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Enhanced External Counter Pulsation

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:00 pm
by sweetjames
Dose anyone know anything about this new treatment for angina?(EECP). My father is going in for a consultation to get this new treatment for his on going angina. Vitamin c really did a good job slowing his angina down for a while, but lately he has been having alot more, it comes and it goes about every three days or so, it happens at night while he is sleeping and during the day as well. I read up on EECP treatment and it seems to be safe, but it works by pumping the leggs forcing blood to pump better to the heart, my question is, will this be safe if there are blocked arteries?

Re: Enhanced External Counter Pulsation

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:11 am
by ofonorow
I'd be interested in the experience of others. The 65-year old with heart failure went through this, and it is of course hard to say if it had any benefit. (It didn't kill him.)

Re: Enhanced External Counter Pulsation

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:28 am
by ofonorow
As far as the angina which is coming back, do you want to explore that some more? Nine times out of ten this is related to dosage - not taking enough vitamin C. If low bowel tolerance is the issue, why not try liposomal vitamin C before resorting to EECP?

I have also recently learned that you can have pain in the area which has nothing to do with the heart, e.g. an inflamed gallbladder and gallstones in my case. (This led to my nuclear stress test which showed the heart in perfect shape.)

Re: Enhanced External Counter Pulsation

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 4:44 pm
by sweetjames
Yes i do want to explore this some more, i am concerned about the new treatment EECP. it just seems it may have the potental to cause harm, my father is 83 years old and i worry about him. He is fairly consistant on his vitamin c intake, but at times will miss a dose here and there, my mom stays on him about it pretty good. Thanks Owen

Re: Enhanced External Counter Pulsation

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 4:53 am
by ofonorow
Remind me - is there a link where we discussed him before? What other supplements/drugs, etc. is he taking?

Re: Enhanced External Counter Pulsation

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:15 pm
by sweetjames
Yes there is a post called my fathers heart, i couldnt find it, he is taking alot of stuff, i will get a full list and post tonight, thanks

Re: Enhanced External Counter Pulsation

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 3:14 pm
by Johnwen
EECP promotes angiogenisis. It's good to releive relaxed angina because of the growth of new collaterals usually not enough blood flow for excersice tolerance. They got a pretty good tag on how to chemically induce it however some surgeons who do bypass surgery says it can't be done because they say so! Not too much funding heading their way for research. Imagine the nerve of these people wanting to replace Good Ole Bypass Surgery with a PILL??? How dare they!!! ... sp?id=1975

Re: Enhanced External Counter Pulsation

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:07 pm
by sweetjames
First EECP treatment today, Dad is doing good, he seemed to enjoy doing it, has his hopes up.

Re: Enhanced External Counter Pulsation

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:16 am
by sweetjames
My dad has been doing EECP treatment every week day for just under two weeks now, and he hasent had any angina since he started treatment, and he feels great, he is even talking about driving out of state now for a family wedding, i think ill have to slow him down a little on that idea, but im very pleased he isnt having any pain.

Re: Enhanced External Counter Pulsation

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:57 pm
by sweetjames
My father has been having alot of angina the last 3 days or so he had so much in one night that he ran out of nitro tabs and went into the emergency room at hospital, the doc on duty checked him in and kept him over night, they did another angeogram and found that the pain is not from blockage, all is clear, thats a big plus, high does vitamin c is working great for that. They are keeping him over night again, i just got back from a day at the hospital, they are doing some other tests and ill be talking to doc again tomarrow, im just wondering if anyone has any ideas on what could be causing so much angina with all his arteries clear? Thanks

Re: Enhanced External Counter Pulsation

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 6:38 am
by ofonorow
Per this topic, or maybe another, there are other factors that seem to cause Angina-like chest pain, such as gallstones/inflamed gallbladder. However, if nitro does relieve the pain, it is probably circulation to the heart. If he is taking standard heart medications, I would consider increasing his daily coQ10 - perhaps to 400 to 600 mg, as these medications may be destroying his heart muscle by depleting the CoQ10 in his cells. He may also find that magnesium is beneficial, and will quickly relieve the angina.

Re: Enhanced External Counter Pulsation

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:54 am
by Johnwen
Sounds like Prinzmetal angina Owen's right about the Mag. but chelated magnesium is usually more effective. Normally calcium channel blockers are given Norvasc is good but most generics of amlodipine bensylate don't work as good as the brand name. Good results from nifedipine have also been reported. Procardia is the name brand for this.