Pauling Therapy plus Tocotrienols

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Pauling Therapy plus Tocotrienols

Post by DaveK » Wed Mar 15, 2017 3:02 pm

I live in the North of England and Owen posted on my behalf in September 2015 about my having taken 5-6 grams of C per day for last 30 years and wondered why I'd developed CHD. I am now 71 years old, but at the time was diagnosed with mild angina and sent for an angiogram in the October, which found two 70% and 80% arterial blockages. This was described as significant LAD disease and significant right coronary artery disease.
I was then sent to see a consultant cardiologist, who recommended statins and 75mg aspirin to be followed by stenting. Much to his consternation I refused the statins and said I wanted to see if I could treat myself to try and reduce the plaque before considering stents. The cardiologist was not happy about this and expressed his concern that I could have a heart attack in the meantime. After several visits I finally agreed to having a Cardiac MRI scan, so that he could prove to me that stenting was essential.
I originally started taking Cardio C in the September of 2015, but after the UK's disasterous Brexit, which devalued the Pound and the imposition of ludicrous customs charges on non-EU goods I found it was becoming too expensive. So from the Summer of 2016, I started sourcing the ingredients separately myself, in the UK, using more or less the same formula as Cardio C. My only concessions to conventional medication was 10mg Amlodipine and the 75mg aspirin per day. In add to the LP Therapy I took 300mg of Tocotrienols, which I'd read had been very successful at reducing plaque in both animals and man. This was mentioned in the Dr.Steve Hickey book "Ascorbate", as well as in various other scientific articles. I also take 2000mg of Omega 3 capsules (which include 660mg EPA and 440mg DHA), 100mg CoQ10 capsules, a Super K capsule, 15mg of Zinc and about 600mg of Magnesium Chloride. I also walk 4/5 miles every day in hilly country without any chest pains or breathlessness.
I finally had my Cardiac MRI scan in November 2016 and instead of receiving an invitation to have my arteries stented, I received a copy of the following letter which had been sent to my local GP doctor:

"Cardiac MRI (30 November 2016): No evidence of reversible ischemia
I am pleased to report that it revealed normal left ventricular function at rest. There was no convincing evidence of reversible ischemia during stress. Mild aortic stenosis was also noted."

He also mentioned that I was now to be reviewed in a new Cardio clinic in September 2017. So he doesn't seem to be too worried now, methinks.
I contacted his secretary to see if I could get a more detailed prognosis, but was told to ask my GP who said he can't obtain the scan details, but it would definitely appear that I'd made significant improvements to my condition. It's now been suggested that I write to the cardiologist to request more information. This I intend to do, but would be interested to know any opinions on how I should interpret the situation. Also, does anyone have any knowledge of the success or otherwise of Tocotrienols?

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Re: Pauling Therapy plus Tocotrienols

Post by ofonorow » Thu Mar 16, 2017 4:38 am

Thank you for this wonderful report! I suppose congratulations are in order. Another life prolonged due to Linus Pauling and his research and invention.

The question about Tocotrienols is interesting. (I thought I remembered from Hickey's book that this form of vitamin E had a strong anti-cancer effect in the test tube?)

What I think I know. The mixed tocopherols (Gamma/Delta/Alpha) as in the original Unique E (vitamin E) formula from A. C. Grace can be miraculous for heart patients, much as Pauling recounted in his book HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER, in the Vitamin E section covering the Shute Brothers. (It is my recollection that the Shute brothers used and recommended Alpha-tocopherol.)

The specific effect of high dose Unique-E (original formula) is normalizing or improving bad EKGs, which I interpret as somehow making dead heart muscle come alive? (johnwen?) Since I think I know this form of vitamin E is miraculous, and I know relatively little about tocotrienols, I would always recommend the original Unique E (mixed tocopherols), and then perhaps suggest adding tocotrienols for perhaps and additional therapeutic effect.

The problem is that for most other vitamins, there is a specific deficiency disease. This makes it possible to determine what the actual "vitamin" is that prevents the disease, and discover a dosage that keeps the average person healthy. I don't know of a specific vitamin E deficiency disease, but suspect they exist. For example, if you stop taking vitamin E all together, the most likely scenario is a heart attack. So perhaps a heart attack is the vitamin E deficiency disease? (This is what happened to both my half-brother (Mike Till) and my father My father had taken vitamin E almost his entire adult life, because our doctor recommended it, and he ran out and did not purchase more. I forget the interval, but perhaps six weeks later he had his fatal heart attack. My brother did the same thing, ran out of his vitamin E, did not resupply, and had a non-fatal heart attack in approximately the same time frame. ) We speculated in this forum long ago that this time frame was approximately the time it takes for red corpuscles to gestate in the bones (marrow?) and that the lack of vitamin E during their creation may make them more "sticky" than they would otherwise have been, leading to the propensity for heart attack.

Linus Pauling long recommended 400 to 800 iu of vitamin E for cardiovascular disease. Several authors have pointed to an extensive study conducted by the World Health Organization on thousands of men and women from sixteen nations. The study illustrated that a low level of vitamin E in the blood was more than twice as predictive of heart attack than either high cholesterol or high blood pressure. Inverse correlation between plasma vitamin E and mortality from ischemic heart disease in cross-cultural epidemiology.

There are other "deficiency" issues we have learned about regarding vitamin E, including the resolution of "junk" in our cytoplasm that lyposomes are usually able to get rid of. Heart and brain cells don't divide so the junk continuously grows in these cells. Research in Rhesus monkeys has demonstrated that vitamin E is responsible for maintaining lower concentrations of this junk in cells. (Junk which can cause age spots on the skin.)

Do tocotrienols address any of these "vitamin E deficiency" issues? I don't know.

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Pauling Therapy plus Tocotrienols

Post by pamojja » Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:51 am

In this paper at medscape:, if you scroll down to the chapter on tocotrienols, you'll find some mechanisms and recommended doses. Too bad they're so expensive..


Also concomitant intake (less than 12 h) of ?-tocopherol reduces tocotrienol absorption. Increased intake of alpha tocopherol over 20% of total tocopherols may interfere with the lipid-lowering effect.[5,135]

Despite them recommending them with the evening meal, I take my more humble 100mg with my morning meal for taking advantage of the longer fasting window (16 hrs in my case) to the intake of other tocopherols with my evening meal. Where I alternate Gamma with Alpha every third day.
Last edited by pamojja on Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pauling Therapy plus Tocotrienols

Post by DaveK » Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:52 am

Thanks for your reply Owen.
I was actually taking Unique E as well as the Tocotrienols, but read that Tocopherols reduced the efficacy of Tocotrienols, which are regarded by some as much more effective. So I stopped taking the Unique E and seemed to feel greater benefits from just taking Tocotrienols, though I can't be certain of this. They have definitely been shown to remove plaque from arteries fairly successfully. I haven't used Unique E for several months and yet still appear to have benefited.
Incidentally, Steve Hickey recommended that someone should conduct a scientific trial combining Tocotrienols with the LP therapy!

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