What form of Magnesium do you recommend?

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What form of Magnesium do you recommend?

Post by ofonorow » Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:15 am

Hello----I was directed by the Vitamin C Foundation to write this email to you.? I am on the Pauling protocol and have been taking the C-lysine-proline formula for several months.? Part of the protocol is magnesium supplements.? Please direct me?to the most appropriate form (chelated, oxide, ?) I have had 2 quadruple bypass operations.? Also, I am on a?daily dose of 75 mg. Plavix and?81 mg. aspirin. Do you feel that it is ok?for me to be taking the 800 iu of vitamin E and one garlic tablet daily in addition to the Plavix and aspirin?
Thank you for helping me,

Dear Jana,

I think that you are wise for following LInus Pauling's advice, and I hope that you are taking enough vitamin C. See http://www.orthomed.com/titrate.htm and the new book STOP AMERICA'S #1 KILLER by Thomas Levy, MD, http://www.livonbooks.com

You might ask your doctor about the last 3 Plavix trials - which were cut short because more people were dying in the Plavix groups. I don't like aspirin either, but the vitamin C should protect your stomach from disintegration by aspirin. Make sure you take vitamin C with these drugs.

Omega/3 oils can perform the same function as aspirin without side effects.

We like the magnesium-creatine chelate in the Ascorsine-9 and AscorbAde products.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Post by Dolev » Sun Oct 07, 2007 4:36 pm

Owen, have you looked into Magnesium Chloride for transdermal absorption?

Ascorbate Wizard
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Is that really you?

Post by ofonorow » Tue Oct 09, 2007 5:38 pm

Good to hear from you! Is everything ok? We missed your contributions.

To answer your question, no. Should we?
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Yes, the Quack is Back

Post by Dolev » Wed Oct 10, 2007 5:03 am

Hi Owen,

Yes, everything is fine with me. For some reasons I've been a bit distracted from my nutritional work in general and from this forum, but I'll probably be more involved now. Thanks for asking and thanks for the greeting.

I've read about magnesium chloride from the work of Mark Sircus who wrote a book about it. Here's the link: http://www.taxtyranny.ca/images/HTML/Medical-Doctors-and-Natural-Health/MedicalNews.pdf. This form is used by transdermal absorption. Sircus does some great work and he's as big on magnesium as we are on vitamin C. I think he's also very into vitamin C.

Ralph Lotz
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Glad to see you back!

Post by Ralph Lotz » Wed Oct 10, 2007 10:13 am

Thanks for mentioning Dr. Sircus.
I receive his newsletter which is always cutting edge stuff.

Regarding magnesium supplements as pills and powders, most of the varieties available are pretty good with the exception of magnesium oxide. (still better than nothing)
Albion's amino acid chelates are hard to find in the health food stores.(Solgar and Carlson still make them)
Their advantage is that they are absorbable with or without food and do not have the laxative effect.
The kreb cycle chelates are also good from companies like Source Naturals Ultra-Mag.
Several companies are selling magnesium citrate, which is also good.

The magnesium website is here:
"Unless we put medical freedom into the constitution...medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship..force people who wish doctors and treatment of their own choice to submit to only what..dictating outfit offers." Dr. Benjamin Rush

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