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Hey Bill ............HOW ARE THE STATINS DOING?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 11:51 am
by BaronZemo ... 548S96.DTL

I am sure the ex pres gets state of the art in health care............


Re: Hey Bill ............HOW ARE THE STATINS DOING?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:09 pm
by batkinson
Obviously they are not working. Guess that's what happens when you put your faith in modern medicine right?

Re: Hey Bill ............HOW ARE THE STATINS DOING?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:48 pm
by sweetjames
Sounds like billy is the perfect candidate for Linus Pauling therapy, someone ought to clue him in.

Re: Hey Bill ............HOW ARE THE STATINS DOING?

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 4:55 am
by BaronZemo
there was another article saying that clintons cholesteral level was at 230 when he left the white house, which the article said was "abnormally high" They also said that his bad cholestral was way up. The article implied that it was his bad eating habits and lack of excercise is what caused his heart condition. clinton also said that he was 23o pounds when he was 14 years old

Re: Hey Bill ............HOW ARE THE STATINS DOING?

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:41 am
by J.Lilinoe
I think Owen should write him a nice letter......

Re: Hey Bill ............HOW ARE THE STATINS DOING?

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:37 am
by ofonorow
Actually, I did the first time he entered the hospital and had his operation.. Let me see if I can find it online... Here it is (2004)

Re: Hey Bill ............HOW ARE THE STATINS DOING?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 12:45 am
by J.Lilinoe
Owen, that is a very nice, clear and concise letter. Maybe he forgot about it now that he is taking statins. I guess sending another letter would be too pushy, huh?
But since you have that letter on the net, I hope you don't mind if I post it on my face book page for others to see.

Re: Hey Bill ............HOW ARE THE STATINS DOING?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:47 am
by Dolev
Do you have any idea whether the letter got to Clinton. I rather doubt it.

Re: Hey Bill ............HOW ARE THE STATINS DOING?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 6:48 am
by sjmusic2
...and you know that even if he used PT and it helped, he would never publicize it because it would impact the cosy partnerships between government and big business and destroy their monopolies on healthcare.

Re: Hey Bill ............HOW ARE THE STATINS DOING?

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:29 pm
by J.Lilinoe
I was just wondering why Owen would write to the "President" in 2004 when Clinton wasn't the President at that time. Hmmmm.....

Re: Hey Bill ............HOW ARE THE STATINS DOING?

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:05 am
by jknosplr
I was just wondering why Owen would write to the "President" in 2004 when Clinton wasn't the President at that time. Hmmmm.....

Bill clinton had a quadruple bypass in 2004,and is still referred to as Mr President whether in office or not.

Re: Hey Bill ............HOW ARE THE STATINS DOING?

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:08 am
by ofonorow
Dolev wrote:Do you have any idea whether the letter got to Clinton. I rather doubt it.

First of all, certainly post/link to anything I have posted on the web site, including the Clinton letter.

I sent the letter to Clinton, but never heard back. I sent a similar letter to Mrs. Dick Chenney when he went in for his pacemaker. (Idea was to contact the spouse for more effect. Ms. Chenney did write back a very nice letter. (Although, I have no idea if they acted on the advice or not.)