Looking for alternative to statin drugs

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Looking for alternative to statin drugs

Post by ofonorow » Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:14 am

Hello, Mr. Fonorow. I am very interested in trying vitamin therapy for heart disease. I do not function well on statins and have been searching for an alternative for quite some time. Do you know how I might find a doctor in the Dallas, Texas area who practices orthomolecular (sp) medicine and/or supports alternative treatment for heart disease?

I ordered your book today, as well as Dr. Paulings, and look forward to educating myself and, hopefully, ridding my arteries of plaque utilizing a more natural approach.

Thanks so much -
P. W.

Their is a doctor in Houston, but I am not sure about Dallas. The first step is acam.org - put in your zipcode and call around. These are the IV EDTA Chelation doctors.

You can ask questions here at our forum.

The books should help - dosage, dosage, dosage. Start with 500 mg vitamin C every 4 hours and increase to bowel tolerance. If your tolerance is less than 10 g daily, you may have to consider alternate forms of vitamin C, such as Lypo-C from livonlabs.com
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Re: Looking for alternative to statin drugs

Post by fergy999 » Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:34 pm


You can read my story so far under Virgin Subscriber. I made a decision to avoid statins after reading the label and studying some interesting articles on http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/. I have been associated with the complementary health business for some years and have also studied the natural statin form which is called Red Yeast Rice. In order to believe in Statins you must first believe in the Cholesterol myth and I'm not so sure I do. Interestingly the patent for statins is held by the US government. Statins do reduce cholesterol but act in the same way as chemo acts; its not fussy which fats it pulls out of your system. Good ones disappear as well as the bad ones. I suggest you look at natural ways to reduce cholesterol but dont get hung up on your score which I believe is more a big pharma marketing number than an indication of health status and consider a pharmaceutical grade Omega 3 (at least 2gms EPA 1 gm DHA per day). Omega 3 thins the blood too which is excellent for us Ticker people. The research I've read in relation to Omega and heart disease points to DHA as the crucial ingredient but Im not so sure, I believe the EPA is just as and if not more important.(basically EPA can convert into DHA if the body requires it, but not the other way round).
This article could be useful, although again I dont agree with all the content http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/artic ... truth.html
One things for sure if you continue to take statins you need to supplement with Q10 as the statins rip your natural q10 as well.
This is another useful link http://www.thincs.org/
best wishes Dave

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Re: Looking for alternative to statin drugs

Post by Dolev » Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:28 pm

You can request information about orthomolecular practitioners in your area by sending an email to:


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