Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

The discussion of how Vitamin C cures infection based on Thomas E Levy book: Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious disease and toxins.

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Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:27 pm

Here we introduce a novel protocol that in theory helps to safely lowering mercury levels in the human body, especially the brain. Patent Pending 2011 :) . O. Fonorow, D. S, Mike X

The Fonorow-"S". protocol is largely thanks to "Mike" X (Winner of our Outstanding Achievement Award, and who I hope by now will let me use his full name). Mike discovered the phenomena in his brother and sister. We also honor another severely mercury poisoned woman (Ms. S until I have permission to use her full name) who is very ill and a very low mercury excretor. She has volunteered to be a guinea pig.... We honor in the name of the protocol in case she doesn't make it... (Just kidding, I know she'll read this at some point.)

Phase I - flood all body cells with antioxidants, especially vitamin C.

Minimal sugar during course of treatment

Oral AA/SA and Lyposheric Vitamin C to Bowel Tolerance for 30 days

Continue BT C, after 30 days add the following to "push" more vitamin C into cells

12-14 grams Omega/3 mercury-free fish oils daily for 14 days

Evaluate, Continue Vit C/Omega 3, but add the Quicksilver or Meyer IMD product

(Product scientifically shown to lower circulating levels of mercury)

Add 600-1200 Alpha Lipoic Acid for 7 days (evaluate daily) with Lypo-GSH

Phase 2 - begin series of Cathcart Style proxidant/antioxidant cleanup drips.

Continue Vit C BT, Omega/3, IMD, ALA
Begin Cathcart IV/C - staggering 40-50 g "proxidant" dosages, with 12.5 g antioxidant/GSH cleanups every 12 hours. Exact timing depending on reaction. We don't expect any herx.

Notes: We know that cells full of antioxidants can resist injury better, so the idea is to prevent "reprefusion-like" injuries as the mercury is attracted out of the fat cells and expelled. Thus vitamin C to bowel tolerance.

Barry Sears reports cases of the demented coming out of the dementia on this (12-15 g) dosage of Omega/3 fish oils. Omega/3s will also improve the health of cell membranes, making them more permeable to vitamin C.

We start IMD (silica based product that has been shown to lower circulating mercury levels) because the next supplement - ALA - can pull mercury out of fatty cells, but may otherwise deposit it elsewhere.

ALA is fat (and water) soluble and will increase the health of cells, cause even more vitamin C to be absorbed, and may have its own anti-mercury effect.

If herx at this point, may have to start IV antioxidant cleanups/GSH pushes.

At this point the body is primed for a series of the Cathcart-style Sodium Ascorbate drips, which Mike "X" discovered has such an amazing effect reducing pain in his sister. However, we hope to avoid the Herx his sister suffered using the follow-up series of small antioxidant vitamin C drips with a glutathione push at the end. (Something all experience IV docs using Cathcart drips have known since Klenner!!)

We hope to use hair analysis, Quicksilver blood testing, urine challenge testing to verify the effectiveness of this "pain less" protocol.

And of course, we know that a 200 - 300 g cathcart IV will not react if there are no toxins left. So we have a clinical means to measure success!! (If the herx starts, we simply start the slow/small cleanup. Process finished when no cleanup required. Thank you Linux Pauling and thank you Dr. Levy!)

Thoughts, comments, concerns more than welcome! Guinea Pig well into Phase 1, about to start the very high dose Omega/3 oils.
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Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:12 am

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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:58 am

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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by Johnwen » Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:20 am

Evaluate, Continue Vit C/Omega 3, but add the Quicksilver or Meyer IMD product

(Product scientifically shown to lower circulating levels of mercury)

Add 600-1200 Alpha Lipoic Acid for 7 days (evaluate daily) with Lypo-GSH

I beleive you should continue on with the ALA as long as the IMD product is being used. The ALA takes the mercury out of the cells and into circulation including crossing the blood brain barrier which Mike should look into for his sister. Then the IMD can latch on to it and take it out the back door.

