Re: Parkinson's disease!

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Re: Parkinson's disease!

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jun 08, 2022 11:13 am

Context lost because eDOC apparently removed/deleted his posts.

There was an MRI... I am relying on a (Chinese) neurologist. She was able to diagnose when a slew of ordinary docs did not.

As you say cause is important. What think you is the root cause of PD? I suspect brain damage, i.e. the loss of neurons. Neurons can regenerate, but takes at least 8 months. And proper brain stimulation seems to help with neuron regeneration.


If you don't read, how to you keep up with developments? For example, the single biosplice pill, Lorecivivint (SM04690), which activates a pathway that rebuilds/replaces all cartilage? A one pill "cure" for osteoarthritis.

Biosplice Therapeutics has developed an injectable small-molecule inhibitor of the CDC2-like kinase (CLK) and dual-specificity tyrosine regulated kinase (DYRK) family.

Biosplice is conducting two large placebo-controlled phase 3 clinical trials where it hopes to demonstrate reduction in knee osteoarthritis pain with a single injection over the course of 6 months and 12 months, with follow-up beyond a year.

Based on the mechanism of action, Biosplice is also exploring the impact lorecivivint plays on inflammation, function, and cartilage protective effects through patient reported outcomes and structural endpoints.
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Re: Parkinson's disease!

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jun 09, 2022 12:39 pm

Good explanation (previous post above).

She is on a "low dose" of carbadopa/levadopa. Tried two other medicines - one I found (regualine?) , and another a "flu" medication that apparently reduced symptoms when given to Parkinson's patients. My wife didn't respond to either. Neurologist told us that going off the dopas cold turkey would likely land my wife in the ER. No hallucinations. Her short term memory is horrible. Unsure if related issue.

Added... My pet theory is that her condition was caused by a flu shot... She went behind my back, and from what I now know about these shots!!1
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Re: Parkinson's disease!

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jun 13, 2022 8:44 am

Didn't know you were a neurologist! Thanks for this detailed and lengthy response.
9. When I visited him back in 04, stopped all his Rx meds, initially replaced them with a 500 vial box of Glutathione from Wellness. Gave a shot when needed. It again is palliative, but free from any adverse effects of chronic Levodopa etc.
10. Performed genetic testing.
11. Weekly DMSO infusions, to remove the dead neurons seen on MRI.
12. Found the cellular block.
13. Revived the still alive, but low par working neurons.
14. Within 6 months his Parkinson's disappeared, got cured and on no meds, anymore.

As you know, it is not easy to defy a medical doctor - and stop her medications. It would also be tough to get my wife to sit through weekly DMSO infusions. But I greatly appreciate this information.
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Re: Parkinson's disease!

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jun 16, 2022 11:35 am

Adding a few trial Glutathione vials won't hurt.

I agree, but you are speaking of injections, correct?

And if not DMSO, then what did cure your dad's PD?
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Re: Parkinson's disease!

Post by ofonorow » Sat Jun 25, 2022 11:14 am

can you send me a link to where I should delete your email?

My wife did have one slow GSH push, and the results were startling. (I asked the question in case there was an oral means to the same ends.) She can't remember how well she was, and I haven't been able to get her back for more GSH pushes.

They are temporary.

eDOC do you have a theory why GSH pushed (into the blood stream) work? I think I know that GSH is expelled from cells (usually attached to a toxin) but cannot generally ENTER cells. That would mean that what ever is happening probably happens outside the neuron.. (It can't be generating new ones).

Almost as if an "open" brain circuit - is patched, or clo
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Re: Parkinson's disease!

Post by pamojja » Tue Jul 05, 2022 6:03 pm

ofonorow wrote:She can't remember how well she was, and I haven't been able to get her back for more GSH pushes. sed.

If you ever get her for an other one, you really should film her, so you can show her later her reaction to the GSH push.

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Re: Parkinson's disease!

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jul 06, 2022 8:33 am

Actually I did make short before/after videos, but she doesn't remember how she felt.

BaronZemo wrote:Where do you get glutathione shots? Will taking orally have any effects?

Most alternative doctors should be able to administer the GSH IV push.

I think this is one of Dr. Perlman's videos of a typical Parkinson's patient response to Glutathione.

youtube direct link

It is "common knowledge" that glutathione (GSH) can exit a cell, thus its detox function, but has no way to enter the cell from the blood stream. Further, we are told (maybe because of the above) that GSH is broken down in the gut into its constituent amino acids and does not remain intact.

