47 Male w/No Blockage Suffers Heart Attack

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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47 Male w/No Blockage Suffers Heart Attack

Post by ofonorow » Sat Nov 06, 2010 4:48 am


My name is [deleted]. I am a 47 year old male in what I thought was reasonable health. However on September 15 of this year I suffered a heart attack. This was two days prior to my birthday. I was referred to you by the Vitamin C foundation

I was diagnosed as having a 50% blockage of the LAD. To give you some background. I used to be a somewhat heavy drinker. In September of last year I undertook a complete physical including a Nuclear Stress test. I was so successful in the stress exam that the cardiologist decided to forgo the post treadmill images and my heart was said to be perfect. At that time my resting rate was 40bpm. When I received my blood tests I had slightly elevated liver levels. my sgot was 54 and my sgpt was 82. LDL was 109 and HDL was 66 VLDL was 26.2. Triglycerides were 131. I immediately cut my drinking by more than 50% and my liver level stabilized. Around December I had a seasonal flu and was unable to exercise. I began to feel weak.

In February I participated in a 55 mile charity bike ride and definitely underperformed. About two weeks later I was in the middle of a 30 mile weekend ride when I pulled my hamstring in my right leg. i was about 15 miles from home so I gutted it out and rode slowly the rest of the way.

My leg did not heal in the normal fashion. It was extremely painful for more than a week. Typically something like this would only last a few days. When I did return to exercise my leg would feel weak and almost go numb. About an hour after finishing my toes in my right foot would exhibit a burning sensation like they were on fire. A week on so later while taking a kickboxing class I think I may have also strained my
right hip. Each time after a workout I would have the same burning in my toes.

It also seemed like my right leg was longer than my left when I ran. About a month later I went to a chiropractor and had my legs adjusted. The next day I had a tremendous pain in my right thigh. It was similar to the burning in the toes but it was consistent. I went back to the chiropractor and he attributed this to my body djusting to the re alignment.

About a week later a new thing happened. Whenever I would walk for more than 50 yards my right foot would completely go to sleep as if there were no circulation. This went on until early July when it seemed to get better. Although when exercising my right leg which was formerly dominant was definitely the weaker of the two.

In mid July about an hour after leaving the gym I had what i now believe to be my first heart attack. I had a pain in my chest and back that seemed to radiate down my arm and into my jay. I immediately took aspirin and went to the emergency room. I was given nitroglycerin and an array of tests. All of which were negative. After resting for a couple of weeks I began to exercise again.

All seemed to be well although I was much weaker than normal. I thought I was just out of shape.

Then in September I had a second out of pain after workout. The pain was much less than before and I did not go to emergency. Instead I visited my regular doctor where blood tests revealed heart damage. I immediately checked into the hospital where an cardiac cath revealed the blockage.

I believe that the leg injury and subsequent episodes are related. My doctor and my cardiologist do not. I think a blood clot moved through my leg and eventually made it to my heart where it caused the problem.

In any event I would like your recommendation as to what supplements to
use to possibly help with the situation. I am currently on 20mg of Lipitor 75mg of Plavix and 50mg of Toprol along with aspirin. I seem to be tired all of the time. I think I am allergic to the Lipitor an would like to eventually cease to take it. My LDL is currently 65. I have changed my diet to avoid as much cholesterol as possible.

Thank you very much for your time


Well, the $64,000 question. How much vitamin C are you taking, (and have you been taking?)

The $63,000 question, how long have you been on those drugs????

The main thing is to begin following the protocol in this post

When you know your vitamin C tolerance, we could recommend a particular product.

If you want to start the "best" right away, I would recommend 2 jars (2 servings per day) of the Tower Ascorine-9 product. http://stores.paulingtherapystore.com/-strse-Pauling-Therapy-cln-Ascorsine-dsh-9/Categories.bok

Now, given the wonderful results of the stress test which indicated NO blockage, I suspect that you are either right about the clot, or you had a "spasm"-style heart attack. (Apparently about 30% of heart attacks are caused by heart muscle spasm rather than loss of blood flow). By the way, how do you doctors explain the great stress test results and now finding the 50% LAD blockage?

If a spasm, the lipitor could be at least partially responsible, because a known "side effect" is to deplete CoQ10 - the enzyme required in every cell to utilized ATP. It makes a great deal of sense, especially at your age, to supplement at least 200 mg CoQ10 daily (and I would probably double that dosage for awhile.)

The Flu would have depleted you of vitamin C and may have precipitated the course of events. Something that may not have occurred at an earlier age, i.e., when you were younger. In any case, Linus Pauling's recommended vitamin C/lysine therapy would be wise.

I cannot advise you, but I myself, knowing what I know, after starting Pauling's therapy, would not be taking any of the drugs they prescribed for any reason. Plavix, (Clopidogrel ) for example has failed in at least 2 major trials (plavix group was dying quicker than placebo group and these two trials were canceled prematurely, so there are no published "final" results). Apparently they were able to get at least one trial to show benefit for the FDA, sigh. You might try searching for Clopidogrel (PLAVIX) clinical trials, but I can see this information is well hidden. I did find at least one trial that was terminated, e.g. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/30280.php (when used in conjunction with aspirin). There are other reports.

I did see enough during this cursory search to realize that plavix depends on something called the P450 enzyme system for it to be excreted properly - so DO NOT EAT GRAPFERUIT while on Plavix. (Did your pharmacist warn you about that??)
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: 47 Male w/No Blockage Suffers Heart Attack

Post by Lone Dog » Sat Nov 06, 2010 7:38 pm

Sounds logical with regard to the blood clot.

