Dilated Aorta with Calcium Deposits

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Dilated Aorta with Calcium Deposits

Post by ofonorow » Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:02 am

Hi Owen,

I have previously used Cardio-C and Heart Technology formulas as well as spoken with you on the phone. Last week while undergoing tests for a gastro-intestinal complaint I had a CT scan which revealed that my aorta had some calcium deposits and had dilated. In September, I had a routine sonogram which was negative for aortic aneurysm. Since this recent finding, I have been advised by my physician to have an annual sonogram and, in
addition to maintaining normal blood pressure and increasing my HDLs through exercise, I want to do what I can nutritionally to support the strength and elasticity of my arteries especially the aorta. My mother had an aortic aneurysm and my older brother had a brain aneurysm. Both were smokers. Although I am not, I have concerns. Which of the Pauling Formulas Heart Technology, CardioAde, or Ascorsine 9 would be most suitable for this? I
have read that supplements which lower MMP-9 expression help. These include chondroitin sulfate which is included in Ascorsine 9 as well as quercetin, pycnogenol, resveratrol, green tea, and others.


You say you were on our products "previously". When did you stop? How much vitamin C are you currently supplementing? How much were you taking before??

The key element is to take vitamin C, at least 10,000 mg if you can tolerate it, in divided dosages every 3 to 4 hours. Lysine 6000 mg, also in divided dosages. This is the most important protocol to strengthen the aorta. However, if calcium is an issue, you should also supplement vitamins K1 and K2 (e.g. Super-K from Lef.org)

My entire recommendation is at:
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Dilated Aorta with Calcium Deposits

Post by ofonorow » Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:06 am

Hi Owen,

Thanks for responding. I stopped taking the Heart Technology formula about three years ago - for reasons of taste rather than expense. Since then I have continued with Vitamin C (8,000 mg/day), L-Lysine (3,000 mg/day), and L-Proline (500 mg/day). For approximately two years the Vitamin C I took was sourced from Swanson and for the past year I have been using 6000 mg/day of NutriBiotic Vitamin C (see below) + 2,000 mg Vitamin C as contained in Life Extension's multiple. The Lysine and Proline are still from Swanson. I don't believe they are pharmaceutical grade as Swanson recently introduced "AjiPure" (Ajinomoto) L-Lysine and L-Proline which are. In addition, I take Super-K from lef.org as well as Serraflazyme.

I have tired of the (multiple) capsules this necessitates and believe the powder is more bio-available. I'm leaning towards "autoship" but have not determined which product to get: either The Vitamin C Foundation's Cardio-C or Tower Laboratories' Heart Technology (or) Ascorsine-9. The latter contains chondroitan sulfate but I am not clear as to what benefit, if any, this contributes to strengthening the aorta.

As per your recommendation, I will increase my ascorbic acid intake to a minimum of 10,000 mg/day and L-lysine to 6,000 mg/day.

I truly appreciate your taking the time to write.

Thank you again,


NutriBiotic Vitamin C, 1000 mg Capsules
Hypo-Allergenic pH 2.1
A Dietary Supplement

NutriBiotic Vitamin C 1000 mg Capsules deliver 100% natural vitamin C in
concentrations higher than can be found in food, while being
hypo-allergenic (free of all common food antigens). Our ascorbic acid is
produced in a 15 step process, and has the highest solubility of all
Pharmaceutical Grade Vitamin C.

This product provides vitamin C in its simplest, purest, pre-measured
form. This potent, pure, and 100% natural, water-soluble nutrient is
encapsulated to be convenient, easy to swallow, and rapidly dissolving.
Two-piece capsules are made from low-antigen gelatin. Contents may be
emptied into food or beverage if desired.

This was Dr. Linus Pauling's* preferred form of Vitamin C. Its low
(acidic) pH can actually be a boon to the digestion of middle agers and
those beyond, whose production of digestive acid commonly wanes. Taken
with meals (as it should be), ascorbic acid can actually improve the
uptake and utilization of other crucial vitamins and minerals, like

The best argument for Chrondroitin Sulphate is contained in Thomas Levy's book STOP AMERICAN'S #1 KILLER livonbooks.com

The benefit of Ascorsine-9 - if you can afford it - is the elimination of a great many pills. That would be my suggestion.

Surprised if you kept the protocol up that you would have such a problem. Diabetes? Dental work? Drugs? Do you know your bowel tolerance for vitamin C? http://www.orthomed.com/titrate.htm
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ralph Lotz
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Re: Dilated Aorta with Calcium Deposits

Post by Ralph Lotz » Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:31 am

The best argument for Chrondroitin Sulphate is contained in Thomas Levy's book STOP AMERICAN'S #1 KILLER livonbooks.com

Actually, the best argument for chondroitin sulfate is from the work of Dr. Lester Morrison, author of
Coronary Heart Disease and the Mucopolysaccharides (1974, Charles C. Thomas)

Read article, The Man Who Cured Heart Disease With a Natural Molecule, 20 Years Before Cholesterol Drugs! by Bill Sardi here:

"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush

Lone Dog
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Re: Dilated Aorta with Calcium Deposits

Post by Lone Dog » Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:53 am

This doctor seems to have had some success with chondroitin sulphate. She refers to Dr Morrison. The 'discussion' link points to an article that also mentions vitamin C and Lysine.

http://drrichardstalksback.wordpress.co ... n-sulfate/

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Re: Dilated Aorta with Calcium Deposits

Post by Johnwen » Sat Jul 17, 2010 3:48 pm

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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