Testimonies - passed stress test previously failed

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Testimonies - passed stress test previously failed

Post by ofonorow » Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:18 am


I tried to post some testimonies about the Pauling Therapy on your web page but can't get on---even after registering .

Anyway, if you'd like to "copy & paste" this info...

A friend of mine who took a stress test a few years ago was stopped before he could finish because the Doctor was alarmed by the EKG read out. I told him about Vitamin C & Lysine. He started taking it and a few months later took another stress test and passed with flying colors. No problems what-so-ever.

Again (and I mentioned this in another email) a Doctor friend of mine in California once told me that his grandfather and father both died of a heart attacks in their early fifties. And he, age 39, was suffering from angina when he went jogging. I told him about the Pauling Therapy. A few months later he called me, all excited, telling me that he could now run 3 miles and afterwards ride his bike another 12 miles with no angina whatsoever.

Speaking for myself, after having a heart attack in 1999, I always had a problem with angina in cold weather. After I started the Pauling Therapy it stopped. Cold weather does not bother me any more.

I'd like to post these testimonies on your web page but I can't get on---you'll have to do it.


Thanks Jeff. Please give registering another try. You should receive email, then send that email to me at my private email and I will activate your account.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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