However, the "infallible" ancient sciences lists glutathione as an important nutrient for the liver.

Liver Rescue, P. 303 wrote:
Glutathione: Saturates the liver quickly and easily, where it supports every single liver cell and its function. It's medicine to the liver, like someone coming along and making all your problems go away. Quickly leaves the liver, too, though the liver appreciates it greatly for is brief presence that assist the organ's over 2,000 chemical functions.
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Re: Parkinson's disease!

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:32 am

Don't know if a post by eDOC was deleted accidentally or on purpose, but this is my response to the now deleted post.

Stimulating as usual eDOC... comments below.
1. Correct they are temporary so are of carbi/levodopa, but have witnessed in some early Parkinson's to be curative. The reluctance is due to her dementia. Her daughter is a nurse and son-in-law, a radiation oncologist. She has an irrational fear of alternative medicine, probably because she doesn't want to argue with her daughter.

2. Are you reluctant on spending $ 60-100 vs. free levodopa (slow poison) from medicare?
$$$ has nothing to do with it. I'd love to cure her, and get her off the levodopa... But when she forgets to take a pill, her ability to move is noticeably impaired. I have seen the alt practices that say they have cured Parkinson's with high doses (e.g. 10 grams or more) of natural dopamine, e.g., Mucuna Pruriens. I have been reluctant to add it to her levodopa though.

3. Your doc maybe a very nice person but pretty tunnel visioned/ignorant professionally.
Which doc, the neurologist? We saw the Chinese neurologist once. She diagnosed Parkinson's, and from that point on, we have only seen an "assistant" who isn't an M.D. As I reported elsewhere, after following the Jerry Tennant electrical and supplemental protocols, my wife got remarkably better. Surprised this assistant. But then my wife hit a plateau.

4. She probably has mixed features of neurodegenerative disorders, overlapping Parkinson's with Dementia. Since most pure Parkinson's patients have none short/long term memory deficits. Thanks for this info.

5. Get urine sample taken for levodopa levels when she has worsened symptoms, BEFORE giving the next dose.
Looking for what exactly?

6. Why don't you try treating her using MM, celery are a doc I believe so, with a blind faith in it?
Well I do give her celery juice, occasionally. But the celery juice protocol is aimed at cleansing the digestive tract, and combating viruses. The main MM protocol for brain disease is the so-called Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie, and at the same time, limiting fats in the diet. This we are doing (or trying). Very difficult to limit fats.

7. You recommend VC for everything, anything haven't experimented with it?
Actually, she has supplemented vitamin C with me for 30 years. All her problems began after we separated for a time in 2018. Probably both the stress, and not keeping up with her vitamin C and other supplements.

8. Your hypothesis is incorrect, it can both exit and enter cells.
Its not really my hypothesis. I learned this from a lecture by Chris Shade (the founder of quicksilver scientific) who described how glutathione operates based on his education in ENVIRONMENTAL science (not medicine). They studied things like mercury spills, etc. GSH it formed in copious amount inside cells, especially liver cells, where the entire turnover of GSH is about 4 hours. Grabs on to toxins, viruses, exits the cell, and IS NOT REABSORBED by other cells. I suppose that GSH not carrying toxins may be able to enter cells, but if GSH attached to a toxin or virus could enter cells, then its detox function would be nullified. And there is really no need, because a major problem with GSH is making sure its production is limited. Otherwise it would fill and kill the cell.

9. I can say with a 99% surety that no doc/Neurologist in the mainland can cure her disorder. This I believe.

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Re: Parkinson's disease!

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jul 07, 2022 11:03 am

A friend of the Foundation pointed me to this upcoming study.

