Should we have a concern with taking Cardio C w/meds?

The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Should we have a concern with taking Cardio C w/meds?

Post by ofonorow » Tue Mar 13, 2012 2:56 am

My wife and I ordered your Cardio C and have a concern about possible interactions with prescriptions, vitamins and herbs. My wife is diabetic II and was told it was dangerous to take over 300mg of vitamin C a day because it could possibly cause a heart attack, is this true?

The prescriptions I am on Crestor ( 20mg daily ) for Cholesterol, Amlodipine ( 2.5mg daily ) and Lisinop/HCTZ ( 20-25mg daily ) for High Blood Pressure along with Prevacid ( 15mg daily ) for Acid Reflux.

My wife takes Metformin ( 1,000mg twice daily ) and Januvia ( 100mg daily ) for Diabetes, Crestor ( 5mg daily ) and Diovan ( 80mg daily ) for High Blood Pressure.

The Vitamin and Herbs we take daily are:

Krill Oil plus CoQ10
Vitamin D3 ( 2,000iu )
Aloe Vera Capsules ( 400mg )
Selenium ( 200mcg )
Flax Seed

Should we have a concern with taking Cardio C?

My concern is with the drugs you are taking - not vitamin C, lysine and proline!

I can provide you with a long list of recent studies that show how beneficial vitamin C is to diabetics. e.g.

Any person who says that taking more than 300 mg will "cause a heart attack" in diabetics is lying. For some people, I say, taking less than 10,000 mg daily will lead to a heart attack.

Anyway, the way to think about this is that the nutrients in Cardio-C are all required in some amount for life, with the possible exception of proline - which the body makes for itself. But it may be that as we age, we make less proline, leading to a great risk of heart disease.

Vitamin C and lysine are required for life and have no known toxic dose, and people who are taking scores of heart medications have gotten well following LInus Pauling's advice since we began promoting his theory around 1994.

Finally, if your wife has Type II diabetes, it can and should be reversed, and this should make Pauling's therapy more effective (since glucose and vitamin C may compete for entry into cells. Glucose wins, and crowds out vitamin C, so high blood glucose levels are not good for this reason.)

Here is an article that explains the issue and his entire web site is devoted to naturally curing Type II which he says science knows is caused by processed food containing trans fatty acids.

Rereading I notice that you take a stomach acid blocker!? I recommend Jonathan Wright's book WHY STOMACH ACID IS GOOD FOR YOU and it turns out that for vitamin C to be absorbed through the stomach lining (ascorbic acid) there has to be stomach acid, so this is yet another way these acid blockers are harmful. I have found that a product NOGERD (from LetsTalkHealth) can reduce and/or eliminate GERD if taken daily.

According to Public Citizen, Crestor is the worst (most dangerous) of all statin cholesterol-lowering drugs! See:

And looking at your list of supplements. Where is the multi vitamin/multi mineral? Vitamin C?
Vitamin E? Vitamin A? B-complex!? Please read Linus Pauling's book HOW TO LIVE LONGER AND FEEL BETTER. You might adopt his regimen (as I did in 1986) ) with a few additions (e.g. Magnesium) and try to wean yourself off as many of those drugs as possible!
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

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