Getting Diarrhea on Pauling Therapy (Cardio-C)

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Getting Diarrhea on Pauling Therapy (Cardio-C)

Post by ofonorow » Mon Dec 03, 2007 7:14 am

Hi Owen,
I've just started using Cardio -C and have had a little bit of diarrhea. I am taking 100mg of atenolol, 40mg lisinopril,for hypertension. Warfarin - 4mg for atrial fib, 20mg zocor,and
Flomax because I must go to the bathroom 3 times a night and it breaks my sleep. I had open heart surgery (quad) in 1997 and back then I took 50mg atenolol and a baby aspirin.
all these modern doctors know is to give you a bunch of pills. Let me mention that I also had two carodit arteries operations done both left and right sides in 2005 because I had 80 % blockage,

I am now 75 years old and I guess all the smoking and drinking and bacon ,sausages, hamburgers at age 36 finally caught up with me.My question is this-----do I need all these pills from moderm medicine. I contacted a naturopath doctor on the internet and this is what he suggested..............nutrition for blocked arteries ,Cardio -C Ascorbic acid-----5 grams, L-Lysine----5 grams L-Proline---1gram,Vitamin E 400IU (Unique E), Flaxseed Oil ----1 Tablespoon, Rutin--500 mg,Coenzyme Q-10 60mg, B--Complex cotaining all of the following B1,B2, B3,B5, B12 (Solgar or Source Naturals-) Coenzymate B-complex, Magnesium Citrate--200mg,Horsetail(powered herb)--500mg also eat 3or 4 brazil nuts for Selenium and switch from Flaxseed oil to Carlson Cod liver Oil every other month for Omega 3 and Vitamin A -D. I am asking anyone out there is this a good regimen to be on?

Should I just take the Ascorbade and do away with taking a bunch of vitamins?

What does Dr. Dolev or Dr. Ralph Lotz Or Dr. Qwen Fornorow have to say or have any suggestions?


Generally good advice - but I was going to recommend Tower Ascorsine-9 given your medical history - see and follow the ASCORSINE-9 link.

Start with 2 Jars monthly, and ADD vitamin C to the regimen every 4 hours. If you still have diarrhea on A-9, then you'll have to cut back, or find another product. And the Lypo-C can be used as the secondary source of vitamin C.

As far as the prescription pills, I don't like any of them. In my opinion, they are all studied in people who have low vitamin C (heart patients!) THe worst is probably zocor, followed a close second by the rat poison.. (Warfarin).

If giving rat and plant poisons to heart patients makes sense, why is the mortality so high? Why is CVD the number one cause of death?

More onthe forum where I will post this anonymously.

But rely on vitamin C and read Levy's STOP AMERICA'S #1 KILLER,
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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