DC with blockages, takes C, low Lp(a) has questions

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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DC with blockages, takes C, low Lp(a) has questions

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jun 28, 2007 9:15 am

Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2007 20:57:43 -0500
Subject: Lp(a) Questions

Dr. Fonorow,

I have just reviewed some Dr. Pauling'swork with Vit C, Lysine, etc and CVD.

I have studied this info for over 10 years now. I have several questions for you, if you do not mind.

Regarding myself. One year ago, 62 year old chiropractor with a portion of my left LAD coronary artery severely blocked according to a CT Angiogram. All other arteries are clear. No symptoms of any type except occasional atrial fibrillation. Lp(a) level is 6, Homocysteine is 10.8 all other blood tests are in the optimum range. After 2 months I found I had an abscessed 1st
molar on the lower left. I went a biological dentist who extracted the tooth & I have had no fibrillation since. Now I am trying to heal my artery & get rid of as much plaque as I can.


1. Since my Lp(a) is & was normal do you feel the Pauling-Rath protocol will be of some help here to help heal my coronary artery?

2. I take about 8 to 10 grams of Vitamin C in the form of Ca & Mg Ascorbate. Total amount of Ca is about 300mg per day & about 700 mg of Mg daily. Do you think this is too much Ca?
(I agree with you about people taking supplemental Ca, however.)

If you would be so kind as to answer these questions I would be most appreciative.


W. G. DC

Dear Sir,

How long have you been taking the 8 - 10 g of vitamin C?

Have you read Dr. Thomas Levy's STOP AMERICA'S #1 KILLER
http://www.livonbooks.com ?

The information regarding your tooth matches Levy's experience, and is also covered in a previous Levy book UNINFORMED CONSENT that he wrote with Hal Huggins, DDS.

You are right that I don't like mixing minerals with ascorbate (vitamin C), at least for the high doses, and there are other important benefits from taking your C as ascorbic acid. (And while I've read some articles and talked to Dr. Levy, I haven't read his latest manuscript - Death by Calcium)

Your case is interesting based on the numbers you provided, are you on any drugs?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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