Woman Concerned About Husband with Stents

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Woman Concerned About Husband with Stents

Post by ofonorow » Sun Mar 30, 2008 9:39 am

From the email...

My husband has had 9 stents in his right thigh vessel which was blocked completely. Three of these was put in a year ago and the other six were put in the first of May because the vessell had again closed off 80%. The doctor has him on Plavix and lipitor and has of the last visit increased the lipitor from 20mg to 40mg. He is also taking asperin, isosorbinde,nitroquick and nexium and advair. It is a lot of medication and concerns me because it isn't curing anything. If he starts [pauling-therapy] program would the other medications interfere with it? I am very concerned for him.
D. R.

I am not a medical doctor and I am not giving medical advice.

In my lay opinion, there is nothing to like about the treatment that your doctor prescribed for your husband. While I am sure he is prescribing it in good faith, I believe the outcome would be worse than doing nothing at all, and it will make your husband's condition worse.

Medical doctors have been kept ignorant of the knowledge that is soon to appear in our new book, See: http://PracticingMedicineWithoutALicense.com
for availability. It should be orderable by late next week.

If I were you/your husband, I would go to the drug store and purchase vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) and lysine as 500 mg tablets.

Start taking 1 of each every 4 hours, then 2 tablets of each every 4 hours the next day, and increase every day until he reaches bowel tolerance. (See http://www.orthomed.com/titrate.htm). Note: I would not take more than 6000 mg of lysine daily, but he should increase vitamin C to tolerance.

Tolerance is the point just below which he starts to develop gas/diarrhea.

Then have him maintain that dosage level until you can read the book and decide what to do for yourselves. If his tolerance is low, email me, (and by low I mean less than 10,000 mg of vitamin C,) as there are other products that may help him tolerate more of the vitamin.

In my lay, non medical opinion, NOT taking vitamin C and lysine in this manner, as recommended by Linus Pauling, is dangerous. Especially for heart patients, and no matter what drugs they may be taking.

It is wise to keep in mind that the knowledge about vitamin C and lysine comes from Linus Pauling.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Woman Concerned About Husband with Stents

Post by J.Lilinoe » Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:47 am

In my lay, non medical opinion, NOT taking vitamin C and lysine in this manner, as recommended by Linus Pauling, is dangerous. Especially for heart patients, and no matter what drugs they may be taking.

It is wise to keep in mind that the knowledge about vitamin C and lysine comes from Linus Pauling.

Good reply Owen.

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