Unknown illness, at bowel tolerance, effective Lypo-C dosage

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Re: Unknown illness, at bowel tolerance, effective Lypo-C do

Post by ofonorow » Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:37 am

When I first found this information at Weston-price, some years ago, the author claimed that 8000 iu of vitamin D was generated by sunlight on a person wearing a bathing suit -- in 20 minutes, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

I notice that over the years, the article was revised, and the estimate of the amount of vitamin D generated was lowered - but not as low as the wiki you cite. (And apparently, there is a reaction on the skin, so showering after sunbathing/UVB light will diminish the amount of vitamin D that is made. (If anyone knows how long to wait before showering - I'd appreciate the info!)

Also, I take a sun bath every day between April and Sept (I live around Chicago) for 30 minutes (around noon) . ( I also take 2000 iu D3 pill during the summer - more during the winter.) Yet, when I had my vitamin D measured last summer, very tan, it was considered low by my alt. doc (I posted # here - about 1/3 in the range between low and high.)

For me, as long as I am not prone to infection - even a sniffle - I am happy and consider my intake close to optimal. (I take vitamin A and usually vitamin K also).
Owen R. Fonorow
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