Paleo Diet

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Paleo Diet

Post by VanCanada » Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:03 pm

Hi Owen!

I recently stumbled into the PT whilst doing some research on CHD. I am a 43 year old male, whose father passed at 46. In June of this year, my Cardiologist ordered me for a Calcium CT score.

My score came out in the 90th+ % for my age. As such, I panicked and started to do some research. My cardiologist ordered an echo stress test. The results of which were normal. I was taking 1500mg of Niaspan, and 4grams of Lovaza.

My lipid panel at that time looked like this:

Total Chol: 198
HDL: 27
LDL: 112
Triglycerides: 296
CPR (this was taken last 3/2011): 6.6

After consulting with the doctor about my profile, calcium score and stress test, he wanted to put me on a statin. I reluctantly agreed and went on 20mg Pravoc hol daily. I continued all other Rx. I did this for 2 weeks, and was barely able to walk.

Despite the muscle weakness, and joint stiffness, I started walking 3.2 miles 5X / week. (started at the end of June. I was able to finish in 1:06 minutes on average.

After two weeks, I called the doctor and advised on my symptoms. I stopped the Pravochol, and returned to his office 2 weeks later. It was within this time (3 rd week of July ) that I stumbled into David Leakes book, and the Unified Theory. I started the protocol (of course without my doctors knowledge:).

I started, and continue with:

15 Grams of Vitamin C
6 Grams L Lysine
2 Grams of L Proline

I split my doses into 3 equal. (1000 mg of Proline before bed).

Upon my return to the doctor, he suggested another statin. This time, Crestor, 2x / week. After 2 doses, my weakness returned, and I stumbled into the Lipid Hypothesis". I started reading Anthony Colpo's book, The Great Cholesterol Con. I also picked up Malcolm Kendricks book by the same name.

Nonetheless, I decided that statins are not where I want to be.

I continued walking, and made some rather drastic changes. I cut out ALL processed food (with the exception of cheese). I have also Eliminated all refined sugar. Also, I have eliminated ALL wheat. My diet is more in line with Paleo right now. Fruits, some veggies, and mostly protein / meat. Eggs, butter, but no dairy except some cheese. I am now starting incorporation of coconut oil.

I did a lipid panel last week, and the cardiologist called, almost in a state of panic . I think they were great, but wanted your opinion.

Total Chol: 232 (up 17%)
HDL: 45 (Up 67%)
LDL: 166 (Up 48 %)
Triglycerides: 106! (Down 64%)
CRP: I am awaiting this score.

I think he was concerned about the increased total and LDL increase, but I am looking at the other numbers are really good improvements in 7 weeks from last profile and 3 weeks since changing my diet. He also noted that my Vitamin D was low ( I do stay out of the sun, and my dairy intake is VERY limited. In fact, I am cutting this entirely).

Of course I am concerned about my plaque, and the reduction thereof. I have two small children, and I do not wish to orphan them as my father did to our family . (note: he was a heavy smoker, overweight, and owned his own business( stress

My cardio has improved. I am now able to walk those same 3.2 miles in 54 minute

My previous BP was 125/85 and 89-91 BPM. It is now 108/68 and 79 BPM.

I've only lost 3 LB, but feel so much better. I am now 5' 8" and 195....technically obese.

How would you look at my numbers? Am I nuts not to do the statin?

How can I REALLY see if the PT is working? Another CT scan?

I eagerly await your response.

Best regards,

Karl wrote:My diet is more in line with Paleo right now. Fruits, some veggies, and mostly protein / meat. Eggs, butter, but no dairy except some cheese.
You could cover two important bases for the price of one. Swiss cheese (not the domestic North American "swiss cheese" but the original kinds) are high in healthy fat, use raw milk and are very high in vitamin K2; in other words it's a win, win, win part of one's diet. I've started to look for, but not yet found, the vitamin K2 content of Swiss cheese. If you can afford it, a vitamin K-2 supplement and the Swiss cheese together would be golden (at least until someone here can find the K-2 content of different foods).

Thanks for posting this wonderful case study; it should help many others like you. Good luck.

Karl wrote:I did a lipid panel last week, and the cardiologist called, almost in a state of panic . I think they were great, but wanted your opinion.
Most of them will not have seen this sort of situation before and will not have previously heard about someone doing what you are doing.

If your situation falls outside the tiny boundaries of their engrained thinking pattern, of course you risk sending them into a tizzy. It's the few and far between (like the doctors who visit here) who will have a deep enough understanding of the true biochemistry to realize what's happening here, in your case.

p.s.: You might also consider limiting your fruit consumption to no more than one serving every two days as whole fruit (and avoiding fruit juices altogether).
Last edited by VanCanada on Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:35 pm

Re: Paleo Diet

Post by Heatherkap » Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:14 pm

Thank you. I'll try and find it. My wife and I are looking to purchase 1/2 grass fed cow, as I understand that is a good source too.



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Re: Paleo Diet

Post by majkinetor » Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:43 am

use raw milk

I would be cautious with this advice. While raw milk is ultimate food source when you know its not contaminated, there is virtually 0 guaranties that its not unless you own a cow. You don't lose much from its value when you cook it and you can prevent some nasty infections. The main problem with milk is extensive food processing and mixing from different cows and boiling a milk is far from such procedures. Milk is also paleo if you want to stick to it:

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