On Cardio-C but Cholesterol Rising

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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On Cardio-C but Cholesterol Rising

Post by ofonorow » Sun Jul 06, 2008 7:17 am

My husband has been taking the Cardio C for over a month now and has just had his cholesterol tested. His overall number is higher (8.1, up from 6.7) and his triglycerides are higher 6.2 (don't have previous to hand).

I know that Cardio-C is not a miracle cure, my husband says he feels better than he has in years. His diet contains alot of animal protein and he would probably drink a half bottle of wine a day. He stopped taking a statin before starting this product. He is 50 years old and had 2 stents put in Feb.2002. Should he expect a peak as the body adjusts itself? I really don't want him back on Lipitor.
Any feedback is greatly appreciated
Thank you

> my husband says he feels better than he has in years

Everything sounds good to me, what is your concern exactly?

If a rise in cholesterol after stopping a statin drug bothers you, then by all means, go back on the statin. However, in my opinion, lowering cholesterol is exactly the WRONG thing to do.

It is a symptom, and after the underlying problem is resolved, cholesterol will lower naturally.

We cover this in our book, and you can read more about this in a post about this at our Forum:


This post contains my my standard answer why one should welcome, and not
be afraid of higher cholesterol numbers.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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