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Vitamin C increases the production of induced stem cells

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:35 am
by Sirdon ... amin-boost

Iam an IT guys,not aware about science stuff,can anyone explain me what is induced stem cells and what are the benefits?

Re: Vitamin C increases the production of induced stem cells

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:18 am
by ofonorow
Thanks for finding this, and I believe we have discussed this Chinese finding. Stem cells are apparently the mechanism the body uses to heal. These cells are undifferentiated, meaning they are not yet a specific tissue, such as muscle, nerve, bone, etc. They can grow (divide) and apparently reacting to signals sent by the surrounding tissue, they become "just like" the surrounding tissue, creating more cells.

If you think about it, the first cell or zygote, (created at conception when the sperm merges with the egg cell), starts dividing and eventually its progeny turn into trillions of cells with vastly different functions. That first cell is called a "pluripotential" cell. The "earlier" a stem cell is, e.g. embryonic cells, the more potential it has to turn into any kind of tissue. This is why there is/was a strong interest in embryonic stem cell research.

As noted in this article, science has found methods for turning "adult" stem cells into embryonic-like stem cells, but they point on that only 0.01 percent are converted. They have discovered that by adding vitamin C, they can increase this production of these useful stem cells by 100 times.

Re: Vitamin C increases the production of induced stem cells

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 6:19 am
by Sirdon
But what are the benefits for the human beings,could you pls list some..

Re: Vitamin C increases the production of induced stem cells

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:11 am
by ofonorow
?? Healing isn't a benefit?? Do a google search for all the variety of ways world-wide scientists are studying stem cells - from growing new heart muscle, to growing various organs, to curing Type 1 diabetes and myriad of other disease.