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new member a few questions.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 6:04 am
by Marjorie
Please let me know if I am posting this in an inappropriate place, I haven't learned my way around yet. It looks like one subject here is calcium I understand calcium supplementation will add to plaque formation. What about dietary calcium like skim milk, which I drink a lot? Or Kale, etc. Will that also increase deposits in arteries?

I haven't had a period in about 8 months. I am 51. My biological father and half brother died around age 50 of heart attacks. I don't know their habits. I have gone from 122 to 170 in just 1 year. I am guessing hormones. I went to a holistic doctor last week. I am being tested for hormones, insulin resistance, B12,D, and RA--I am not sure if any other tests are ordered. I also have abrupt onset of foot, knee, wrist, hand pain. It happened almost overnight before I gained the weight. It is worse in the morning after a rest and standing back up.

I an concerned. I think I am having a type of angina I feel in my jaw. I can do hard work without it usually. But, sometimes it starts with work, especially if it is bending down work. I won't have invasive tests. Diet is how I would like to handle this, drugs if necessary--just no surgery. It isn't a constant problem. I want to do maybe a juice fast plus the Ascrbade. I just ordered it. I'm already taking the key components til it gets here. I wouldn't mind taking 2 servings a day. I am little concerned about the large amount of A & E. Are those levels fine for long term use? If juice is to much sugar, I could do an Ensure fast. I read in one of your articles that it has everything you need to sustain you. I want to keep energy to develop and keep up an exercise program. I want the weight off as quickly as pssible as I believe it is really putting a strain on my heart.

I am taking clonodine (BP), cymbalta (I am not depressed but it got rid of awful nerve pain in my neck. I have direct pressure on my spinal cord in the cervical spine due to scoliosis. I also take 1 mg cloazepam daily for nerves. I am trying t wean off of it. Will any of these drugs increase my risk for heart disease? Clonodine reduces adrenalin to help dilate vessels.

Did I order the right product for my needs? I als have ordered a carbon based infrared sauna,have a salt water pool, a jacuzzi, so I can d plenty of detoxing and exercising. I als ordered Ancient Minerals Magnesium oil, and Nascent iodine. Can you give advice on how to use what I have listed, r what ther things I may need to reverse probable heart disease? Sorry for such a long post.

Thanks so much!

Re: new member a few questions.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 10:01 pm
by Dolev

Sounds like you are on the right track, developing an approach. I think that the cleanout, detox program is the first order of business. Don't worry a whole lot about the sugars of juicing, but to make sure, emphasize vegetables and greens, more than sweet fruits and carrots. The cleanout is a first stage to get you started on a long-term program. Please spend several hours reading the website.

Re: new member a few questions.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 8:30 am
by ofonorow
Hello and Welcome,

Well I think that if you can tolerate AscorbAde, it will improve your health. The product provides many orthomolecular nutrients without junk fillers. There are other substances, fat soluble, that would probably provide even more benefit, such as natural unprocessed Omega 3/6 oils and vitamin D3.

The key, in my opinion, is the right amount of vitamin C for you as an individual. Most problems stem from our inability to make vitamin C . Conversely, taking carbohydrates and sugars can interfere with the uptake of vitamin C by our cells, so you would do well to reduce carbs in favor of proteins. The Atkins style diet.

You did not mention the amount of vitamin C you take otherwise and/or can tolerate, but while I agree with Dolev about the detox, you should find the right level of vitamin C for you as that will likely have the greatest noticeable benefits. You may be able to tolerate more than what is provided in AscorbAde, and we would recommend adding at least 500 mg every 4 hours, especially during the initial detox period.

After you return your body to a healthy functioning state (some call this balance) you can begin to address the other remaining issues. (For example, I had a gouty arthritis more than 20 years ago, which remained after I adopted 3000 mg vitamin C daily, but disappeared when I went to 18,000 mg daily.) You don't know what symptoms may dissappear with the "right" amount of daily vitamin C.

Do not fear calcium from milk! The calcium generally recommended against by the alternative community is in the form of supplements. You require organic calcium, such as what you would obtain by eating greens and other foods, and I would not shy away from milk for fear of calcium! (There are other issues with milk, especially skim milk. But this is a topic for another day.)

Re: new member a few questions.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2008 1:08 pm
by Marjorie
Thank You both. I bought some things for juicing today. Owen, you mentioned going to a low carb diet. That is how I found this and all of the related sites. I was just browsing through posts and I clicked on an interesting link and landed here. I learned a lot. I hate it when I feel like I' ve studied all of the interesting things on health. But, when that happens then I'll go down sme other fork in the road where it is interesting again.

On a page somewhere in your network, 2 Brands of Niacin were recommended because they don't cause flushing. The fish oil was mentioned to be good at Pure Encapsulations. I opened an account with them to get that. Do you know who sells the "no flush" niacin ?(Pharmaceutical grade I think). And willl the niacin in Ascorbade cause that?

