To Stent, By-Pass or Risk All on PT ???

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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To Stent, By-Pass or Risk All on PT ???

Post by lolex » Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:31 pm

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Re: To Stent, By-Pass or Risk All on PT ???

Post by ofonorow » Sat Nov 08, 2014 12:40 pm

I too am interested in johnwen's thoughts especially.

16 weeks (or 4 months) at what, 20,000 mg of vitamin C daily? (What kind of vitamin C? Are you taking with anything else, i.e. fiber??) That should be good enough except for calcified blockages.. which may require up to a year to resolve after adding vitamin K. (In our experience.)

The problems with stents is that they are irreversible and in most people, the "blockages" reappear with a vengeance. Restenosis. And never consider a radiated stent or even a medicated stent - trying to kill your endothelium to keep it from trying to heal itself..

The bypass is a life saving operation, especially in advanced atherosclerosis and "unstable" plaques as Levy describes in STOP AMERICA'S #1 KILLER..

But you have no symptoms...

If it were me... I would give vitamin C/lysine + proline, Vitamin K, Coq10, magnesium, vitamin E (lots of good vitamin E) and Pauling's other recommendations more time and refuse all intervention save some life threatening event or condition. I would revist what I am doing as you just might be one of those people (< 2%) who need closer to the30,000 mg of vitamin C daily (rather than 20,000 mg). Do you know your bowel tolerance?

Do you have dental work that could be producing toxicity? root canals?
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: To Stent, By-Pass or Risk All on PT ???

Post by purposefirst » Sat Nov 08, 2014 1:49 pm

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Re: To Stent, By-Pass or Risk All on PT ???

Post by lolex » Sat Nov 08, 2014 8:40 pm

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Re: To Stent, By-Pass or Risk All on PT ???

Post by Johnwen » Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:42 pm

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Re: To Stent, By-Pass or Risk All on PT ???

Post by lolex » Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:02 pm

Thankyou very much, John, for your detailed response to me post about by angiogram results. It's very much appreciated. My GP (MD) is quite good, but he often seems to lack depth in knowledge or experience, so your observations are very valuable to me.

You say in your reply "RT is a no brainer in my opinion in this situation."

What is RT please??

I presume it's an acronym for a bypass (Right Transplant??) Is that right?

Thanks again....

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Re: To Stent, By-Pass or Risk All on PT ???

Post by Johnwen » Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:10 pm

Respiratory therapy
To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is

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Re: To Stent, By-Pass or Risk All on PT ???

Post by ofonorow » Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:28 pm

purposefirst wrote:(By the way, the damage from my heart attack in 1999 still shows up on my EKG, but I continued to do tree work until a year ago, retiring at age 71.)\

And now for my next trick.

Try 400 to 2000 iu of the original Unique-E vitamin E formula from A.C. Grace. (The late owner who preserved the manufacturing process because he believed this product saved his life, recommended 2000 iu in the a.m. 5 , 400 IU Uniqu-E pills)

After six months, have your EKG taken and specifically ask if it still "shows up" and please let us know.

And yes, we expect the abnormality to be gone.

Not bad advice for the original poster either.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: To Stent, By-Pass or Risk All on PT ???

Post by purposefirst » Wed Nov 12, 2014 1:15 pm

Thanks, Owen!

As it happens, due to information in this forum, last month I began using Unique E mixed tocopherols (had been using another brand of E), plus Unique E tocotrienols. I've been doing 400 (sometimes 800) IU/day of the tocopherols. I'm hesitant to go above that amount because I've read on various sites that more than 400 IU/day of E can have harmful effects.

I should add that I have more going on with the heart than just atherosclerosis. In 1998 I was diagnosed as having sleep apnea. The CPAP machine did not work for me, so for many years I've been using an oral "TAP" device that holds to lower jaw forward to enable keeping the throat open. I works MOST of the time, but occasionally my head seems to get into a position in which I get apnea anyway. I know I've had an episode when I wake up with a headache and notice heart pain before I even get out of bed. I've been taking brain supplements for years to offset/repair any effects of the apnea, which seem to work as my IQ seems to be as good as it used to be (I think). But I don't know what effect the apnea has had in regard to my abnormal EKGs.

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Re: To Stent, By-Pass or Risk All on PT ???

Post by ofonorow » Wed Nov 12, 2014 2:09 pm

purposefirst wrote:Thanks, Owen!

As it happens, due to information in this forum, last month I began using Unique E mixed tocopherols (had been using another brand of E), plus Unique E tocotrienols. I've been doing 400 (sometimes 800) IU/day of the tocopherols. I'm hesitant to go above that amount because I've read on various sites that more than 400 IU/day of E can have harmful effects.

