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MI, taking lipitor, tirtace and aspirin. Which PT product?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 6:35 am
by ofonorow
I suffered a heart attack in 2009 and I am currently taking lipitor, tritace and asprin. I am not sure which/ what strength of your products I should try? I have been recommended by a friend who also has heart issues and swears by your product.

Please recommend your product

There are several factors that dictate which product would be best, not the least of which is your tolerance for vitamin C. We usually recommend this starting protocol,

Once you know your bowel tolerance, and we understand some other factors, such as age, weight, and other supplements you are currently taking we can help make a suggestion.

In any event, merely taking vitamin C, and lysine, according to Linus
Pauling, will provide important benefits.