This is the product you are referring to????
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Incompetent Fools - Part Deux

Post by VanCanada » Mon Dec 05, 2011 8:21 am

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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:49 am

Johnwen wrote:
Evaluate, Continue Vit C/Omega 3, but add the Quicksilver or Meyer IMD product

(Product scientifically shown to lower circulating levels of mercury)

Add 600-1200 Alpha Lipoic Acid for 7 days (evaluate daily) with Lypo-GSH

I beleive you should continue on with the ALA as long as the IMD product is being used. The ALA takes the mercury out of the cells and into circulation including crossing the blood brain barrier which Mike should look into for his sister. Then the IMD can latch on to it and take it out the back door.

This is the product you are referring to????

Yes johnwen - that is the product.

So far, she is much more lucid and has much more mental clarity. (Today she told me that something we are doing is working! If I haven't posted it here, I'll post it again next as the answer to the previous post (which would probably be accurate for people trying to do this without Cathcart-Style IV/C which apparently is necessary and makes the mercury inert!!!)

I did post the "Brother Mike's" post earlier, but again for emphasis
Binding vs neutralizing.

If you expose mercury to ozone in a lab petri dish it will oxidize the mercury. Making the mercury water soluble and inert to the body. The body can then pull it out of the fat and expel it without it touching thousands of cells on the way out..killing them all. VERY VERY FEW THINGS HAVE THE ABILITY TO NEUTRALIZE MERCURY ON CONTACT.

Vitamin c acts in a similar way...and destroys the mercury on contact. So does glutathione. The body takes the inert broken down harmless mercury molecules out of the body. (In reality..not all mercury is 100% neutralized on site..some takes a while..and/or is partially neutralized, but that is better than just binding to the mercury molecules and dragging it through the body destroying everything in its path) NO ONE SEEMS TO KNOW THIS.

Mercury is so dangerous..why on God's earth ...

The knowledge we seem to be gaining here is vitamin C (and/or ozone and glutathione) can make mercury "inert", thus making it safe to use ALA and other stronger chelators, (esp. with IMD which can remove it via feces). Now glutathione cannot enter cells, so that reduces to Vitamin C and ozone, which makes vitamin C the practical piece of the puzzle. And we believe that is is the Cathcart-Style Sodium Ascorbate which ENTERS cells.

I agree, if one isn't using this form of vitamin C - intravenous infusions - then chelating mercury is VERY dangerous. IV/CC apparently works and safely.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:46 pm

I asked Mike, (who has the sister who told his uncle...) to summarize why he felt the Cathcart-style vitamin C infusion was so much better than ordinary commercial injectibles.

The answer is relevant to this and other discussions.

I've told you in other emails..

but in a brother..after taking benzodiazepines and other horrible big pharma meds..lost his ability to concentrate...became very anxious to the point he couldn't look at people..he looked sick all the time.. eyes were bloodshot..lips would become bloody chapped..he was sick..very sick..

no one knew how to get these poisons out of him..and of course mainstream docs are so egotistical and stupid that they would just think it was all psychological..and when I would show them the actual prescribing journal showing the meds can cause these protracted withdrawals..and physical symptoms.... they basically didn't know what to say ..because they were just so used to everyone never questioning them..

My course of a month..after Cathcart IV's...(mcguff iv's did nothing for him) went from never being able to beat me at tennis..if i wanted to..he could never have scored a point before he did the Cathcart Iv's..after the IV's .and then he was literally beating me out of extra practice..nothing..just boom..his brain started you have any idea how awesome that is for someone that was unable his WHOLE life to come anywhere near my athletic performance..and then all of a sudden become great in 30 days..

he became happier..wittier.. healthier..he started to lose his anxiety and fears..his eyes didn't get as bloodshot his other physical symptoms started to go away..

he's not 100 percent but he is lightyears better than where we started..

my sister had such severe mercury poisoning..her legs were burning so badly she would cry every the worst pain of course being the geniuses they are..had no idea how to help her

now her arms and legs barely give her any pain in comparison to before..all because of removing the mercury..from sodium ascorbate drips..

What happened was this..i would give a 100 gram cathcart drip..they would go through major herx..then after about a week or 2 would start to feel better ..and in the 3rd week or so..would be in a better state than before the drip. They had to go through the hell of detox..and I couldn't give them back to back drips because they would literally suffer so much it would not be sister tried a couple times and literally could not move for days.

but after they went through the drips..they would always reach a higher plateau

now with the mop up (slow drip followup) method..i am trying to do many more vitamin c cathcart drips..per month

Once my brother and sister reached the new plateau..they stayed there..because that poison is gone for good...The only thing that brings them down another drip.