Phenylbutyrate for Alpha-synuclein Clearance from the Brain ... ance-brain

eDOC, this drug Phenylbutyrate is FDA approved for another purpose. Have you heard about it?
In our previous research, we have discovered that a drug called phenylbutyrate can turn on a protective gene in the brain and can prevent Parkinson�s disease (PD) in models that are genetically programmed to get the disease. The drug works by transferring abnormal proteins from brain cells into the bloodstream. We now want to see if the drug works in patients with Parkinson's in the same way. If it does, the drug may be able to stop the progression of Parkinson's disease.
Patients will then start taking the liquid drug phenylbutyrate-triglyceride, which has recently received FDA approval for a condition unrelated to Parkinson's disease.
Our research will see if we can stop one of the primary causes of Parkinson's disease, accumulation of abnormal proteins in dopamine neurons
Our lab has discovered that the drug phenylbutyrate can prevent these protein deposits from occurring in pre-clinical models that are genetically programmed to get Parkinson's as they age. The drug turns on a protective gene in the brain that pushes alpha-synuclein out of the brain and into the bloodstream where it can be eliminated. To see if phenylbutyrate has the same effect in people, we gave the drug for three weeks to 20 people with Parkinson's and 20 people without Parkinson's. We found that the drug increased the level of alpha-synclein in the bloodstream of all 40 people, strongly suggesting that the drug can stop alpha-synuclein from damaging dopamine neurons.
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Re: Parkinson's disease!

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jul 08, 2022 10:44 am

Thank you eDOC for your expertise.

I am still looking for the "theory" why an IV/GSH push works instantly?
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Re: Parkinson's disease!

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jul 10, 2022 7:47 am

I appreciate all your comments.

The image you created of all her "dead neurons" lingering in her brain sticks with me. The is first order of business is to try and flush the "debris" out of her brain. I am honestly not sure of how to accomplish this.

From Jerry Tennant, we learn that the brain can heal. Tennant, because of a brain virus, slept 16 hours a day and was otherwise barely coherent for 7 years, until he figured out how to a) rid the virus and b) regenerate his brain cells. (My wife sleeps about this long every day.)

From reading basic biology text books, he read that the cell operates in a narrow pH range, but if the pH is low (acidic) it can't heal, and if a lot of cells are running on low voltage, the disease is chronic. Tennant also learned that for a cell to heal, the pH has to be higher that during ordinary good health. His keen insight was the pH is just another term for voltage, so converting pH into voltage, he saw that the voltage the cell was operating at determined its health. When healing, the human body tries to almost double the voltage.

Where do these electrons come from to raise the voltage? Longer story, but it turns out that the our muscles are our body's batteries, connected with all the organs via filaments that run through the body analogous to the acupuncture meridians.

Tennant eventually cured himself using a Russian device to increase voltage in his body. (He later invented his own version, which I have and have used on myself and my wife.After I started using it, my wife experienced a turn-around that startled the neurologist, but, so far, it has not been a cure.)

Tennant's tenets are that in order to heal, a) you have to create the cellular environment that supports cell regeneration, so no infection and the necessary nutrients for cell division must be available. b) You have to raise the voltage (pH) to the healing level, and while different parts of the body regenerate at different rates, he says that the brain can regenerate in about 8 months.

You remind me that "dead neurons" could be blocking healing. (His issue was a virus).

Begs the question about the how and why IV/GSH works "instantly." But then slowly wears off. Some kind of impaired brains circuit is restored?

So how would you sir eliminate dead cells and debris in the brain?

I am looking forward to the next two Medical Medium books due out this September, devoted to healing the brain.
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Re: Parkinson's disease!

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jul 14, 2022 10:56 am

Vitamin C May Stabilize Levodopa Levels in Patients Using Laxatives ... laxatives/
Vitamin C may help to stabilize levodopa and carbidopa levels in the bloodstream of Parkinson's disease patients who take laxatives containing magnesium oxide (MgO), which is thought to break down this common Parkinson's treatment, a study suggested

eDOC, this is interesting because it implies that Parkinson's generally leads to constipation. My wife has the opposite problem. The para-neurologist recommended Metamucil, and that has helped her a bit. She does take vitamin C in higher doses than most people.

The above article led to this:

Scientists Discover How to Turn Stem Cells Into Dopaminergic Neurons ... c-neurons/
Now, Feng's team came up with a new way of transforming human iPSCs into A9 dopaminergic neurons using small molecule compounds.
As far as how I might treat Parkinson's with only supplements. We know the end goal is to regenerate neurons, and there are basic nutritional building blocks required for cell division that must be present for mitosis. Tennant's supplements cover this particular base.

What I don't have a handle on, is how to clear the dead cell debris, via supplements. (I had read, perhaps 20 years ago, about a CoQ10 study, where 1200 mg daily seemed to treat or cure Parkinson's. Last week I increased her CoQ10 to 1,200 mg (from about 300 mg).

