Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by Blargus » Thu May 20, 2021 10:18 pm

Thanks eDoc, potassium didn't seem to do much, I asked the doc doubtfully if minor potassium deficiency would cause my heart to feel very weak and he said "it could."I guess I had a tachycardia for a half minute or so while I was hooked up to the machine-- the nurse said I was tapping the sensor though I told her wasn't. She didn't change her mind. :) Not super impressed with my healthcare adventure but grateful they did try to help.

Thanks for the info on the tests you suggest, amazing that you can treat with no post-covid developing, I decided to try the best I could myself after several doctor visits taking C, E selenium, Zinc and herbs and trying other things and keeping track what seems to help. Did a week of minor amounts of Chlorine Dioxide. And trying to get my attitude off the floor :lol: Getting slowly better.

The hydrogen peroxide has probably helped many thousands of people so thanks for being one of the good docs right now.

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by ofonorow » Fri May 21, 2021 10:18 am


Thanks for sharing your experience. Ever since the virus hit, I have been following the rather "far out" work of Jon Rappaport and others, e.g. West Coast Universities viral scientists who have sued the CDC because they CANNOT CULTURE Covid 19 from fluids in supposed COVID-19 patients.

They asked the CDC for cultures, but the CDC is unable to provide cultures.

The cry is that the COVID virus does not exist! Huh?!

This made little sense, until I head this Mike Adams interview of Dr. Lee Merritt, MD, yesterday. (Dr. Merritt has military experience in the U.S. bioweapons program.)

Lee Merritt wrote:Everything we have seen can be explained without having a whole virus.

The spike protein causes COVID.

They are only speculating, but one scenario is that the COVID "problem" is caused by the spike protein, rather than by a corona virus. Even more alarming,the spike proteins might have been delivered from a "spraying" program over certain major cities, think "Chemtrails."

So now we have mRNA vaccines - to fight a phantom virus - that actually trains the body to make its own spike proteins!

So if "spike proteins" are the real issue, and if eDOC's treatment somehow inactivates the long-term ill effects of these spike proteins, this treatment may be necessary to save the lives of millions of people. (No wonder eDoc's offices have been ransacked!)
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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by Blargus » Fri May 21, 2021 4:12 pm

Thanks eDoc and Owen, I will see if I can figure out the organ change issue, I read awhile ago that it can cause structural changes in the brain if you have bad case of it.

Dunno how much my personal experience is worth, but as jimmylesante has said with vaccinated, I have noticed persistent problems with my head, head circulation, headaches since I got sick. I wanted doc to check for strokes but they blew it off so I'm doing what I know to do. Large negative pole of magnet on head seems to help as per Dr. Philpott's work.

I believe it is bioweapon also, and also have personally come to the conclusion that it is all about the spike protein. I think they have to have a vaccination because as Luc Montagnier says in nature, the harmful synthetic aspect gets mitigated fast as it circulates because nature does not want unnatural things. So they have to inject the S-protein I would 99% sure guess is the "original" ie probably synthetic one.

Very interesting about the lack of virus, Dr. Michael Yeadon mentioned that in one of his podcast interviews that no labs have any Sars-cov2 cultured! Though Dr. Richard Fleming showed a microscope video of the virus in his "masterclass" talk looked very much like the CGI "photos" we see all the time. So supposedly it does exist but from what I have seen I also think that it is all about the spike protein. I think it could have been sprayed around and would not be too surprised if it is just the S-protein causing all of this.

I believe it was going around or being spread around Sept-Dec 2019 at least based on my experiences above, which makes the Mar 2020 drama seem contrived by people who wanted it to take hold first and before the March 2020 drama just my speculation really. Not new in history, mass poisonings for political purposes, again just my opinion.

Among other things am trying to keep up the Vitamin E for vascular help/clot mitigation. Course Vitamin C is universal anti-toxin :). Dr. Ethan Taylor who did work on selenium has said in an email that Doctors in South Africa are curing long covid with Niacin and antioxidants but I couldn't find info on that. Also the chlorine dioxide study has said it helps for long covid as well.

The evil goons always suppress and intimidate people doing world-changing positive work, thanks for doing what your're doing edoc!

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jun 06, 2021 12:11 pm

Makes a great deal of sense (given this ) that glutathione would be important! As a way to detox the Spike Protein! (The science is catching up with Fauci and Moderna. That what they used to created the antibodies - is not a weakenned toxin - it IS the toxin.

And it apparently doesn't need a viral host to spread.
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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jun 20, 2021 10:38 am

Congrats. Keep us informed.
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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by pamojja » Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:45 am

eDOC wrote:Why COVID19 daily infections and fatalities are on a rise in Brazil and SA? (P1 main VOC and B1617/2 delta/Indian variant emerging too).

Had a word with their health officials, replied excessive use of dubious, non specific modalities like hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin etc.

Think its much more complicated, than be able to blame the failure of hydroxylchloroune or ivermectin.

Just take a close look at the cumulative deaths per million comparing all continents on this graph: ... med+deaths

Europe and North America almost equal at an average of 1500 per million - without free access to over the counter to these medication.

Africa and Asia more than 10 times lower with easy access everywhere to these over the countermedications.

