Success story for 81-year-old (1500 mg Paul. Thpy. daily)

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Success story for 81-year-old (1500 mg Paul. Thpy. daily)

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:13 am

Olivia made first contact April 14, 2011, and my delayed response to her was April 24th.


I just had to tell you about my mother's improvement because of taking the dosages you suggested. (She stuck with C and Lysine 500 mg 3 times a day and the Super K from the site you sent me).

Before starting the regiment I told you she was diagnosed with a leaky heart valve. She also went in for a sleep study and they found her heart stopped 67 times in one hour. She also had to take a nap every single day in addition to using a cane (she's 81 years old).

Well she had to go in for a follow-up sleep study and got the report today... her heart only stopped *ONCE* in an hour!!!! They told her the heart has improved! Two weeks ago she said she hasn't been taking her naps or using her cane, because she doesn't feel she needs it!

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! She has an appointment with her cardiologist soon and I can't wait to hear his/her response! I will let you know. This is truly the BEST NEWS!

Many, many thanks Owen and bless you :)


I love these placebo effects!

So these placebo effects occurred from after April 24 to June 9 or approximately six weeks, on a fairly low (1500 mg) dosage.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Success story for 81-year-old (1500 mg Paul. Thpy. daily)

Post by Johnwen » Thu Jun 23, 2011 8:31 pm

I love these placebo effects!

Ahh she was taking a multi which generally only has 60mg of V-C or RDA 100% now she's taking 1500mg which is a 25 times improvment.

Lets say she's 110lbs or 48.5 kilograms her intake was .8 MG/Kg Now it's about 31 MG/Kg that is a great increase in intake. Yes it's below 50 MG/Kg amount we like to see as a base amount but at 81 her activety levels probably aren't all that great either and her body probably is not letting go of it either so she's getting it's full benefit from what she's taking.

I believe you deserve the pat on the back her daughter gave you. You did lead her in the right direction after all!!! :D
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Re: Success story for 81-year-old (1500 mg Paul. Thpy. daily)

Post by jknosplr » Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:08 am

making it to 81 is a success story in its self!!

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Re: Success story for 81-year-old (1500 mg Paul. Thpy. daily)

Post by ofonorow » Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:59 am

Absolutely! (Thanks to Linus Pauling.) I sent an email out to quite a few friends, posted it on Facebook and Linkedin about my mom and added the site - with a big thank you to you and Linus Pauling.

Just the other week, I there was a write up about him and his heart therapy at the health food store. Going to pick it up for my Mom so she can give it to her cardiologist.

I think it's monstrous how this therapy has not been given the publicity it deserves. How many, many lives could have been saved!

One last thought - ....

You and Linus Pauling are true heroes! I thank you both from depth of my being. Thank you Owen!

ps... my mother and siblings are very grateful too!

Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Success story for 81-year-old (1500 mg Paul. Thpy. daily)

Post by ofonorow » Sat Jun 25, 2011 7:46 am

You are truly welcome Owen. I agree with you 100% about the ones healing themselves to get the word out. I just got an idea to send it to some of my friends who are on the same path with healing and ask them to post it on their Facebook pages as well. Thanks for the link. I had to do some
digging to get the C and Lysine without fillers.

I'll keep you posted on my mother's progress! My husband has a heart murmur and we both started adding the Lysine the other day. It's amazing how fast it works for some. He already noticed a difference in his energy level and he said his head was tingling the next morning when he woke up. I told him it's probably more oxygen to his brain. Also, I see an definite difference in his eyes.

Have a magnificent day Owen! Feel free to use my mother's experience as a testimonial if you like. The ENTIRE PLANET should know about this and believe me, we'll (my family) will do our part.



Yes, lysine is one of the stronger placebos known. Thanks for the support and keep us informed.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Success story for 81-year-old (1500 mg Paul. Thpy. daily)

Post by gofanu » Sat Jun 25, 2011 1:21 pm

Owen -
If and when you make satirical or ironic use of terms like "placebo", "placebo effects" etc. PLEASE use quotes or italics or something to clearly indicate such use. For those of us who understand your thinking, failure to so indicate can get confusing in the reading; for those who do not understand it is devastating to understanding. For detractors it provides ammunition to attack you/us.


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Re: Success story for 81-year-old (1500 mg Paul. Thpy. daily)

Post by ofonorow » Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:31 am

Sorry, I was having a discussion with miro about placebos, (in the topic about my book) that you may have missed. His claim is that all these effects we have recorded over the past 10 to 15 years are because people "believe" in vitamin C. (We'll people must believe in lysine too). Anyway, sorry about the confusion.

But who knows, he may be right. All these positive responses to vitamin C and lysine may be entirely a "placebo effect" and if so, as I pointed out, Big Pharma would do well to tell the patients in their studies they were getting vitamin C (instead of the statin cholesterol lowering drugs) and perhaps this way, through the "placebo effect" after hundreds of studies they'd finally get a positive effect against heart disease! (Heck, if they actually "used" the placebo, vitamin C, they'd get a startling effect, I would predict).

In fact, there may be a way for us to open a clinic in the United States that offers IV/C to people off the street! We won't call it a vitamin C clinic, we'll call it a "Placebo Clinic". We will simply offer people placebos (.e.g IV/C and IV/Magnesium, etc.) and they can sign that they are aware they are only taking Placebos. How could a government or state agency take us out of business if all we are offering is a placebo!?
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Success story for 81-year-old (1500 mg Paul. Thpy. daily)

Post by gofanu » Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:34 pm

Owen -
I know this, but even for me, it takes extra effort to go back and see what "placebo" you are talking about. OK, joke, but it breaks the flow. People reading this who do not understand may be very confused. People wanting to dismiss it all can and will quote you as Grand Foobah of the Vitamin C Foundation, saying that "vitamin C (or lysine, etc) is a placebo." It is a public forum, not a private joke session; thine enemy will use thy words against thee. I like the jokes and do it myself, but in written material some distinction is a good idea.

Along those lines, Abraham's "Iodophobia" is pretty good, and I would like to propose we create a new description "ascorbophrenia", which is known to cause stupidity, mental retardation, antisocial behavior, illegal acts, and insanity, especially among people who have been co-exposed to medical "education", government regulation bodies, or TOC at decision levels (see JTA ELY). Early research indicates that concomitant gain of power or money from these activities greatly increases the risk and severity of the condition - it is dose dependent, and all too repeatable.
*--phrenia, suffix meaning a "disordered condition of mental activity":

The FDA would simply declare that you are now offering "placebo" as a new unapproved drug, and you would have to submit it for approval, which you won't get. And they would get their DEA/ATF/Police thugs to break down your doors in a warrant-less and unconstitutional seizure raid. After all, ""placebo" is at least as dangerous as organic cheese! If you simply lie, and illegally market "placebo" as an approved drug, say an antidepressant or heart medication, then you are free to poison and rob the populace, no problem. The bagman will be around for the next payment when we want it.

BTW, my dog believes in V-C and Mg and iodine too! We tried not talking about it when he was in hearing range, but I think the cats told him - they can read and use the computer.


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Re: Success story for 81-year-old (1500 mg Paul. Thpy. daily)

Post by ofonorow » Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:56 am

I stand properly chastised and will try to behave..
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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