Fiber: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

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Fiber: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jun 06, 2023 7:03 pm

I remember the Rubin Save Your Life Diet book back in the 70s that is convincing that fiber is important for health, because highly refined foods without fiber leads to constipation and many associated ills. I also remember early on in the Pauling therapy saga that a fellow taking a good dosage was not seeing the results others were seeing. It turns out that he was taking his vitamin C and lysine along with a lot of fiber. Fiber is not digested and does adhere to nutrients. When he separated the therapy from the fiber, it started working "miraculously" as it had in almost all others.

Reading Anthony William, the Medical Medium, it turns out that there are well-intentioned healers worried about juicing because the process removes the pulp - the fiber. Here are some interesting quotes on why we should not be afraid of juicing.

Anthony Willam wrote:"The reason health professionals think we need more fiber is that, "healthy" diet or not, people are experiencing constipation. The sluggish peristaltic action that slows down bowel movements doesn't come from a lack of fiber, though. It comes from inflammation....

How do we address the underlying problem? Fiber isn't the answer, because a lack of fiber didn't start the issues. Instead, we fix gut issues and get your body working again with the very technique that's so often written off: juicing as medicine.

Whenever we eat vegetables (or anything else), our body is processing out that fiber, and we're flushing it down the toilet. That's how fibler is supposed to work; fiber doesn't stay in the body. We excrete it, and then we send it way to the septic tank or sewer system and don't think about it.

When we juice, thought, we see the fiber pile up and that makes us worry that it's wasteful. The waste that comes from juicing fruits and vegetables does not hurt our planet.

There is no crime in juicing, even through people get picked on when they do it. All that fiber and pulp they throw away that's supposedly the healthiest part and really isn't -- again that isn't waste that hurts the planet. It only helps; it's a harmless by product of a process that creates medicinal extracts that people are using to heal themselves...

Fiber itself: Does it contain nutrients we need? Are we missing out on those nutrients with juicing?

Fiber only contains nutrients that can be separated from it, which means that no, we're not missing out. Quite the opposite: if those nutrients were inseparable from the fiber, we'd never be able to absorb them; only when nutrients get released from fiber.... can we access and benefit from them.

Say a lab analyzes what nutrients a plant food contains. That doesn't mean our body benefits from all of them; those nutrients are useless if the body can't extract them easily and they stay locked inside the fiber and we eliminate them ...

Cleanse to Heal, pg. 54-57
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Fiber: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Post by pamojja » Wed Jun 07, 2023 12:22 pm

One should also be aware that our forefathers mostly eat very fibrous foods, much more than today. Except during ice-ages. Also lots of gut bacteria to precess soluble fibers, and thereby churn out for example vitamins used by the host too. Finally modern man contains about up to 1000 different gut bacteria species only, contacted hunter gatherers like the Hadza in Tanzania about up to 2000, tested Yanomani during the first contact with westerns up to 4000.

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