Like I said before mcguff..drips at 100gram..10 of them..caused little to no herx at all with my brother..they just didn't effectively get past the blood brain sister noticed some herx..but nothing at all compared to the Cathcart..
a lot of her symptoms were in her body ..and that is why she noticed some herx on the mcguff..

Without sodium ascorbate brother and sister would be dead. My sister would have killed herself because the pain was too much to bare...and my brother would have been in so much suffering he probably would have wound up the same way...or worse. That is horribly morbid but all too true. Watching them suffer was ..well words can't describe how i felt..but it caused me to drop what most would call a perfect life in florida..and dedicate my life full time to finding the answers...

Nothing else was able to truly eliminate the cause of their problems..they are but 2 people...of many millions suffering horribly in silence with no one to turn one that has a fucking clue how to help them..and doctors that turn their back and pass them off to the psychiatrist for another heaping dose of big pharma's drugs that make everything much much worse.

That should answer your questions. Get this Cathcart drip out to the masses. Get it out to Everyone....there is nothing else out there like it.

I told one listened..I told Levy, Huggins, you...lots of other MD's..

Get a patent..write a paper..take the credit..I don't care..just get it out there. have it in your power to absolutely unlock the greatest discovery in medical history..with all these poisons in the world...causing so many health one has a clue how to remove them...they are at best barely tapping into a very very small amount of detoxification..just scratching the surface..if they really were detoxing the body completely..parkinsons.. disappear..but they aren't..and this is the only way to do it effectively.
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by Jacquie » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:19 am

of many millions suffering horribly in silence with no one to turn one that has a fucking clue how to help them..

Makes my blood boil... :x

Like I said before mcguff..drips at 100gram..10 of them..caused little to no herx at all with my brother..they just didn't effectively get past the blood brain barrier..

Wait, wait... so, Cathcart-style IVCs are better at getting past the BBB than commercial IVCs?! What other evidence is there for this, and by what mechanism does it happen?

This would explain the tumor necrosis-induced deaths in cancer patients with brain metastases who received IV sodium ascorbate (as reported by Drs. Cameron and Pauling in Cancer and Vitamin C)!!

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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:18 am

Wait, wait... so, Cathcart-style IVCs are better at getting past the BBB than commercial IVCs?! What other evidence is there for this, and by what mechanism does it happen?

This would explain the tumor necrosis-induced deaths in cancer patients with brain metastases who received IV sodium ascorbate (as reported by Drs. Cameron and Pauling in Cancer and Vitamin C)!!

Brilliant observation. And if you find out the answer before we do, please share! (Mike assumes his BBB theory is true because of the herx (inflammatory brain response) he gets from the Cathcart drips, but not the commercial drips. I remember from Sherry Lewin that DHA is permeable to membranes and the BBB, and perhaps there is more DHA in the Cathcart preparation?

Do you know, were all the drips given by Cameron/Pauling sodium ascorbate?
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by Johnwen » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:24 pm

Here's their paper! I haven't had time to read it all but from what I did read it appears to be a comparison of different forms. ... _JIAPM.pdf
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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by Jacquie » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:24 am

Do you know, were all the drips given by Cameron/Pauling sodium ascorbate?

I believe so. While Cameron and Campbell said in their original report that both the IV product and the oral product were "ascorbic acid", they also said:

Both the intravenous and the oral formulations we have used contain 57 mequiv. of sodium per... 10 g of ascorbic acid.

And their description of the "oral ascorbic acid" is a mixture containing 100 grams ascorbic acid and 48 grams sodium bicarbonate.

So even though they were a little loose with their terminology (especially in the book*, yikes), it seems they were indeed using sodium ascorbate. Someone else should double-check me on this, though.

*In Cancer and Vitamin C, Cameron and Pauling describe this same treatment variously as vitamin C, ascorbate, sodium ascorbate, or ascorbic acid, with or without the oral/IV clarification. *shakes fist at them*

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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by ofonorow » Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:34 am

pg 130 of the book they say "as sodium ascorbate" referring to the vitamin C they used.

