high doses of vitamin c

This forum will focus on the interesting topic of titrating oral vitamin C intake to so-called bowel tolerance, the point just prior to the onset of diarrhea

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high doses of vitamin c

Post by mike2305 » Wed Nov 15, 2006 6:47 am

the following event, started my interest, in vitamins and herbs. i am married with two teenaged boys. When the boys where aged about 3 or 4 they where always having endless colds, and viruses, as they do at that age. on one ocassion(excuse spelling please). the younger boy had a high temperature, and had been vomitting, i had rang the doctor, but was unable to get an appointment. i was very worried, as was my wife. i had read that vitamin c if taken in higher doses, can help the immune system, and i had bought some high dose vitamin c for mysef 1000mg tablets. i decided to give my poor sick boy the 1000mg tablet, i was a little worried about giving such a high dose, but took a chance.

to my amazement, within half an hour, this little boy was up and running around as if nothing had happened. his temperature had come down, and he seemed quite well. after that i gave the vitamin c every time they where not well, and time and time again, the vitamin c did the trick. now weather i was right to give it is another matter, and also i thought, perhaps i am wrong to stop them from getting viruses that they may get worse latter on in life, i dont know!!. the vitamin c did not work on 100% of ocassions, once he got chicken pox, it didnt work then, although it did lessen the symptoms, i think.

i would be interested to know what other members think about this

regards mike

ps always take 500mg vitamin c per day now, in fact all of us do!

Ascorbate Wizard
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More than right

Post by ofonorow » Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:27 am

You are wondering whether it was "right" to give children such a "high" dose? Perhaps because modern medicine doesn't recommend it??

Take the time to read Linus Pauling's 1986 book HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER (1986, 2006). Pauling's recommendations, and this book in particular, are the reason I began supplementing my son before he was even conceived! (via his mother), through pregnancy (10,000 mg), lactation and on towards year 17 soon. He has been sick, that we know of, once in his life. Something like Chicken Pox - althougth there were only one or two "pox" and it lasted less than 24 hours. Missed one day of school. (He hasn't missed a day of Junior High School or High School.) The only downside might be his "baby face" -- since his collagen/skin tone is so perfect. His strength is unbelievable.

What you did was not only right, (how could the children do it for themselves?) but it approaches crimminal behavior to keep this knowledge from the public, especially our children. We live in a modern world that has the benefit of science (much of which conventional medicine ignores if it competes with their cash cow - prescription drugs). Again, the Pauling book should dispell any doubts about the way you have helped your children. What you did was based on science. As discussed here, and written about by many giants of nutrition. There is no reason people, especially kids, have to get sick.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Post by mike2305 » Wed Nov 15, 2006 8:54 am

thank you for your reply, this information is amazing. how much vitamin c do you/or your son take per day?


Post by BimLanders » Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:00 pm

I know that I'm not directly involved in this thread. But I'll throw my experience at you as well. I started megadosing about four months ago, and I've never felt better. A really nasty cold just want through my workplace, and I didn't even feel a single symptom. In fact, I got at least four other people taking vitamin C to help combat their colds. I preach to them that high nutrient diet+supplementation should be done EVERY DAY, and not just when you're feeling sick.

I take anywhere from six to twelve grams a day, in divided doses. I approach past the ten gram mark when my allergies are bad. Every time I feel my head getting stuffy, I just take another gram, and it's gone within 15/20mins.

How to Live Longer and Feel Better is a life-changing book. I read through it in no time, and I'm still re-reading here and there.

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Our Regimen

Post by ofonorow » Wed Nov 15, 2006 6:49 pm

mike2305 wrote:thank you for your reply, this information is amazing. how much vitamin c do you/or your son take per day?

I began 3000 mg of vitamin C daily after reading Pauling's VITAMIN C AND THE COMMON COLD in 1983 (book written in 1970). Then in 1986, I read HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER and increased my daily vitamin C to around 18,000 mg, and I began following all of Pauling's recommendations contained in that book, .e.g a Super B-complex, 20,000 vitamin A, 800 vitamin E, and a good multi vitamin/mineral.

For me, 18,000 mg is the right amount, as all remaining medical conditions cleared up, e.g. allergies and a gouty arthritis in my toes. (Yet my father could not tolerate more than 200 mg daily, and he rarely caught a cold, so I know how different people are, even in the same family.) I have since added Omega-3s, CoQ10 (200 mg), Alpha-Lipoic Acid, and I guess now, come to think of it, everything in AscorbAde, e.g. acetyl-l-carnitine.

My son is getting around 6000 mg vitamin C. Roughly 3000 mg in the a.m. and 3000 mg in the p.m., He used to get more, but I have tried to cut back to find the minimum that keeps him well. He could take more, but I'm worried about college - when he is out on his own. If I cut back less than 4000 mg, he starts to get snifles.

I've also given him the Pauling regimen (B complex, vitamins A/E and multivitamins) since he was about 2. I don't give him Coq10, but lately we've all been taking Omega-3s.

And very recently, he has been taking AscorbAde with me and my wife.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year


Post by mike2305 » Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:00 am

thank you for your replies, i have heard that massive doses of vitamin c, say over 2-3000mg per day can increase the chance of kidney stones, is this correct do you think?


Post by BimLanders » Thu Nov 16, 2006 6:44 am

mike2305 wrote:thank you for your replies, i have heard that massive doses of vitamin c, say over 2-3000mg per day can increase the chance of kidney stones, is this correct do you think?

Check the Toxicity forum. There are several threads at the top that cover this issue.

Ascorbate Wizard
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In a nutshell - no

Post by ofonorow » Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:58 am

mike2305 wrote:thank you for your replies, i have heard that massive doses of vitamin c, say over 2-3000mg per day can increase the chance of kidney stones, is this correct do you think?

No, vitamin C per se will not cause kidney stones, and probably prevents most stones. Cathcart has almost 30 years of experience with very high vitamin C to more than 30,000 patients and wrote that he hasn't seen a single stone.

One study found no correlation between vitamin C and kidney stones, but did find a correlation between low vitamin B6 and kidney stones.

However, if your urine pH is acidic, you may be better taking your vitamin C with the alkaline form of vitamin C - sodium ascorbate.

All this is covered in the toxicity forum.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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