High Blood Pressure & Elevated Heart rate

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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High Blood Pressure & Elevated Heart rate

Post by alive » Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:31 am


I looked through the forum, but was unable to find the answers to this.

My father's blood pressure is pretty high. He gets meds for it, but they do virtually nothing. He also has a resting pulse of about 100, unless he takes beta blockers.

My question is if there have been any of you here that have successfully lowered blood pressure without having heart rate increase?

Some meds, including THC, will dilate arteries, which will lower blood pressure, but also elevate heart rate at the same time. This is not something that would be desirable in my father's condition.

Also, I read a lot about lysine not being good for people with hypertension. But reading through this forum, I get thst the opposite might be true.

Anyone here done lysine + vitamin C, having high BP and high heart rate? What were your results?


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Re: High Blood Pressure & Elevated Heart rate

Post by Frank » Sat Jul 19, 2008 1:29 pm

I have elevated blood pressure controlled by medication but I don't have a high heart rate.

I am overweight, which I have been battling with for about a decade, but don't have any symptoms clogging.
About a year ago I started to take Vit C (6gm/day), Lysine (6gm/day) and Proline (6gm/day). I continued this for six months. Then I reduced the dose to Vit C (6gm/day), Lysine (1gm/day) and Proline (0gm/day, yes zero).

The Vit C, I actualy increased as required for infection and colds during this time with success.
However, as for reducing blood pressure - NO. I found no improvement at all. Need to take all the medication I have taken before.
Hope someone has a recommendation for natural ways to reduce the blood pressure as I also hate taking the medication. I have tried everything I could learn on the net without success.

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Re: High Blood Pressure & Elevated Heart rate

Post by Dolev » Sun Jul 20, 2008 3:50 am

Magnesium and Meditation?


Re: High Blood Pressure & Elevated Heart rate

Post by alive » Sun Jul 20, 2008 9:11 am

Frank wrote:Hello
I have elevated blood pressure controlled by medication but I don't have a high heart rate.

I am overweight, which I have been battling with for about a decade, but don't have any symptoms clogging.
About a year ago I started to take Vit C (6gm/day), Lysine (6gm/day) and Proline (6gm/day). I continued this for six months. Then I reduced the dose to Vit C (6gm/day), Lysine (1gm/day) and Proline (0gm/day, yes zero).

The Vit C, I actualy increased as required for infection and colds during this time with success.
However, as for reducing blood pressure - NO. I found no improvement at all. Need to take all the medication I have taken before.
Hope someone has a recommendation for natural ways to reduce the blood pressure as I also hate taking the medication. I have tried everything I could learn on the net without success.

That's unfortunate. :(
Has the vit. C and lysine done anything for you at all?

Btw, you might want to look into "Mukta Vati" - an aryuvedic herb.
Reading other forums, this has been the only alternative to conventional blood pressure lowering medications that I've come across so far.

I have ordered some. Hasn't arrived yet. So, I can't tell you if its any good or not. But a lot of people in forums seem to think its working.

Ralph Lotz
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Re: High Blood Pressure & Elevated Heart rate

Post by Ralph Lotz » Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:01 am

The long term use of vitamin C and Lysine should lead to stronger and more elastic arteries.
Reduce calcification with IP-6, vitamin K and vitamin D.
Add a tablespoon of fish oil or cod liver oil to help lower blood pressure along with magnesium.
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush

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Re: High Blood Pressure & Elevated Heart rate

Post by Frank » Sun Jul 20, 2008 1:18 pm

I have tried Magnesium and Multi Vitamin tablets without success. I ahve not tried meditation yet.
Large doses of Vit D and Vit K I haven't tried, just the vitamins in the Multi Vit without success.
"Mukta Vati" I haven't tried. I will look into it. Alive let us know how it works for you.
I have not done any tests about the results of my Vit C and Lysine intake. I am not sure what tests to take. I think maybe checking my Lp(a). I thought that making the arteries more elastic would reduce my blood pressure - but didn't.

I am now trying Dandelion herb. This adds to the diuretic I am already using with some success. I am using a tablet containing 1500mg of dandelion and 400mg of nettle. I take 3 tablets per day and as far as I can determine it is the equiv. of about 1/2 of my diuretic tablet. I have just ordered some dandelion powder to try. This will be easyer to take and cheaper. I also take a calcium chanel blocker for my blood pressure.
Omega 3 fish oil also helps and I eat Omega 3 fortified chicken eggs.
I also find that brisk walking also helps. Reducing weight also helps. But, unfortunately, I haven't done anything natural that will reduce my blood pressure enough to allow me to stop the medication. Not even just the diuretic.
Thank you all

Seymore Spectacles

Re: High Blood Pressure & Elevated Heart rate

Post by Seymore Spectacles » Sun Jul 20, 2008 6:13 pm

Hello, Frank.

My parents have found good results with a medical device called Zona +. They use it in a very consistent manner. It's helped my dad to get off his anti-hypertensive medication. My mom was never on such medication but her blood pressure has been creeping up over the years.