Also some over the counter access in South America, but highest mortality at now already above 2000 per million in average.

Doesn't make any sense to blame these medications with such different outcomes. I think the most likely explanation for the huge difference is SA is the high percentage of indegnous blood with little immunity to corona. Just as during the innitial arrival of European, where the vast majority of American Indians died of European illnesses having no immunity against.

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by pamojja » Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:38 pm

eDOC wrote:I have worked in this pandemic in nations with a population of 3 billion, with a daily fatality never more than approx 180 and now hovering around 40 per day. Majority are below poverty, none access to supplements, healthy diet etc. immune is weak, all strains are prevalent (except lambda) have access to OTC meds, requiring no prescription cannot purchase them.

If I'm not mistaken, beside all that other nations you mainly worked in the US. But please correct me if you indeed worked more time since the beginning of the pandemic outside of the US. Also you talked about patenting your treatment, which obviously you haven't been able yet. Otherwise the use of your patented treatments in those nations of 3 billions (which obviously must be including China and India too) would since long been in the news.

eDOC wrote:Answer is Genetics!

Just what I pointed out as most likely for the desastrous development in South America.

eDOC wrote:..why would I blame you for being ignorant, imbecile, stupid unless you're really are... which BTW you are.

BTW, you would look a lot more intelligent if you discussed rationally, and not constantly with personal insults and groundless projections.

And hydroxylchlorquine, ivermectin only worked well at the first sniffle of the disease and with additional combination, not as single treatment given too late in already hospitalized patients. As was done in most failed trials.

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by Saw » Tue Jun 22, 2021 7:21 pm

pamojja wrote:And hydroxylchlorquine, ivermectin only worked well at the first sniffle of the disease and with additional combination, not as single treatment given too late in already hospitalized patients. As was done in most failed trials.

Trials were designed to fail as shown by Simone Gold and others. Prescribing cumulative lethal doses beyond the LD50 ensured failure! (should be criminal investigations). Also the German Doctor/Pathologist? who testified to Reiner Fuellmich that they were driving the death rates up by exceeding the safe dosage of Hydroxy ( can you say 2 birds with 1 stone).
We already new way back in march 2020 Hydroxy was safe and effective from the french virologist who treated some 3000 Hospitalized
patients, curing vurtualy all but a few, and the miniscule number that didn't make it were described as very elderly and in extremely bad shape when they arrived.
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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jul 12, 2021 12:03 pm

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by ofonorow » Tue Sep 21, 2021 8:18 am

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by jimmylesante » Tue Sep 21, 2021 3:46 pm

I'm sure a more expensive treatment such as quercetin/hesperedin could be used as an ionosphere?
The Mu(moo) sounds right it fits in with vaccine and herd immunity :)
I'm guessing if most cells last for 3months then that's how long they will keep making the spike protein.

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by jimmylesante » Mon Oct 18, 2021 12:37 am

It keeps switching cells so can last longer!

What if reverse transcriptase/reflection embeds it into our DNA....then it will always make the Spike protein !!!!!?

Budesonide will reduce immune system in early covid perhaps making it worse?

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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by ofonorow » Mon Oct 18, 2021 11:07 am

BUT how could it be beneficial??

if people are reacting and dying from an enhanced immune response (ADE?). Any steroid should help mask (seem to inhibit) an overly active immune response.
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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by ofonorow » Wed Oct 20, 2021 12:28 pm

Fine, if people are dying from ADE which most know and steroids inhibit it, than why approx 1K daily fatalities? Are the docs/ MDs so ignorant and that only a few know about?

Apparently!! If you remember, I was in the ICU for a total of 60 days, (2 - 30 day stints, with a 30 day interval in between) because of what was much later diagnosed as adrenal insufficiency. 10 American specialists (five for each stint) spent all that time looking for an infection. It was only by accident that after the second stint, my PC doc gave me a methylprednisolone pak. I was initially afraid of the "steroid," but desperate, I noticed that one pill made me normal for about a day.

I have since noticed/learned that American MDs are taught that steroids are fraught with danger, use them as a last resort, and have no correct training in their safe use. And there is really no test for adrenal insufficiency. If the cortisol approaches zero - death is the indicator. Our doctors are quite helpless without a test.

Do you trust the numbers you quote about so-called COVID deaths? And if so, why was the mortality rate in 2019 identical to the rate in 2020? ... And why did the Flu reach zero levels?) I don't trust the numbers, and I follow the doctors who have studied the animal experiments with these mRNA vaccines. The same effect that KILLED ALL THE ANIMALS when reintroduced to the virus, ADE, or enhanced or over-active immune response explains some the vaccine deaths, if not the original Covid (err flu) deaths. And since the reintroduction to a virus may be delayed, there is no way to tie later deaths directly to the injection.

Speaking of vague, since you won't tell us what your protocol is, how can we evaluate or understand what you are talking about?
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Re: Case Report: COVID19 Cure: Read Only!

Post by johnyascorbate » Fri Jan 07, 2022 6:28 am

eDOC wrote:There is only one effective cure for SARS-CoV-2 (my two drug protocol) which works against all it's present variants and any that may emerge....that I know of.

E-DOC-- aside from your presumably IV protocol, can you suggest any oral supplements that may provide a similar outcome?

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