2:20 pm

So even if a person WAS taking statins or had them within the normal range without statins, there still could be a build up in the arterial walls leading to blockage? And lysine/proline would serve as a "non stick coating" to keep it from adhering?

Ascorbate Wizard
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Re: Relative had pacemaker put in

Post by Johnwen » Wed Oct 31, 2018 11:51 am

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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