I also went looking for the brain deaths, and while I did not find that exactly, I did read of 3 deaths (they called category 6) that occurred in rapidly growing and metastasized tumors after starting 10 g oral vitamin C (pgs. 163-167). They claim to have corrected this "problem" (large tumors dying too fast) by going to a protocol of 1 g day 1, 2 g day 2, 3 g day 3, etc. as explained on pg 166

thanks johnwen for the paper link
Owen R. Fonorow
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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by Jacquie » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:28 am

ofonorow wrote:I also went looking for the brain deaths, and while I did not find that exactly, I did read of 3 deaths (they called category 6) that occurred in rapidly growing and metastasized tumors after starting 10 g oral vitamin C (pgs. 163-167).

Yep, Category 6: Tumor Hemorrhage and Necrosis. Two of those dudes were on intravenous C, though, not oral:
In view of [Mr. X's] rapid downhill course... intravenous ascorbate in a dose regime of 10 g per 24 hours was instituted. Within 36 hours of commencing this form of treatment his clinical status deteriorated alarmingly... leading to his death...

[Mr. Y] was commenced on intravenous ascorbate, 8 g per day, with disastrous results. Within 36 hours (at which time his ascorbate infusion was stopped) the metastasis within his mouth disintegrated, with hemorrhage that could barely be controlled. He became extremely confused, with high fever, and soon lapsed into unconsciousness, and in spite of all the usual resuscitative measures died some 15 days later. An autopsy was performed and the appearances were quite remarkable. He had innumerable metastases scattered throughout the brain, the lungs, and the abdomen, but the striking feature was that all these metastases were dead, and could easily be scooped out.

And although the last guy was taking oral (presumably sodium) ascorbate, he also died from "hemorrhage from brain metastases":
On the day before [Mr. Z's] planned dismissal he was started on oral ascorbate, 10 g per day. Within 36 hours he suffered an epileptiform convulsion with steadily rising fever and signs of intracranial hemorrhage, leading to death in deep coma some three days later. ...there seems no doubt that the immediate cause of death was hemorrhage from brain metastases...

I'd been wondering why the brain mets showed just as much necrosis as the lung, abdomen, and other mets (since vitamin C entry into the brain is supposed to be rigidly controlled by the blood brain barrier), so the suggestion that sodium ascorbate makes the BBB more permeable is an intriguing hypothesis!

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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by scurvyencounters » Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:39 pm

Obviously, Constipation will block bowel elimination of mercury. And it turns out that people with low bile production tend to have constipation. Some people like my son have extremely low cholesterol. Since cholesterol is required for bile production, it possibly begins to explain why some people like my son have extraordinarily high vitamin C bowel tolerance levels.

IMD has not worked very well for my son. I think that may also be because of his slow bowels. IMD can't do anything with mercury if it is not first delivered via the bile into the small intestine. Slow bowels may partly explain his low tolerance for chelation. All the mercury is forced to go out through the kidneys which readily back up as well. And it may also explain poor tolerance for ALA in some of us whose bowel elimination is inadequate. We are trying to be more regular with using gentian root to boost the bile levels. Have ordered some ox bile to supplement. Also have been using enemas and planning to try colonics.

Thanks for the protocol info! I am eager to try high dose fish oil some day. But I still haven't found a medical person in my local area willing to help me with the cathcart IVs.


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Re: Fonorow-S. Mercury Brain Detox Protocol

Post by Jacquie » Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:01 am

scurvyencounters wrote:Obviously, Constipation will block bowel elimination of mercury. And it turns out that people with low bile production tend to have constipation. Some people like my son have extremely low cholesterol. Since cholesterol is required for bile production, it possibly begins to explain why some people like my son have extraordinarily high vitamin C bowel tolerance levels.

IMD has not worked very well for my son. I think that may also be because of his slow bowels. IMD can't do anything with mercury if it is not first delivered via the bile into the small intestine. Slow bowels may partly explain his low tolerance for chelation. All the mercury is forced to go out through the kidneys which readily back up as well. And it may also explain poor tolerance for ALA in some of us whose bowel elimination is inadequate.

Aha - I'd idly wondered what could cause someone to be a "low mercury excretor". Low cholesterol production makes sense. So the question becomes, can you eat enough dietary (or supplementary) cholesterol to make up for what the liver isn't producing?

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