I received my Ascorbade today. I noticed on another post, you said that the Heart Tower Product was doing a fan tastic job of lowering LDLa's. Should people order that one if CVD is a concern?


Re: new member a few questions.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 11:51 am
by ofonorow
Ascorbade formula is based on the Tower A-9. If you have elevated Lp(a) then you might consider converting, otherwise there are actually more nutrients in AscorbAde.

Re: new member a few questions.

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 5:39 am
by Marjorie
Owen, I messed up when I ordered ascorbade and put 35 days for my reorder. I am taking it twice a day, so, I saw where you can change the interval, but I guess I am doing something wrong. Grrr. I am going to try again. I am also going to get C & Lysine to fill in and find and build my tolerance. I have to comment I have never taken such "clean burning" vitamins before. Nothing scientific implied, it is just a feeling. I love drinking the drinks. I don't add a whole lot of water. I like a tangy flavor.

Also, do you have your own story or testimonial concerning the protocol? I was interesteed to hear it got rid of your gouty arthritis.

Dolev, I just got a chance to look at the web site you recommended. It looks great! I will enjoy browsing many subjects there. The health web site where I've sent a lot of time is, check it out. Also, is good but a little whacky on certain subjects.

Re: new member a few questions.

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 1:04 pm
by Marjorie
I was looking at the archives and there was a thread about "calcium consultation". Owen you asked
I have no strong opinions on so-called Oral Chelation. Can you find anyone who felt it was of benefit?

I had a patient (I'm a chirpractor, licensed but not practicing now). I had been seeing this husband and wife for a couple of years. The man had heart failure. It scared him and he progressively became more and more of a nervous wreck. I was worried about the extent of his fear. They were both really knowledable abut herbs and other natural remedies, but nthing would overcome this. Then I hadn't seen them for a while.

Then they came in one day just beaming. He had been taking a supplement with EDTA and some other things in it. They suddenly had started noticing he was getting better. Before he really could do nothing physical. A few months after beginning the supplement he was able to go outside and chop a big tree into firewood. I ordered some myself, but since I wasn't having any trouble then, I never took it regularly. In fact I still have it.

I think the confusion may come in the word chelation. I looked it up and it is a fairly new word. If you allow yourself to let it include anything that willl safely get rid of plaque, like dissolving it, such as the Pauling protocol does, (I read that in one of his talks) then they are the same thing.

On Wikipedia part of the definition says " Because chelating agents bind to metals through more than one coordination site, such ligands bind more tenaciously than unidentate ligands (like water). If a chelate were replaced by several monodentate ligands (such as water or ammonia), the total number of molecules would decrease, whereas if several monodentate ligands were replaced by a chelate, the number of free molecules increases.

That sounds like a bunch of Greek honestly, but, both EDTA and ascorbic acid have 2 binding sites rather than one, makingthem more effective as "chelators". If anyone has studied this and can explain this better, I'd appreciate it.

Re: new member a few questions.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 3:57 am
by ofonorow
I am curious what other substances were in the "oral chelating" product besides EDTA? My question was w/r to oral chelation. I've heard many many stories of the benefits of IV Chelation therapy.

My "gouty arthritis and hayfever/allergies" story is simply that my medical records looked like a phone book prior to 1983. Many infections. Many minor ailments. Allergies. Fatigue. I read Pauling's Vitamin C, The Common Cold and The Flu in 1983 and started on 3000 mg of vitamin C daily. From that point on my medical records were reduced to a few pages, I had more energy, few infections other than an occassional cold, and I was quite impressed with my improved health.

However, I had been diagnosed with a gouty arthritis - painful knuckles and toes - and I had bouts of hayfever in the summer that drove my office mate nuts. These conditions did not clear up on 3 g vitamin C daily.

In 1986, I read Pauling's new book HTLLAFB (and Cathcarts titrating to bowel tolerance paper and found I could increase my vitamin C to 18 to 20 g daily by taking 9000 mg every 12 hours without gas/diarrhea.

Soon thereafter my gouty arthritis cleared up, never to return ,and that summer I noticed that my hay fever and all my allergies had also cleared up, and never returned.

Thus my profound interest in vitamin C began.

Now, because I adopted Pauling's entire regimen in 1986 - including high vitamin A, the Super B complex, vitamin E, etc. I can't be certain what in the protocol affected my previous conditions, but it is a good idea to follow the entire protocol anyway.

A recent post (Re: a study of uric acid) seems to indicate the the high vitamin C probably had the most to do with resolving the gouty arthritis. In my experience, the benefit is definitely "dose dependent" as I went 3 years on a 3000 mg "mega dose" and these remaining conditions didn't clear up.

Re: new member a few questions.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 7:45 pm
by Marjorie
Ahh. Well, that is sure a good motivation to find an answer--it is miserable to be sick all the time. I was going to ask about a bunch of other diseases but I will search the archives first. Thanks for filling me in on your health history. It is sure a good thing you were/are so passionate about Paulings work--I don't think people would be able to find out all about it and get the right products for the protocol without your help.