Carotid Plaque - can you take too much lysine?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Carotid Plaque - can you take too much lysine?

Post by ofonorow » Thu Jan 12, 2012 4:42 am

Dear Owen,

Last month I had an ultrasound scan that indicated "soft plaque" in my left carotid artery. I immediately contacted my primary physician Dr. [a D.O. ] who has started me on a course of chelation therapy. I have done chelation before as a preventative protocol....never had any artery plaque! (last treatment 10 years ago)

I was /very/ distressed to find that I had plaque build up! I have watched my diet, exercise daily and take mega-vitamin protocols which include extra C (5000mg/ daily) for quality of life and life extension reasons. Male: 60 years old, 5'-8", 147lbs. ( People think I'm in

Last week a friend printed out an article describing the Linus Pauling protocol and his theory about the link between vitamin C deficiency and heart/artery disease. I ordered a half case of Cardio-C today. If I take 18,000mg of vitamin C in Cardio-C, I will greatly exceed the upper level dosage of Lysine (6000mg) that Pauling recommends for "resolving existing plaque" since the level of Lysine in each serving is the same as Vitamin C.

Would taking higher dosage of lysine give a better result according to Pauling? If so how much? Did Dr Pauling indicate that there is a Lysine Would taking higher dosage of lysine give a better result according to Pauling? If so how much? Did Dr Pauling indicate that there is a Lysine toxicity level? Did he indicate changing the level of lysine intake if tests show that plaques are not healing?

Thanks for your time and attention in this matter.

Do you know your vitamin C bowel tolerance? You mention 5000 daily, and I have written that few people who take 10,000 daily suffer CVD.

While you are waiting for your order, you might try this protocol
starting with your current vitamin C intake and working upward.

The fact that it is soft plaque indicates to me that it may be resolved in 30 days. In my book, I recount the story of my uncle. My aunt got the dosage wrong and instead of 5 g vitamin C and 5 g lysine daily , she gave him 5 500 mg pills of each, or 2500 mg of lysine daily - and surgery verified his carotid artery had cleared in 30 days.

Some people have tried up to 5 jars (or 5 times 2500 or 12,500 mg lysine) with no reported ill effects. And some of our more famous cases recovered extremely quickly by immediately going to very high dosages. However, we don't generally recommend doing this
because of ordinary vitamin C bowel tolerance issues. That first protocol will help you determine your C bowel tolerance.

So I would recommend 2 or 3 jars of Cardio-C monthly, and take the rest of the vitamin C as powder (sodium ascorbate is not a bad idea) added to the Cardio-C drinks.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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Re: Carotid Plaque - can you take too much lysine?

Post by Johnwen » Thu Jan 12, 2012 5:04 am

Excellent advice by Owen!

However this gentleman dosen't indicate how much Lysine he's now taking?
While he's doing his BT test he should also add about 3-5 grams of L-lysine.
This should get the ball rolling in the right direction for him.
Now!! is the key word here.
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