
The discussion of the Linus Pauling vitamin C/lysine invention for chronic scurvy

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Post by weldo » Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:47 pm

Greetings :-) This is my first post so I thought I would use it to introduce myself by way of posting the email that I sent to Owen when registering for the forum . . . .

"I am excited and relieved beyond words to have found you and the Foundation and the work of Linus Pauling. I have bought and read your wonderful book "Practicing Medicine Without a Licence"

I have familial hyper-cholestorolaemia and a father who died of his third heart attack at age 39. My GP prescribed a relatively low dose statin about 10 years ago but I didn't take them because of the research I was reading. I have just been diagnosed with atherosclerosis (70% blocked in one artery, 50% in another and a 'high grade stenosis' in another) following investigation after some mild chest pain. I have not had a heart attack.

A stress test proved "re-assuring" - no pain or shortness of breath and the ultrasound was good. Despite this, my cardiologist prescribed 80mg per day Atorvastatin "to drive cholestorol down to target", a beta blocker (despite me having always had perfect blood pressure 120/70) and low dose aspirin. I am taking the Aspirin.

After the diagnosis, I did more research. It was not difficult to become convinced that statins would not benefit and, in fact, might harm me!! What I didn't know was what therapy I should use, because clearly there was a problem!!! Then I found you guys. I have tears in my eyes as I write this from the sheer relief that I feel that not only can I avoid those deadly drugs (to date I have not taken a single statin) but there is a therapy that I trust will work and have embarked upon.

Interestingly, my cardiologist recommended an Lp(a) pathology test (he must know something) - result is 240mg/dl (measured not calculated) Yes I know, 20X greater than Pauling suggests "will begin to deposit plaque causing athersclerosis" so I am guessing this is the culprit!! Anyway, I have been taking high dose Vitamin C and lysine for four weeks and am about to have new pathology tests. I am guessing from reading the book that I will need to add proline too :-)

It seems Owen that most of the testimonials in your book come from people who had reached the end of the line, nowhere else to go. I guess I am at the beginning of the line having only recently been diagnosed and never having taken a statin. Watch this space.

Thank you from the bottom of my (thankfully still healthy) heart.
And see you in the forum! . . . .

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Re: gratitude

Post by ofonorow » Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:41 am

Welcome, thanks for the kind words, and I admire your courage to think for yourself and not automatically adopt what a doctor recommends. (Heart disease is the number one killer, so it is not irrational to assume that those doctors charged with treating heart disease don't know exactly what they are doing :( )

Or maybe they do, sigh.

And, given your extremely elevated Lp(a), taking Lp(a) binding inhibitors makes a great deal of sense.

Proline may be key for you, as you seem to already know. There is more and more anecdotal evidence that additional proline is required before serum Lp(a) is appreciably reduced, and in your case, I would take more proline rather than less! Yes please keep us informed.
Owen R. Fonorow
American Scientist's Invention Could Prevent 350,000 Heart Bypass Operations a year

Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:24 pm

Re: gratitude

Post by weldo » Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:34 pm

Thanks Owen. Will do. I am thinking 1000mg a day to start.
Hope you are feeling better!

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