LifeWave U.S. Patent US9943672B2 Biomolecular wearable apparatus

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LifeWave U.S. Patent US9943672B2 Biomolecular wearable apparatus

Post by ofonorow » Thu Apr 25, 2024 10:41 am

This seems to be the main LifeWave EA patch patent and provides a fascinating look at this "Black Ops" technology and the mind or minds behind it.
First, referring to eastern philosophies, and specifically the Indian belief of a human CHAKRA SYSTEM, a representation of what is referred to in eastern medicine and philosophy as the human Chakra system is described. According to eastern philosophy, the human Chakras are points in the body in which a vortex-like flow reversal occurs, establishing a strong energy point in the human body. Like acupuncture, the concept of a “Chakra” system in human beings has not been embraced by conventional western medicine. However, it is interesting to note that the Chakra points do coincide with acupuncture points. Furthermore, the Chakra point of the Heart (#4, Anahata/Anandakanda) has special relevance to the invention disclosed here.
I want to remember the following, (We use the Jerry Tennant electrical devices, and this may be important regarding hooking up the device).
The findings of these two researchers indicate that the right side of the human body is positively (electrically) charged and the left side of the human body is negatively charged. These findings also indicate the average voltages that were recorded at various locations of the human body. It is worth noting that the vicinity of the #4 Chakra point shows the highest voltage among all the points on the human body. This would also coincide with the belief in the acupuncture system that the Shanzhong point is the strongest Chi point in the human body.
If these [vortex] effects are occurring within the human body, then it should be possible to create a device that passively interacts with the human body in such a way so as to promote the build-up or flow of energy within the human body.
Therefore, another drawback of the existing system is a lack of an apparatus and a method for regulating the energy-flow, thereby producing a beneficial response within the human body.
If there is indeed a magnetic energy field that extends from the surface of a human body, then it should be possible to construct a passive apparatus that would be capable of interacting with this field, and altering the properties of this field.
According to one embodiment, the invention provides an apparatus that produces a beneficial effect when placed on a human body, wherein the apparatus regulates thermodynamic energy-flow within the human body for producing the beneficial effect. In some embodiments, the beneficial effect may include, for example, strength increase, stamina increase, and pain relief.
Jerry Tennant all over again
In humans, an increase in electron flow has numerous demonstrable benefits with one being an immediate and measurable increase in physical strength. This is not a chemically induced increase in strength such as would be the case with anabolic steroids, etc., but rather a phenomena in which existing muscle mass is utilized more efficiently due to the increase in electron flow.

My impression at this point is that we are dealing with the most advanced science on the planet that has been released to we peons. At least most sophisticated technology. A science based on the ancient understanding of acupuncture (meridians provide an electrical network between organs.) An understanding that the body has a magnetic field(s) An aura, for example, that some people can see, are from these magnetic fields extending outside the body. That there are energy "vortexes" (think tornadoes) inside cells, and that there is are electrical flows (think nerve impulses).

What Schmidt seems to have invented is a way for a "tiny electromagnetic (e.g. light) antennas" (the patch) to interact with the body's magnetism and electron flow, to control what happens at the DNA level.

From this summary of the clinical studies, it looks like the idea behind the EA patch was to improve blood flow by "activating" the accupuncture meridians. ... ted-EE.pdf
The effects/changes in the body were measured after only 5 minutes of wearing the patch.

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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