By the way, they both eat quite well, use supplements and exercise. Also, they're both at a reasonable weight. I just say this to emphasize that this device isn't being used at the expense of addressing other (possible) underlying issues.

If you're interested, here's more information:


Good luck, with whatever you try.


Re: High Blood Pressure & Elevated Heart rate

Post by alive » Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:46 am

- Mukta Vati update

Frank wrote:"Mukta Vati" I haven't tried. I will look into it. Alive let us know how it works for you.

I have been taking the Mukta Vati three days now.

I forgot to measure BP on the first day.

On the second day, I did five measurements in a row (over 20 mins period).
The highest was 153/101 - the lowest was 124/76

On the third day, I again did five measurements.
The highest was 124/68 - the lowest was 105/61
(Actually, the very first one said 100/60 exactly. But the following three were all around 110/62.)

I don't know if this was a fluke. I'll keep monitoring daily for the next weeks.
If the figures stay like this, I'm very, very happy. I don't think my BP has been this low for about 20 years.
But, like I said, I'm not getting my hopes up yet. That 100/60 figure just seemed too good to be true.

My father hasn't monitored his BP as methodically. But the few measurements he made inidcated quite a big drop in pressure, as well.

I forgot to mention that I'm suspecting the Mukta Vati giving me a slight headache and dry sinuses.
I need to observe further to be sure its not something else.
I might be allergic to one or more of the ingredients. :(
(could also just be pollen in the air, currently)

Seymore Spectacles

Re: High Blood Pressure & Elevated Heart rate

Post by Seymore Spectacles » Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:11 am

Please keep us posted, alive. Sounds like an interesting experiment.


Re: High Blood Pressure & Elevated Heart rate

Post by alive » Sat Jul 26, 2008 7:39 am

Seymore Spectacles wrote:Please keep us posted, alive. Sounds like an interesting experiment.

Day 4 is showing the same numbers as day 3.
Highest = 116/76
Lowest = 108/60

Looking good.

However, I'm now 90% certain that the Mukta Vati is causing my allergy symptoms.
I did NOT expect a natural product to have side effects...

I'll see if the side effects diminish over the following days/weeks.
If they don't, I'll have to choose between high blood pressure or being unable to breathe through my nose. :(

My doctor would probably say I should pick the allergies over high blood pressure.
I might come to this decision myself. But its still damn annoying not being able to breathe through my nose.

Btw, my father is not having any side effects. So don't let my story scare you. (I'm allergic to lots of stuff).


Re: High Blood Pressure & Elevated Heart rate

Post by alive » Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:53 am


You sent me an email via the message board system.
Unfortunately, I cannot reply to your question, as I don't see your email anywhere.

Could you message me again - but this time use private message. If you choose to send email, I won't get to reply.
Or just private message me your email address, and I'll reply directly.

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Re: High Blood Pressure & Elevated Heart rate

Post by Frank » Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:24 pm

Unfortunately the dandelion herb powder didn't lower my blood pressure. I don't know why the tablets did but the powder doesn't. I looked into Zona +. There appears to be a mixed response to it. I also looked into Mukta Vati and found no negative opinions at all.

I have been taking an ACE inhibitor and diuretics to lower my BP for a long time. My BP was about 160/115 before starting the medication about 10 years ago. My BP about a week ago was about 115/82 with the medication before the Mukta Vati.

I ordered Mukta Vati. Started using it about a week ago. My BP dropped to about 110/78 with the Mukta Vati. I expected it to drop to a lower value. I might have been mistaken about how it works. I now think that it tends to normalise BP rather than lower it. Therefore, it will not reduce it below normal by much. So, I reduced my diuretic to 1/2 and my BP was holding.

I have also noticed that in the winter months it is more difficult for me to keep my BP down. I looked into Vit D. Found no explanation, but it is believed to lower BP. I bought a bottle of 1000iu Vit D tablets. Tried it first time yesterday and my BP dropped to 108/73 this morning. This morning I will cut the rest of my diuretic to see how I go.
Just an update.


Re: High Blood Pressure & Elevated Heart rate

Post by alive » Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:49 pm

Frank wrote:I ordered Mukta Vati. Started using it about a week ago. My BP dropped to about 110/78 with the Mukta Vati. I expected it to drop to a lower value. I might have been mistaken about how it works. I now think that it tends to normalise BP rather than lower it. Therefore, it will not reduce it below normal by much. So, I reduced my diuretic to 1/2 and my BP was holding.

Hi Frank,

I have to say, when I compare to other forum posts about Mukta Vati, mine and my father's results with this are extreme.
I haven't come across anyone else that had their BP drop so dramatically as we did.

