Hi Owen,
As you will note after going through the eBook I sent you, (http://vitamincfoundation.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15128) there are many ways to defeat COVID.
But it cannot be overemphasized enough that hydrogen peroxide nebulization should be the primary and initial intervention. It has no negative impact on any other intervention.
While Hydorgen Peroxide nebulization should not be mixed with other agents, anything else can be nebulized before or after. Might be interesting to see how lysine and/or arginine nebulization would acutely impact the symptoms of COVID or any other respiratory virus.
There is so much out there already on vaccinations, I find it best to just take the approach of "Why take anything if the condition can be easily prevented, or easily resolved if already contracted?"
Best regards,
Dr. Thomas Levy
Thank you. Excellent point. You are right, H2O2 is the most cost effective and easiest to use therapy. And in theory, as you point out, our own immune systems uses H2O2 (or variants) at the cellular level to destroy pathogens.
By the way, thanks to you, at the first sign of a tickle in the throat, I simply snort H2O2. I actually have an H2O2 spray bottle Works like a charm.
Please note - arginine promotes viral replication. The idea is to avoid foods and/or supplements with arginine to "starve" the virus. The effect is similar to my understanding of what zinc does (i.e., inhibits viral replication).
The other point to emphasize per Dr. Merrit, citing a recent study, those with high levels of vitamin D have a very low chance of contracting COVID (or any) virus.