This forum will focus on the interesting topic of titrating oral vitamin C intake to so-called bowel tolerance, the point just prior to the onset of diarrhea

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Post by franksland » Wed Aug 16, 2006 10:35 pm

OKAY, so three days ago i stated to get sick. my nose was getting stuffy. . . so i started to take one tablet every hour. the next day my nose was running alot. i kept taking more c about one an hour sometimes two. By the end the day my nose was clear. the next day my throat started to tickle but my nose was only stuffed for a few hours in the morning the whole day i kept taking it every hour. then today my nose was clear but now iam starting to form a cough iam not really coughing just once every now and then but i can feel it starting to take hold in my lungs. so what should i do i increase my dose to 8 grams an hour till i go to bed which will be about 4 hours totally. should i just keep taking 8 every hour? or go back to 1 an hour? thanks for the help everyone.

Lab Rat

Post by Lab Rat » Thu Aug 17, 2006 10:24 am

Hi Franksland,

My favorite anti-virals/anti-biotics are olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract or colloidal silver. In addition to your Vitamin C, you might like to look into these.

By the way, I use the grapefruit seed extract to wash my raw vegetables. I think it helps to destroy lurking microorganisms.

Ralph Lotz
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quercetin might help too

Post by Ralph Lotz » Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:34 pm

Good advice Lab Rat.
I also keep a bottle of Source naturals Activated Quercetin around and take 3 caps along with my ascorbate.
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Post by ofonorow » Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:58 pm

franksland wrote:OKAY, so three days ago i stated to get sick. my nose was getting stuffy. . . so i started to take one tablet every hour. the next day my nose was running alot. i kept taking more c about one an hour sometimes two. By the end the day my nose was clear. the next day my throat started to tickle but my nose was only stuffed for a few hours in the morning the whole day i kept taking it every hour. then today my nose was clear but now iam starting to form a cough iam not really coughing just once every now and then but i can feel it starting to take hold in my lungs. so what should i do i increase my dose to 8 grams an hour till i go to bed which will be about 4 hours totally. should i just keep taking 8 every hour? or go back to 1 an hour? thanks for the help everyone.

The analogy is the train leaving the station. You have a shot stopping the train before it starts, i.e., the 8 g every 20 minutes is quite likely to kill a viral infection in its tracks - right in the beginning.

At this point you will have to ride it out. Hard to stop a moving locomotive.

See the table, and try to find out what your current tolerance is (maybe as high as 100 to 150 g per day) and you might be able to guess what ailment has a hold of you.

It is wise to take more C, to feel better and avoid secondary infections, but you missed the opportunity to halt the infection dead in its tracks.

The cough is caused by the increasing build-up of mucous.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Post by franksland » Thu Aug 17, 2006 2:23 pm

THANKS guys thats what i figured. anyways i can take about 100 grams i think. ive been taking 4 grams whenever i start to feel the cough coming back. it isnt so bad... hopefully it wont get any worse.

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