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Doctor Says C is passed in urine, makes body acidic

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 2:06 am
by ofonorow
I am on a regimen of 3 heart meds (Provastatin 40, Coumadin 2.5-5mg, and Metaprolol 25mg) along with an Antidepressant (generic Remeron 30mg, generic Klonopin 2mg daily and Ambien CR 12mg once a night for sleep. How do these meds affect the Cardio C Zen regimen? I take 1 scoop per day - 2500mg. My doctor says that that much vitamin C is passed in the urine and the body will only use so much of it as it needs and will waste the rest. He also says that it makes the body very acidic. Shoud'nt the body be more alkaline
to stay healthy? What about the acidity of that much Ascorbic acid in the blood? I would be pleased if you would address all issues in this email.
Thank you,

Your doctor is telling you what he was taught, but he is simply wrong about vitamin C. This is the very reason we started the vitamin C foundation, because the medical profession is being given wrong information by the pharmaceutical companies, or their mininions. In a perfect world, doctors this ignorant would lose their licenses.

Linus Pauling first (and perhaps best) addressed these concerns in his 1986 book HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER, and we've tried to continue this tradition at the Foundation.

As far as urinating what it doesn't use - See the great book, ASCORBATE: THe Science of Vitamin C (Hickey/Roberts and you will learn about their Dynamic Flow theory. Our bodies were built when vitamin C was flowing through the blood stream 24/7 - and yes, continually out the urine. The problem is that unlike almost all other animals, humans lost their ability to continuously make the vitamin in the liver.

As far as C making body acidic, this is false. VItamin C is a weak acid in the ascorbic acid form, but you can take the vitamin as sodium ascorbate, which is vitamin C in alkaline form. (You can add sodium bicarb to your cardio C if this is a concern, but it shouldn't be. The acid form of vitamin C is absorbed faster - through the stomach lining.)

Rather than reargue the same old issues, let me say that if you decide to take so many toxicmolecular drugs, pharmaceutical molecules that are entirely foreign to the body, then taking vitamin C to counteract their toxicity becomes even more important.

If you trust your doctor, listen to him.

Re: Doctor Says C is passed in urine, makes body acidic

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:07 pm
by Dolev
Oh my God! Medicine cocktails are just fine, but vitamin C will acidify your blood. Oh my God!!!

Please ask your doctor if there is a clinical trial showing the effectiveness and safety of the combination of medicines you are swallowing.