COVID 19 vax- is there anything to take to minimize body damage ??

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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COVID 19 vax- is there anything to take to minimize body damage ??

Post by Kilbarchan » Wed Jan 05, 2022 2:42 pm

Just curious if there are any vitamins etc that would help with the damage the vax are doing to our bodies

Vit C

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Re: COVID 19 vax- is there anything to take to minimize body damage ??

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:03 am

Judy Mikovitza, government virologist for 40 years, writes in her book ENDING PLAGUE, that keeping your immune system healthy is priority one. (And this advice often means avoiding all vaccines and other injections). She feels that a healthy immune system should protect most people. Keeping your immune system healthy implies good nutrition, avoiding GMO foods. As far as treatments, In addition to the often mentioned Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc (and quercetin or :ivermectin or HQQ) she writes about two important potential therapies that she has become aware of, e.g. ozone and interferon-Alpha, as per this forum post

In podcasts she has recommended ozonated oils and interferon nasal sprays.

A local doctor is looking at the mRNA vaccine from a different angle, which he asked me to keep confidential. Probably not to give false hope. Both DNA and RNA consist of 4 bases... He noticed that of the 4 RNA bases in the mRNA vaccinee patents/literature, 3 are natural, but one is an analog. He wondered why, and thinks the reason may be that the body breaks down normal RNA naturally, but this "phony" base may allow the vaccine RNA to persist, so finding a way to attack it might be a way to "turn off" spike protein production. Its brilliant, and he is thinking of a liposome carrier. To reach the nucleus of cells.

The following is my idea, and it may not work, but getting vitamin C into the nucleus is worth a try. (If nothing else, Japanese researchers found that vitamin C in the nucleus slowed telomere degradation by 40%.. but I digress). It just may be the True liposomal vitamin C, which he says has to reach the nucleus of cells, may be just the ticket.

Anyone who thinks they may have gotten the real mRNA vaccine, you should know that we have an unadvertised special on our PANACEA PRO True-liposomal vitamin C. ($45 off the suggested retail price.)

You must mention the "Owen Offer for $15 per jar) in the comments during checkout (our cost) and that is what we will charge.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: COVID 19 vax- is there anything to take to minimize body damage ??

Post by Blargus » Thu Jan 06, 2022 1:10 pm

As posted here Dr. Levy's "Canceling the Spike Protein Striking Visual Evidence"

I ran across a suggestion on icing your arm--to try to get it to stay where it's designed to stay but doesn't--and supplements to take will try to find it. Another great article by Dr. Levy is use of high dose vitamin C protecting from vaccine effects, though this was before mRNA gene therapy injections:

Vitamin C Prevents Vaccination Side Effects; Increases Effectiveness
by Thomas E Levy, MD, JD

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Re: COVID 19 vax- is there anything to take to minimize body damage ??

Post by Saw » Tue Jan 11, 2022 9:35 pm

I'd be looking at anti parasite treatments for a start
Parasites seem to be ubiquitous in all things "covid" and "vax"
Ivermectin,hydroxy,cds - all Antiparasitic used to treat the alleged covid successfully
Plus microscopy showing parasites in the injections.
Here's a link to Dr.Hulda Clark's free book, she's done a lot of work with
parasites. She lists protocols and herbal remedies as well as her zapper, books an interesting read and she's looking
like she may have been way ahead of her time. ... seases.pdf
Even a Blind Squirrel makes his own vitamin C.

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Re: COVID 19 vax- is there anything to take to minimize body damage ??

Post by Blargus » Wed Jan 12, 2022 12:05 am

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Re: COVID 19 vax- is there anything to take to minimize body damage ??

Post by ofonorow » Wed Jan 12, 2022 11:23 am

Well, its good to remember that our products are based on Linus Paulings heart recommendations...

But yes, we have started to wonder if anyone who is taking a therapeutic dosage of vitamin C and lysine has contracted "COVID."... Actually, we should refine, if any unvaccinated have contracted COVID on high dose vitamin C/lysine. We don't know of any. (Its looking more and more like the vaccines are degrading the immune system - intentional or not.)

So if you are unvaccinated, a regular user of our products, or following the Pauling protocols, and caught COVID, we'd like a report.

As far as the "hit or miss" heart remedy ideas, it is my understanding that a particular receptor in the heart is at play, and these remedies seem unlikely to address that particular problem. Someone using google scholar could spend some time, find a) the particular heart receptor, b) look for studies that have shown benefit against the receptor i.e.,the membrane receptor these spike proteins are fitting into...

Or maybe eDOC will decide to share his knowledge... i.e., how easy it is to remove spike proteins?

And I am just a beginner learning about Deuterium-Depleted water, but if it is as "anti viral" as it appears to be, it may be something every person with "long haul" COVID should be drinking.

And remember, one of the major properties of whatever this COVID really is, (IMO, the latest Omi wave is a very contagious "winter cold" and probably different from the initial scare. Anyone who took the jab, has harmed their immune system, making them more susceptible to this cold/flu)

Anyway, the original "virus" reduced, lets say depleted the body of oxygen. thus the early use of Increased brain fog (from lower oxygen in the blood). This is why a high dose Viagra may work, increases blood oxygenation... Of course many cases were simply the flu.

Great study on Vitamin E, thank you, and something every heart patient should know.

Added.. Visit for the evidence certain compounds in Cannabis bind to and stop the spike protein.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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