Three people in their sixties asking for advice

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Three people in their sixties asking for advice

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jan 30, 2008 11:22 am

Mr. Fonorow, I was given your email address by the Vitamin C Foundation.

There are 3 of us who would like to tryDr Pauling's remedy for what ails us.

1.?? a 63 year old male with sciatica and anxiety that interferes with sleep,
otherwise in good health.

Are you taking melatonin. At your age you might try 6, perhaps 9 mg of melatonin before bed and during the night if you awake. Try 3-6 mg every 4 hours. Or you might try a timed release form of melatonin.

Vitamin C in the range Linus Pauling recommended, i.e., 6,000 to 18,000 mg throughout the day will heal a lot of ills, and
may even help with your anxiety.

2.?? A 63 year old male, overweight, at 250 lbs, with high blood?pressure
(190/90's before drugs), now is on Sular 20 mg every day,(for one year, so far),
which did not seem to work most of the time, then they added Benicar 10 mg every
day, since October last year.? I took his bp yesterday, it was 130/86, aout
average with these two drugs.? We have also tried numerous natural remedies,
hawthorne berries, CO Q 10, magnesium citrate, L-Carnitine, Kyolic, some Vitamin
C, Valerian root, which at this time he continues to take all.?Plus Liver Care
due to a slight increase in a liver enzyme after last blood work at the doctor,
in October.?

If/When he starts Cardio-C, will he have to take all this stuff
still??? He is not very happy with them all.??? Also, we have picked up Dr
Rath's LysinC drink mix, and are taking that also.??He also suffers from
osteoarthritis of the knees for a couple of decades, taking very little
darvocet, only at bedtime, unless in terrible pain, and may use lid
ocaine patches on his knees when necessary.? Suffers from lower back pain
also.??????? He would like to simplify his regime as noted above, he is not
consistent with all this.

Why only "some vitamin C"? Many people have responded well to Pauling's vitamin C/lysine therapy
and their high blood pressure has become normal when other treatments failed. From your description,
I would recommend Cardio-C plus several more nutrients, or, you could start with the Tower HeartTechnology
drink, which already has some of those nutrients, vitamins E and A in particular.

Again, increasing vitamin C up to the dosages Linus Pauling recommended, i.e., 6,000 to 18,000 mg daily should provide dramatic beneficial effects in a short interval of time.

3.?? a 62 year old female with circulatory sluggishness, noted by puffiness in
the ankles, bp 100/70 maybe, pulse 60+-; also? a chiropractor recently noted a
heart murmur, which I never had before.? Low thyroid using kelp and dulse for
this.? I have also noticed over the last year or so, bruises, especially on my
extremities, without reason, especially when I try to take Vitamin E, even
starting at 100mg and slowly increasing per month at 100mg; also noted this
bruising with COQ 10. So I am not taking either at this time.??Also, I have had
a (I think), a lymph node,palpable, on the outer edge of my left underarm, which
increases and decreases in size from day to day, since about 7-8 years ago.
I do take supplements of multivitamin and mineral, plus extra Calcium/Magnesium
(I also have severe osteoporosis of the hips),Vitamin C 2000-3000mg, this last
one is since 1 month ago, the kelp capsule, B complex 100mgs.?? Not lately, but
I have had episodes of repeated palpatations or heart turn over sensations which
were very persistent.?????? I believe that is all for me.

Mr Fonorow, we do appreciate your advice and look forward to it.?? Thank you and
may God bless you and yours...C. A. S.

Bruising from Vitamin E and CoQ10 is a new one for me. So for you, I would recommend starting
with pure vitamin C powder, and slowly work up to your tolerance which hopefully will be somewhere
between 6,000 and 18,000 mg daily - spread out in at least 4 separate smaller dosages.

If your tolerance is less than 6,000 mg, I would suggested Lypo-C from - 1 2 to packets
along with the ordinary vitamin C to your tolerance.

If things start to improve, you might consider the added benefits from switching some of the vitamin C
to Cardio-C which contains lysine and proline. By getting your vitamin C requirements in order, perhaps
other difficulties will recede.

Ordinarily, the recommendation for "puffy" ankles would be CoQ10, in case the Edema is heart failure.
But another factor might be a diet too low in salt. You might research an unrefined salt, such as Celtic
Sea Salt
, which would help you achieve a good hormone balance and perhaps your body wouldn't try so hard to
retain water. -> David Browstein's SALT book has good information.

I'm sure others hear will have more ideas.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ralph Lotz
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Re: Three people in their sixties asking for advice

Post by Ralph Lotz » Sat Feb 02, 2008 6:34 am

1) cardiovascular medications cause heart failure
"heart failure epidemic" ... ceUrl=true ... &g=s&t=all

2) I am nearly 62. I have been on the Pauling Therapy for over 10 years.
My own Pauling Therapy program consists of at least 3 grams of C and 2.8 grams Lysine daily in divided doses. (Ascorsine 9); IP-6 - 5 grams; LONGEVINEX - 1 capsule; Acetyl L-Carnitine/L-Carnitine Orotatae 500 mg; D3 6,200 IU ; IODORAL Iodine supplement 12.5 mg - 50 mg daily; Vitamin K2 (MK-7) from natto 100 mcg; 1 tsp - 1 TBS cod liver oil or high qualuity fish oil; 200 - 400 mg magnesium (Ultra-Mag); R-Lipoic Acid/R-dihydrolipoic acid/delta tocotrienols (MITO-GOLD); R-Plus Q; EGCG 350 mg; Lifeforce Multiple No-Iron - 2 tablets daily; Activated Quercetin - 1 capsule; BROCCOMAX - 1 Capsule.
Ascorbic Acid, High Gamma E and Mega Q-GEL COQ10, melatonin and Florajen 3 as needed.

My father died at age 43 and my grandfather at age 45 from massive coronary occlusions.

I take no medications.
I see no doctors.
I haven't had my cholesterol checked since 1975, Lp(a) < 10 ( I think Ancel Keyes is a moron)
I have no health insurance (except nutritional supplements)
I have no BPH
I have no ED
I plan to live to be 200 years old and to die with my boots on
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush

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