This is another reason why I'm so floored by the whole thing. Usually these 'things' don't work for me. Or yield very minor results, which I can often attribute to coincidence etc.
But the mukta is truly a miracle for me and my father. Maybe it's genetic?
I know there are many reasons for hypertension. Maybe the mukta works so well only on the kind of hypertension my father and I have. I don't know.
Maybe the contents of the product vary, depending on where you buy it (brand)?

I have one suspicion that it might have to do with another product I take at the same time, called Chrysalis.
I've been taking large dosages of melatonin - to sleep better. It did nothing for me at all. Took it for months - nothing!
So, later (whilst still taking melatonin every night), I got Chrysalis and suddenly slept a lot better.
About 5 weeks after this, my Chrysalis bottle ran out. And I started to have trouble sleeping again.
Of course, I thought the Chrysalis was causing me to sleep well. (I had almost forgotten about melatonin, but was still taking it due to other beneficial effects it is supposed to have).

Anyway, I got my new shipment of Chrysalis soon - and I was able to sleep better again.
A few weeks after this, I ran out of melatonin. I suddenly noticed that I had trouble sleeping again.
I quickly ordered some more melatonin. And as soon as that arrived, I was able to sleep well again.

From this, I can only conclude that the Chrysalis is making the melatonin work (the sleeping part at least).

I'm thinking that Chrysalis might possibly be having a similar effect on Mukata Vati.

I have not dared to stop either.
I'm scared I will be jinxed and have my heart BP and pulse again! lol

My dad is also taking both products - and continues to have low BP.

Probably the most amazing part is that both our heart rates have dropped as well.

I usually have a resting heart rate of about 85-95.
It is now 48-54 !!!

My dad's is usually 80-85.
It is now 55-60.

I'm really sorry Mukta Vati isn't working well for you.
But please try to keep at it. It might take some time before it starts to do its magic.

That said, I see you wrote that you have a BP of 110/78. That's pretty good I think.
I don't think it needs to be lower.

My high number stays between 100 and 118. And the low number between 50 and 70.
I think any doctor would tell you that these are perfectly acceptable numbers.

And yes, I don't think Mukta Vati lowers BP - it stabilises it.
If I ate the whole package of MV that I have here, I don't think my BP would drop at all.

What I don't like about MV is that they make rediculous claims to what it will do for you.
I almost didn't buy it after reading what its supposed to do on their website.

And, of course, I hate the side-effects I'm having. I'm still unable to breathe throgh my nose, and I still get a short headache whenever I take a MV pill. :(

But my BP and heart rate values are just too good to quit MV over the nose thing.

Frank wrote:I have also noticed that in the winter months it is more difficult for me to keep my BP down. I looked into Vit D. Found no explanation, but it is believed to lower BP. I bought a bottle of 1000iu Vit D tablets. Tried it first time yesterday and my BP dropped to 108/73 this morning. This morning I will cut the rest of my diuretic to see how I go.
Just an update.

Isn't vitamin D one of those vitamines that will accumulate in the body, resulting in a (lethal?) overdose, just as you'll have with vitamin A?

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Re: High Blood Pressure & Elevated Heart rate

Post by Frank » Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:41 pm

Alive, thank you for your post.

With so many people on medication for high BP, I am surprised how few people complain in the forum.

If I would not be taking any medication, I think my BP would be around 150/100. If Mukta Vati and Vit D would bring it down to where it is now (110/73) I would say that Mukta Vati and Vit D works well.

I understand that Vit D can be toxic. I am not sure that it is in the same class as Vit A though. The logic behind taking Vit D is that during summer I walk for an hour almost every day around 11:00am or even later. During the winter the most walking I do is for about 15mins also at around 11:00am. The amount of Vit D in winter must be lower than in the summer. Therefore, to supplement 1000iu in winter I think is not overdosing. I think it's more compensation for low Vit D. I intend to stop it during summer.

You mention the nose thing again. I have to admit that when I started Mukta Vati I got what I call a cold. At the time I thought it was a coincidence. Maybe not. I upped my Vit C and it is almost gone. Maybe it is acting like Vit C. I have read about this on the net and had some experiece about it as well. When started taking Vit C it was easy to convince my wife to take it as well even though she doesn't suffer from colds. She was enthusiastic and appeared committed anyway. I suggested to ramp up the Vit C slowly. She was more enthisiastic and ramped up fast. The result was that she got a cold. It was a pretty bad one too. She stopped the Vit C and hasn't been neer Vit C since.

Have you increased your Vit C as a result of your problem?
I am not an expert but that's what I would have done.


Re: High Blood Pressure & Elevated Heart rate

Post by alive » Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:58 pm

Frank wrote:Have you increased your Vit C as a result of your problem?
I am not an expert but that's what I would have done.

No, I have not. But that's a good idea.
If this nose problem doesn't disappear soon, I'll take a break from the other protocol I'm doing (which isn't happy with large vit. C dosages) and do a week or so on mega-dose vit. C.

Though, I think this is an allergy problem with me and MV.
I'm allergic to just about anything you could think of.

My father has no allergy problems and has not had any side-effects from MV.

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