There is a problem if I stop the Pauling Therapy in 6 mon?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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There is a problem if I stop the Pauling Therapy in 6 mon?

Post by ofonorow » Tue Feb 12, 2013 8:15 am

I've been reading about the Pauline Therapy and have friends that seem to have made almost miracle recoveries using this. However, in reading the website, I came across the information below and need some clarification. This seems to imply fairly strongly that once you begin the therapy, you should not stop since it "invariably leads to a relapse, usually a heart attack, in about six months"?? Could you supply more detailed information on these statements to help me decide whether I should start this program? Thanks.
Owen Fonorow wrote:There is a problem.
Former patients begin feeling so well, over the years, that they stop taking their high doses of vitamin C. Stopping the Pauling therapy (vitamin C and lysine) seems to invariably lead to a relapse, usually a heart attack, in about six months. We believe that the very high dosage can be lessened over time, but we don't know by how much. It is clear that vitamin C should not be stopped altogether, and continuing high dosages is cheap "insurance."

Owen Fonorow

Great question. The "relapse" is back to the state prior to taking Pauling's recommended vitamin C and lysine - not worse. So you are currently in the state I am describing.

We wish this had been studied, but it is our observation that people begin feeling so well, they stop taking their vitamin C/lysine supplements, feeling cured, and deprive the bodies of the vitamin C that makes them feel so well.

It seems more than coincidental that another "event" (Such as heart attack) happens roughly six months after people stop taking the supplements.

I wish our livers did not have the GULO defect, and could turn glucose into vitamin C as all (most) of the other animals can. Since we do have the defect, the answer for best health in most people is to supplement vitamin C. (There are of course other factors that come in to play, such as eating a "Paleo" style diet, that can make the daily vitamin C requirements less. However, taking cheap vitamin C supplements is the best health "insurance" you can buy.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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