Lpa and heart bypass grafts

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Lpa and heart bypass grafts

Post by ofonorow » Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:55 am

I read an article by Owen Fonorrow regarding a possible issue with lowering Lpa if you have had heart bypass surgery. Apparently it is something that will be covered in his new book. Any knowledge of this issue?


We do cover this issue briefly in the new book, See: lulu.com/paulingtherapy

It is all conjecture as medicine refuses to study the Pauling theory.

In a nutshell, our veins are generally thinner than our arteries. Veins are one-ply tissue, while arteries are thicker, 3-ply. When a bypass graft uses a vein, it is quite possible that the build-up of plaque on the thinner vein tissue is important to long-term success of the graft.

It is our conjecture, based on over a decade of experience, that proline can quickly erase plaques. Ergo, proline may not be indicated for bypass patients with vein grafts, at least for some period of time. The idea is not to weaken the graft. (You don't want it to over occlude either.) The advice to avoid proline is based on only a guess. This idea is to provide the utmost safety, and this advice doesn't preclude taking vitamin C or lysine. I believe that Pauling's basic advice is warranted in ALL cases.

If it were me, I would simply use vitamin C and lysine after a coronary bypass operation that used veins for the graft, for at least six months. (They are now using arteries because the veins tend to collapse, and this issue is then moot). If I had access to regular Lp(a) measurements, I might adjust because if Lp(a) was consistently high, then I would introduce proline. If it were normal, or low, I'd rely on vitamin C and lysine only.

This is one reason for the introduction of a NEW Tower drink mix product, CardioAde http://hearttechnology.com/cardioade.htm - which comes in the therapeutic dosage (equivalent to 2 jars of their other products) and is the least expensive per scoop. It only has vitamin C and lysine (plus stevia).
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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