For quick relief with blood clots I recommend Serrapeptase. I have had 2 or 3 instances of blood clots, leading to a kind of blocked feeling and twinging in the chest, along with a cold feeling in the arms. The first time I thought I was about to have a heart attack so went to the hospital. After an ECG they sent me home, still in pain. At home I took a few Serrapeptase tablets before bed, then some more on waking in the morning and within about a day all was back to normal.

Worth trying, I would say.

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Re: 47 Male w/No Blockage Suffers Heart Attack

Post by ofonorow » Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:25 am


Thank you very much for your response.

The answer to your first question is, I have been taking 5-7mg a day of Vitamin C and 4-6mg of lysine each day for about two weeks.

I am unsure how to determine my tolerance but I will tell you that the skin on my face has become quite rough and pock marked.

In terms of the medications. I began taking the combination of Lipitor, Plavix and Toprol along with aspirin on September 17. 2010. This was two days after my episode.

About a day after taking the medication I began to have a problem with my shoulder that continues. It is a pain like no other I have felt. I have strained and separated my shoulders before but this new Pain is much more acute. I attribute it to the medication. However my cardiologist disagrees. He feels the pain is coincidental.

I am concerned with the long term effects of this level of drug therapy.

And once again I did just complete a nuclear stress test October 27, 2010 which again appeared to be normal. I was cleared to resume normal exercise with no restrictions

Is there any other type of test I can take that would give a clearer picture of the condition of my arteries. I am concerned that the images from the stress test were quite primitive.

Further I am just not feeling well. I am tired quite a bit of the time and when exercising I seem to fatigue more quickly than usual. I pulled a calf muscle on the treadmill the other day walking on an incline at 3.5mph. I do not believe this would have ever happened to me before.

I am quite concerned.

thank you very much again


I assume you mean grams (not milligrams) and that you have just started Pauling's CVD therapy.

Given the drugs and your symptoms, you should probably add at least 200 mg coq10 which should be taken when you eat fats (bile is required to absorb Coq10). It is likely the lipitor is causing the muscle pain - by depleting CoQ10, and you might even consider 400 mg (say 200 mg twice daily) and see what happens to the fatigue/pain.

As I mentioned, I personally would not be taking those medications, especially once I was on the full Pauling therapy program.

As far as determining tolerance, this paper might help http://orthomed.com/titrate.htm

Finally, the next time you see or hear a Lipitor ad, you'll note the reference in the disclaimer to tell your doctor if you experience muscle pain, as it may be a sign of a rare but serious complication - Rhabdomyolysis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhabdomyolysis
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Ralph Lotz
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Re: 47 Male w/No Blockage Suffers Heart Attack

Post by Ralph Lotz » Wed Nov 10, 2010 5:29 am

Fish Oil, vitamin D3 and magnesium should be on the supplement list.
Clots are often a result of arrythmias, then sudden death heart attack.
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush


Re: 47 Male w/No Blockage Suffers Heart Attack

Post by J.Lilinoe » Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:30 pm

No one gets better taking those drugs especially the cholesterol lowering drugs. It's just my opnion after observing people who are taking scam drugs like statins. :roll:


Re: 47 Male w/No Blockage Suffers Heart Attack

Post by J.Lilinoe » Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:35 pm

Oh, wonder what his homocysteine number is? That to me is a way more important marker than cholesterol.

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Re: 47 Male w/No Blockage Suffers Heart Attack

Post by rasarver » Sat Nov 20, 2010 3:31 am

Has anyone on this forum had experience taking ribose for heart problems? Several of the web MDs recommend ribose for congestive heart failure. In addition to the vitamin C, lysine, D3, magnesium, omega 3s, etc. maybe taking ribose until other problems are resolved would provide the heart muscles with energy . Perhaps ribose (five grams, three times a day) would prevent other heart attacks.

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Re: 47 Male w/No Blockage Suffers Heart Attack

Post by rasarver » Sat Nov 20, 2010 3:43 am

Here is a link to many articles about heart disease from the Life Extension Foundation site http://www.lef.org/protocols
The LEF (Life Extension Foundation) is a respected health/medical resource for many on this forum. LEF will send a kit for collecting blood samples and upon return to the LEF the samples are analysed. In this case, a heart panel could provide much useful information and LEF would provide a recommended program to address any problems found.

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Re: 47 Male w/No Blockage Suffers Heart Attack

Post by ofonorow » Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:02 am

I respect LEF - but they try to limit themselves to "published" studies, so this has forced them to ignore the cause and cure for heart disease. In other words, they ignore Linus Pauling.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: 47 Male w/No Blockage Suffers Heart Attack

Post by ofonorow » Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:33 am

Thank you for your prompt reply. I was not on any vitamin C before three days. I m=
in the process of ordering Tower Cardioaid as per your advice. I live in Montreal, Canada.

Thanks again. If you have any other advice i will appreciate any help.

The ad for CardioAid says this for some one without CVD. Little concerned. Pls advice.

Tower is trying to differentiate the products - and they view CardioAde as prevention. I view it as appropriate for recent bypass patients because it lacks proline.

You should be taking the other ingredients in our protocol, see
http://www.practicingmedicinewithoutali ... /protocol/ except proline,
(and most are found in the other products, such as Ascorsine-9)

rereading your post, I don't remember recommending CardioAde?? Nor do I see a reason for you to avoid proline?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: 47 Male w/No Blockage Suffers Heart Attack

Post by bbtri » Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:01 pm

Lots of good information on this site on things to do in addition to C:

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