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Bill Sardi - Gene-Altering Drug May Reduce Risk Factor for Heart Attack but Not Save Lives

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 2:28 pm
by ofonorow

Is anyone on the new Lp(a) lowering drugs and can they tell us about them?

This comprehensive article on new Lp(a) drugs by the late Bill Sardi covers a drug Olpasiran (formerly AMG 890).

Some of our customers are reporting that their Lp(a) is very "high" - usually over 200 nmol/l, yet all the other measurements are consistent with a good cardiac picture.

Are any readers on these new Lp(a) lowering "drugs?" They might be injections, and they might be once per month, and they may cost over $10,000.

I was happy to hear that they are being prescribed, because it means that pharmaceutical reps are finally educating cardiologist on Lp(a) and its role at the root of cardiovascular disease.

I love several aspects of Bill's article, although it seems quite copy protected...

No drug will replace vitamin C

Referring to the table "Dynamic Factors that Influence Liporpoteia(a)"