The only other "supplement" that alt docs claims "cures" Parkinson's is the natural dopamine, really L-Dopa, in multiple gram doses, e.g. Mucuna Pruriens.

The following is from one of the sites I was researching:

L-tryosine is a dopamine precursor, so not a bad idea to supplement.

L-theanine, a calming amino acid found in green tea contains many neuroprotective properties, useful for recovering from dopamine toxicity.

Omega 3 Supplements Having adequate omega 3 stores are crucial to optimal dopamine levels.

In both human and animal studies, omega-3 fatty acids demonstrate increased dopamine levels, consequently improving depressive symptoms and dopaminergic function in the brain cortex.8

Probiotics can help boost dopamine and mood via the gut-brain axis. Since the gut produces around 50% of the dopamine that ends up in your brain, optimizing this vital link between the gut microbiome and your mind is crucial to producing dopamine and other neurotransmitters

Magnesium Dopamine is one of the more prominent causes of various neurological disorders like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Aside from low dopamine levels in these conditions, magnesium concentrations are also deficient

Taurine and dopamine have a two-way effect on each other as both can inhibit the other's release under certain conditions. However, it did show to influence dopamine action in easing symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases. It also protects the dopaminergic neural cells by preventing inflammation in the central nervous system

Uridine monophosphate enhances dopamine production and induces neurite growth.

By protecting the dopaminergic neurons from degeneration, Reishi mushroom also reduces symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
From; 15 All-Natural Dopamine Supplements That Actually Work! ... ually-work/
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Re: Parkinson's disease!

Post by ofonorow » Sat Aug 27, 2022 1:38 pm

My new favorite author with other-wordly voices in his ear writes in LIFE CHANGING FOODS in the section on Figs that this fruit can prevent Parkinson's.

Pg 82

If you're seeking answer for brain and gut health, look no further than the fig. Figs have unique phytochemicals that are bounded to minerals such as bioavailable potassium and sodium that specifically nourish and build neurotransmitters while also supporting neurons and synapses in the brain. It's a powerful fruit for preventing Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, dementia, and other neurological diseases, including ALS.
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Re: Parkinson's disease!

Post by ofonorow » Sun Sep 11, 2022 9:17 am

Woman who can smell Parkinson's disease helps scientists develop test ... velop-test

We learn a few things, the nurse-wife with the "super" smell noticed it about 2 years before her husband came down with symptoms, so, the test might have some use in this regard.

The most interesting thing to me is that if the body is expelling/detoxing though the skin,, a smelly substances near the back of the neck:

a) What is/are the substances?
b) Is there a way to speed this detox (and perhaps there is value in a sauna?)
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Re: Parkinson's disease!

Post by ofonorow » Fri Nov 04, 2022 11:11 am

eDOC good to see you back. I'd value your opinion on the following. My "oracle" doesn't explicitly blame caffeine for Parkinson's, or even suggests it plays a role (at least not yet, I am 1/2rd the way through the 1000 page Brain Saver books by Anthony William.)

Yet, in the section on CAFFEINE WITHDRAWAL describing caffeine's psychoactive affects the brain, they do say:

Brain Saver, page 171 wrote:
A continual shock wave occurs throughout the brain from the everyday caffeine withdrawal process....

There's also a brain hormone aspect to caffeine withdrawal. One of caffeine's dangers as psychoactive drug is its ability to destroy brain hormones. Caffeine is an all-around brain hormone blocker. One brain hormone that gets disrupted and destroyed is dopamine.

Dopamine production occurs both inside the liver and inside the brain and caffeine blocks this production. Caffeine also stops dopamine and other brain hormones from delivering information to specific neurons. That is, caffeine renders dopamine and other brain hormones inactive to specific neurons that require these brain hormones. Unable to find the neurons that need them in time, recently produce dopamine and other brain hormones eventually get destroyed.

This [brain hormone connection] is why caffeine withdrawal is so brutal ...

And they go on to explain the change in brain chemistry after caffeine (which is even in green tea) is withdrawn.

This seems to imply that caffeine use may play some kind of role in Parkinson's. What do you think? These passages are only a tiny part of the section on caffeine, including information why long-term caffeine (eg. coffee) use leads to hair loss, especially in women. This information makes me wary that coffee may at least, in part, contribute to Parkinson's. My wife enjoys coffee, but this addiction is about to end.
Owen R. Fonorow
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