Is there polite way to say Baloney! :evil: (There are no harmful effects, but people may experience unpleasant affects, but usually this is because the material in inferior Vitamin E products has gone rancid. In fact this is the standard test for Unique-E - you can crack the capsule and verify the contents are not rancid.

I take that back, there are harmful effects to 2000 iu of Uniqu-E. My mistake! The harmful effect is large and aimed at the medical profession, big Pharma and the hospital industry, and esp at the Cardiologist Pocketbook, so yes there would certainly be a harmful effects to you taking 2000 iu of Unique-E!

And recently I posted the link to a large WHO study showing that the most critical factor in heart attack was not high cholesterol or high blood pressure, the most predictive factor was low blood levels of vitamin E.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: To Stent, By-Pass or Risk All on PT ???

Post by purposefirst » Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:31 pm

There are no harmful effects, but people may experience unpleasant affects, but usually this is because the material in inferior Vitamin E products has gone rancid.

And recently I posted the link to a large WHO study showing that the most critical factor in heart attack was not high cholesterol or high blood pressure, the most predictive factor was low blood levels of vitamin E.

Wow, two points good to know! Thanks Owen, for helping us to sort through the misinformation!!!
I will increase my intake of Unique E.

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Re: To Stent, By-Pass or Risk All on PT ???

Post by ofonorow » Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:08 am

For the record, here is the link to the large World Health Org. WHO study that showed the importance of low serum vitamin E and the incidence of heart attack. This is very interesting because the doctors who run these studies are trained to believe that high cholesterol and/or high blood pressure are more predictive, yet they found this:

Am J Clin Nutr. 1991 Jan;53(1 Suppl):326S-334S.
Inverse correlation between plasma vitamin E and mortality from ischemic heart disease in cross-cultural epidemiology.
Gey KF1, Puska P, Jordan P, Moser UK.
Author information
Essential antioxidants were determined in plasma of middle-aged men representing 16 European study populations, which differed sixfold in age-specific mortality from ischemic heart disease (IHD).

In 12 populations with "common" plasma cholesterol (5.7-6.2 mmol/L) and blood pressure, both classical risk factors lacked significant correlations to IHD mortality, whereas absolute levels of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) showed a strong inverse correlation (r2 = 0.63, P = 0.002).

Evaluating all populations, cholesterol and diastolic blood pressure were moderately associated, but their correlation was inferior to that of vitamin E. In stepwise regression and multiple regression analysis, mortality was predictable to 62% by lipid-standardized vitamin E, to 79% by vitamin E and cholesterol, to 83% after inclusion of lipid-standardized vitamin A (retinol), and to 87% by all the above parameters plus blood pressure. Thus, in the present study the cross-cultural differences of IDH mortality are primarily attributable to plasma status of vitamin E, which might have protective functions.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: To Stent, By-Pass or Risk All on PT ???

Post by 89826 » Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:36 am

ofonorow wrote:
purposefirst wrote:(By the way, the damage from my heart attack in 1999 still shows up on my EKG, but I continued to do tree work until a year ago, retiring at age 71.)\

And now for my next trick.

Try 400 to 2000 iu of the original Unique-E vitamin E formula from A.C. Grace. (The late owner who preserved the manufacturing process because he believed this product saved his life, recommended 2000 iu in the a.m. 5 , 400 IU Uniqu-E pills)

After six months, have your EKG taken and specifically ask if it still "shows up" and please let us know.

And yes, we expect the abnormality to be gone.

Not bad advice for the original poster either.

Owen, please elaborate on how vitamin E can (help) heal heart muscle damaged by a heart attack. Many thanks, Ed

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Re: To Stent, By-Pass or Risk All on PT ???

Post by ofonorow » Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:34 am

Good question, and this effect has only been noticed in one vitamin E product, to my knowledge - the original Unique-E from A. C Grace (with mixed tocopherols).

I have told this story before, a long time ago I answered the phone and I would chat with many alternative doctors from around the world. One day, after one of my articles had been published in the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, I got a call from a physician asking me why , if Pauling was correct about vitamin C, did his patients EKG's return normal after giving them Unique-E?

Later on the same day, from a different part of the country, I got virtually the same story from another alt. doc who had noticed EKG's returning to normal on Unique-E from A. C. Grace.

After the second call I figured the universe was trying to tell me something.

Shortly after that, one of the "stars" (unfortunately) in my book, Carol Smith, had one of her relapses. A heart attack after stopping vitamin C/lysine for about six months. (She felt cured). Her EKGs were bad, and I told her what I learned about Unique-E, the dosage, etc. and suggested she not only restart Pauling's therapy, but add Unique-E (2000 iu)

Some time later she had another EKG - and was told the results were "normal" so we have posted her before/after EKGs, although I personally cannot read them.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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