Open mitral valve - facing surgery

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Open mitral valve - facing surgery

Post by ofonorow » Fri Oct 21, 2011 1:57 am

Dear Owen Fonorow

december 2006 i wasnt doing good, went to the doctor, tests showed a ruptured chordae to the mitral valve, they said i should have a operation to repair the valve or replace it, do 2 bypass, a ablation.through the medications and supplements i was ok and didnt have the

this summer wasnt doing good, went to the doctor first of september, he found a congested heart and from symptoms and ekg atrial fibrillation. i lost 20 pounds, havent gained it back, i am 6 feet 125 pounds now.

i seen a cardiologist last week, he said i do not have atrial fibrillation but a open mitral valve, a pulmonary pressure of 100 and ejection of 45 %.he says i should have operation as before with added test to see if more by pass is needed.

i had stopped the medication and wasnt taking as many supplements. presently take lopessor 50 mg. lisinopril 5 mg. lasix 20 mg. digoxin 0.25mg, all one once a day.

take 300 mg of Q 10 plus other supplements from wellness at advice of Byron Richards

walking, light work ok now.

i think the by pass and ablation can be taken care of nutritionaly, i want to find a way for the mitral valve to close as much as before.

Appreciate your advice. milton

Your email does not contain the most important information I would need to help - how much vitamin C are you taking and how often?

Are you taking lysine, proline, vitamin K2, etc.? These would be primary recommendations, but our resident cardiologist may have other ideas.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Open mitral valve - facing surgery

Post by Johnwen » Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:39 am

tests showed a ruptured chordae to the mitral valve,

This in it's self is serious the chord's are what pull the mitral valve shut and when they break there isn't really to much you can do to get them to heal. Repair involves suturing the broken fragment's together with a few loop's of dacron thread and placing a ring around the annulus of the valve for support and strenghten it.

Now the questionable part their already setting him up for a double bypass. Did they infact do an angiogram and verify that he has clog coranary arteries if they did then stents probably would have been placed.
My thoughts on this!
When the mitral valve leaks a % of the blood goes back into the atria and the rest goes into the aorta and out to the body. In his case 43% of the stroke volume is only going into the aorta the rest is getting pushed back or sitting in the ventricle. This means not enough blood is going to the body and there is not enough back pressure (diastole) or volume to feed the coranary arteries which means the heart is not getting the nurishment it's required to do it's job. Which if you think about it is the same as if the arteries were clogged.
Bottom Line: Insuffient Blood FLOW!!!
Lets' look at this from a business stand point:
Dr's charge for the Mitral repair Approx: $3200 add $1200 for double bypass add $1100 for maze procedure = $5500 for 2hrs. work=$2250 an hour.
Dr's charge for the Mitral repair Approx: $3200 for 2hrs work=$1600 an hour. :cry:

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Re: Open mitral valve - facing surgery

Post by Johnwen » Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:57 am

It wouldn't let me post any more on the last post so I'll continue.

Above you'll note I said."getting pushed back or sitting in the ventricle."
This can cause the staginent blood to clot and move on to the brain which can cause a stroke.
The lack of circulation to the heart is also causing the heart to begin to break down which is what causes the heart failure.
He needs to get this fixed but he also need's to find out if he infact needs the bypass an ablation (Maze procedure).
For now to keep the heart strong he needs to follow Owen's Rec.s .
When he gets it fixed it'll help him heal faster and get back to a life free of worry and limitations.
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Re: Open mitral valve - facing surgery

Post by ofonorow » Sat Oct 22, 2011 5:07 am

johnwen, the gentleman is reading and asked what you meant by "Go for the Gold"?

More email from him.

Owen Fonorow
i take about 2 grams of c through out the day in a efferescent form from Wholesale nutrition.
i put about a tbsp of orange juice concentrate in a jar with lid, put about 8 oz. of water in and and gram of c powder and drink some now and then.
i tried the Pauling formula a number of years ago, dont remember the out come.
i do not take lysine, proline or K2
i am 74.
c is a diuretic for me even in small amounts such as 200 mg, any thing i can do to lessen the diuretic effect ?
i tried lypo spheric c a year ago with the same diuretic effect, didnt notice any benifit.

Thank you for posting

Not sure what you mean by diuretic, which is an unusual reaction - but Linus Pauling also recommended drinking a lot of water to reduce the work load on the kidneys.

My advice is to follow Linus Pauling's advice -
vitamin C 6000 to 18000 mg
Lysine 5000 to 6000 mg

Plus proline 1000 to 2000 mg
Vitamin K (including K2) e.g.

If you cannot tolerate that much vitamin C - that is where Lypo-C comes in.

Owen Fonorow
i had angiogram, no stents.
i do not know what he means by "He,s right there why not go for the gold!!"
i do not remember the details, but the cardiologist said the blood is going into a low pressure area and enlargeing it.
i will ask for a copy of the of the cardiologists consultation with me.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Open mitral valve - facing surgery

Post by Johnwen » Sat Oct 22, 2011 7:50 am

Geez!!! SOME UNSCROPULUS doctors will preform unnecessary procdures to pad the bill!
(skeptic: No this would never happen!! Yea RIGHT!!!)

He's Right there why not GO FOR THE GOLD!!

With the chest cracked open to repair the real problem adding a lttle bypass or burning a little tissue is no big deal to get the extra $$$$$

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