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Question on Pauling Therapy Dosages.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 2:12 pm
by ofonorow
I am a 76-year-old female in very good health with a family history of heart attack or stroke, but have not had any of those occurrences personally. When using Cardio-C XL, what is the recommended dose in this case?

My 54-year-old son-n-law had a "widow maker" heart attack one year ago. I ordered Cardio-C XL for him. How much should a person with that cardio history take daily?

Where should Cardio_C XL be stored when used daily?

Thank you.

Based on this email, in your case, one serving per day is Linus Pauling's recommended preventive dosage.

Sorry to hear about your son. The therapeutic dosage of Cardio-C begins at two servings daily, three if he can tolerate the vitamin C.

We strongly suggest that all Cardio-C products be stored in the FREEZER (not refrigerator) to eliminate moisture and preserve freshness.